- Board Members present: Sherrod Barnes-Ginifer, Joe Fioccola, Lynn Hall, Rebecca Lance, and Rich Peterson.Members not presentDanny Aull, Lesa Peterson,Sandy Sox, and Shelly Schenker.Also present:Jessie Coleman,Gerald Harbinson, Rachel Larson, Leslie Meyers, Amanda Paffrath, Bruce Sales, APD Lt Chuck Sams, Pattiy Torno, APD CRO Justin Wilson.
INTROS: Lynn called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm with a round of introductions.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Rebecca moved and Lynn seconded a motion to approve the draft March 7 minutes as emailed and corrected. The motion passed.
APD CRO UPDATE: Officer Wilson followed up on the Duke Property issue. Two homeless campers were evicted from behind Knoxville Place and he asked Duke to clear the debris left on their lot. There was a legal question about removal of personal property from privately owned land (possibly requiring 30 days written notice) confused with the city policy of 7 days notice to remove personal belongings from city owned land. There was a homeless camp reported behind Club Street which has been removed and Carrie notified NCDOT to clean up the debris.
A few incidents of property crime were reported: a car window smashed on Jefferson, the lock on a storage shed at Curve Studios was cut and a bicycle and chop saw stolen. The bike was recovered at the Mall. Last week the burn pit was used at Curve and some items were left there unsecured. Pattiy reported that the stone yard property was now posted but there is still a lot of activity in the area. Justin also reported a person with a bicycle stolen from Coxe avenue was found and arrested on Clingman Avenue.
Finally, a rape was reported on the NCDOT hill behind the Boy Scout’s building. It involved three homeless subjects who knew each other and were involved with drugs. Lynn reported homeless campsites visible off the shoulder of I-240 E between Clingman Avenue and Montford Avenue behind the businesses on Haywood Street.
A short discussion followed about approaching the Haywood Street Congregation or others about promoting good neighbor behaviors among their people. Justin suggested checking with Homeless Lead Brian Huskey. The issue of Traffic Counts on West Haywood and Roberts Street came up again. The weather was cited as a reason for the delay. Chuck will check and see where this is on their list.
TREASURERS REPORT: Rebecca reported that the 990 tax form was filed today. WECAN is set up in the IRS system and she will add that info to the Treasurer’s file. The actual filing only took 5 minutes and all the previous filings are stored and available online. There was no other activity last month the balance is $760.99.
Pattiy requested assistance for the RADBA second Saturday’s effort. In June, July and August at 14 Riverside Drive as part of the One Neighborhood program they partner with the City of Asheville to hire the LEAF Easel rider van for art projects for neighborhood children. The cost is $900 and the request is for WECAN to act as fiscal agent for RADBA like we did for New Belgium last year. It would mean some additional work for WECAN’s Treasurer. Rebecca moved and Lynn seconded that WECAN function as co-sponsor of One Neighborhood project as fiscal agent for RADBA. The motion passed.
OPPORTUNITY ZONES: What they mean for WECAN:
Paul D’Angelo, Housing Development Specialist with City of Asheville explained the ongoing history. One adjustment to the 2017 Tax code was the opportunity to invest capital gains in lower income census tracts. The city was approached to identify these tracts with a focus on equity and community issues. Buncombe County qualified for 20 Census Tracts and five were chosen: 2, 7, 9, 14, and 20. (WECAN is in Census Tract 9.)
Since they were identified the equity issues seem to have been dropped in favor of focusing on deferring, delaying and reducing Capital Gains taxes. There has been no legislative action since October 2018 and Pisgah Legal has asked the city to delay taking action until they have completed their study. The funds could be used for new construction and rehabilitation (but not renovation.) They would delay, deduct or divert Capital Gains taxes due but any gains on the investment would also be tax free.
One criticism of the scheme is that it looks like Urban Renewal 2.0. City Council passed a resolution to pay attention to equity issues and the Planning department now has a checkbox to ask about Opportunity Zones for new development projects but the city is limited in enforcing except through the conditional zoning, community input and having a neighborhood plans. There is more information on the City Website, Buncombe County (Rebecca Brothers), The Chamber of Commerce, and Pisgah Legal who is also looking for ‘angel investors’ who would be more concerned with the equity issues.
Paul also noted that there would be more information soon on 360 Hilliard Avenue. Payne Kassinger would now be going for 80 units with 34 affordable.
There was some discussion of the WECAN Citizen’s Master Plan created in 2000 and adopted by City Council in 2008 and which can be viewed on the city website.
Joe noted that the big tree in the field at 339 W Haywood Street was removed today. It is sad to see it go but it was not a healthy tree.
He set an Adopt-a-Highway litter pick up date for Tuesday April 16 at 9 am starting at the WECAN sign garden at the corner of Clingman and Hilliard. Bring gloves, orange bags provided.
National Night Out applications should be arriving soon. They are due by July 5 and include a registration form and Street Closure permit. (Fees are waved for street closures and park usage.) NNO is a national event to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie.
We are looking at partnering with S French Broad neighborhood with a cook-out at Aston Park and walk through the neighborhoods on Tuesday August 6 from 5-7. For additional questions contact APD Crime Prevention Officer Ryan Justus: rjustus@ashevillenc.govor Officer Keith McCulloch at kmcculloch@ashevillenc.gov.
Rich reported that on April 11, 2019 - The Jeff Bowen Bridge / Patton Avenue Subcommittee of the I-26 Aesthetics Committee will be meeting at 230 Pearson Drive from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm.
FOLLOW UP 2019 OBJECTIVES and CAPTAINS: Lynn continued this item from the last two meetings to get some leadership on these items.
--Adopt A Highway: Joe
--4th of July—Not really a thing. Maybe the second General membership meeting?
--Halloween Party: Rebecca
--Newsletter: Joe editor
--WECAN Garden Club: Sign Garden, Edible Garden, O-B Pk Sunny Cultural garden, Kudzu Hill: Joe and Pattiy
--Communications: Lesa, Rebecca
--Street Safety: Rich, Lynn
--Queen Carson Community Garden organizing: Sherrod (Byron set up Face Book page)
Goals Suggestions: Build neighborhood participation and enthusiasm: Lynn
--Christmas caroling: Rebecca, Pattiy, Joanne
--Welcome Wagon Effort: Rachel? Lesa?
--Board Member Outreach: Lynn
--Block Jessie Captains: area point person, informal communication getting info out and distribute newsletters: Rebecca
ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT: The consent agenda item was moved to the April 9 City Council Meeting. The main goal is to keep it clear and visible to discourage camping and to make it look cared for and not abandoned. Any planting must be approved by the city and the state.
34 JEFFERSON DRIVE LOT (OLD OAK TREE): Leslie contacted Patchwork Gardens at Bountiful Cities. Nicole Hinebaugh advised that they are rewriting their by-laws to be able to manage properties donated to them but currently are not able to buy or receive the lot for preservation. There was some discussion of raising money to purchase lot from MHO and questions were raised about a non-profit owing property taxes. Lynn will ask Mike for more time to make a proposal and ask what the minimum cost would be to purchase. (FYI: The lot is 0.18 acre. And the tax value in 2006 was $24,800 and in 2019 is $97,300.)
NEIGHBORHOOD TILES: Rebecca picked up the 36 remaining tiles.100 tiles were originally produced in December 2002 but there is no list of distribution. Rebecca suggested several things; Present a tile to long time residents; Sell on a sliding scale between $25 and $200; or an opportunity to support the neighborhood with a special large project. Some should be set aside for awarding participation or contributions to the neighborhood but there was no consensus yet.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary
Mark your Calendars for upcoming events and meetings
April 7 5-7 pm Kudzu Hill Workday
April 8 4-6 pm CAN Meeting
April 13 10 am GreenWorks Hard 2o Recycle @ First Baptist Church Oak Street
April 16 9 am Adopt a Highway Cleanup
April 21 5-7 pm Kudzu Hill Workday
April 22 6:30 pm Neighborhood Advisory Committee
May 2 6:30 pm WECAN Board Meeting
May 26 TBA Jessie Coleman 81 Birthday/new home party
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Monday, June 10, 2019
WECAN Meeting Minutes April 4, 2019
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WECAN Board Meeting Minutes April 1, 2021 meeting on Zoom @ 6:30 pm Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Mike Kenton, R eb...
WECAN Board Meeting Minutes February 4, 2021 meeting on Zoom @ 6:30 pm Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Katherine DeVos Devine, Joe ...
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