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Friday, November 30, 2018
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Friday, October 5, 2018
WECAN October 2018 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
WECAN Board Meeting Minutes October 4, 2018
Board Members present: Danny Aull, Joe Fioccola, Lynn Hall, and Pattiy
Torno. Members not present Byron Ballard, Jessie Coleman, Jared Fischer,
Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larson, Luke Perry, Floree Lowery, Caroline Mullis.
Also present Gerald Harbinson, Rich Peterson, APD Community Liaison Lt
Chuck Sams, John Steinkraus and CRO Justin Wilson.
INTROS: Lynn called the meeting to order at 6:313 pm with a round of
MINUTES: Danny moved and Pattiy seconded a motion to approve the minutes
as emailed. The motion passed.
TREASURERS REPORT: Rebecca reported no activity in September. The balance
is $460.99.
APD CRO UPDATE: Officer Wilson announced that the city has hired a new
Homeless Coordinator. He will invite Brian Huskey to a future WECAN
meeting. A person caught on camera was charged with vandalism to the Jonas
Gerard Studio. A backpack found in the river exploded on a kayak doing a
river cleanup. No one was injured when the portable meth lab detonated. On
September 24 a body was found at a Clingman Avenue job site but it appears
the 53 year old man died of natural causes. An unlocked vehicle was broken
into and the victim also complained about finding syringes in the park.
Pattiy announced that she has a sharps container if ever needles need to
be disposed. There are no conclusions from studies on whether sharps boxes
or needle exchanges are effective or not. There was a question about
reporting vagrancy or loitering. Justin noted that neither are crimes,
however any suspicious activity can be investigated by officers, even
though many times there is an innocent explanation. A witness saw the
shooting on September 7 near Clingman and Hilliard between two vehicles.
Later a gunshot wound was reported on the Jeff Bowen Bridge. The victim
survived but is still hospitalized and was not cooperative about the
incident that began at Lee Walker Heights. A tent was reported in the
ravine behind Merritt Park. There was a question about a gang war.
Apparently there are some gang members in Asheville but no big organized
groups and many conflicts are between individuals who are gang members
rather than between gangs. A question was asked about the crime rate in
Asheville. With no specifics Justin feels the violent crime rate is up and
reminded that on the city website is a community crime map where citizens
can look up different types of reports in geographic areas.
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: Ewan Zachary Davis was born to Amanda and
Travis on Jefferson. Another Jefferson resident complained about crazy
drivers. The Curve Studios wwere prepared for hurricane Florence but were
not flooded. Joe noticed a Road Closure sign on Clingman closing Smathers
Lane which apparently runs west from Clingman Avenue .
SAFE STREETS PROPOSAL: Rich and Lyn met with Ken Putnam and the new
traffic Engineer Andrew Cibor about speeding traffic on West Haywood
Street from Hilliard to Roberts. They discussed different ideas about
traffic calming. Step one is to collect data. We are on the tubes
listwhich will tract times of day, speeds and volume. A traffic count
over a thousand takes you to step two: updating the location and
visibility of the speed limit signs. Step three is to use the ‘your speed
is’ signs and consider other options such as speed humps, or recommending
one way traffic. Lynn noted the process is ongoing and will report back
on updates.
PROTOCOL FOR BOARD MEMBERSHIP: Joe noted the by-laws are posted on the
WECAN Website explaining the election of board members to three year terms
in November. They elected board selects the roles of officer at the
January meeting. Board members may served up tp two consecutive three year
terms before having to rotate off the board for a year. Among new duties
to be assigned will be for the Chair to publish meeting agenda and the
Vice Chair to publish the minutes and reminders. Pattiy noted the
Communications Committee was working on a plan for organizing distribution
of records and notices. Three who must rotate off in 2019 ate Byron,
Rachel and Pattiy. Two who may serve are Rich or Lesa and Ben. Pattiy
noted we should strive for diversity of all kinds.
From the ByLaws:
A. The property, affairs and activities of the Corporation shall be
managed by a Board of Directors.
B. Directors:
1. There may be up to 15 Directors of the Corporation
2. There shall be two classes of Directors:
a. Resident Directors who must be members of the Corporation
and shall be elected by the membership at its Annual Meeting.
This class must constitute at least 60% of the Board of
b. At-Large Directors who shall be elected by the Resident
Directors and shall constitute up to, but nor more than 40% of
the total number of Directors. The Resident Directors may
from time to time decide on criteria for selecting At Large
Directors, but must provide for representation of WECAN
non-resident property owners.
a. Resident Directors shall be elected for three year terms
and shall be organized in annual classes with each class
serving a different three year term. No Resident Director
shall serve more than two consecutive, three year terms. Terms
shall begin on January 1, following the Annual Meeting.
b. At-Large Directors shall be elected to one year terms at
the January meeting of the Board of Directors.
DUKE SUBSTATION: Duke will appear before the Downtoen Commission on Friday
October 12 at 8:30 on the first floor of City Hall. They are set to go to
Planning and Zoning in December and City Council in January.
NCDOT ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT: Joe checked back with Ken Putnam and the
agreement has been received from NCDOT but has not heard of progress from
the city.
KUDZU HILL WORKDAY The last two days set were rained out, but the
GreenWorks crew is set to work on Friday October 5 at 10 am. Also regular
scheduled workdays are 5 pm Sunday October 7 and 21.
WECAN NEWSLETTER: The deadline was set for Friday October 26 which just
happens to be Pattiy’s birthday. The following assignments are expected:
Joe: Adopt A Highway, Tax Exemption and Kudzu Cleanup. Pattiy: Duke
SubStation, RADTIP (and photos of Jessie and Kudzu Hill.) Rebecca:
Community Garden Update and Participation Appeal. Rachel: Memorial for
John Weber. Charlie: Cartoon.
RENAMING STREET ISSUE: The City Street name coordinator affirmed that it
is a good time to rename the section of Park Avenue North behind Grey
Eagle--since no one is currently living there. It is confusing for 911 to
have two discontinuous sections of a street with the same name. He
received a request from a developer to call it RAD VIEW RIDGE. Pattiy is
concerned about the commercialization aspect and that it contributes
nothing to the neighborhood. She suggested remembering some of the first
River Artists Porge and Lewis Buck and was dismissed. Another suggestion
was Thunder Road which at least relates to the history of place. (The
Robert Mitchum movie was filmed there.) The general feeling is that it
should respect and relate to the neighborhood.
144 RIVERSIDE DRIVE: The Planning and Design Review Committee of the
Asheville Area Riverfront Redevelopment Commission will meet in the 5th
floor of City Hall at 11 am, Monday October 8th. The purpose of the
meeting is to perform Design Review on one or more projects in the Wilma
Dykeman RiverWay corridor, including the Jettie Rae's Restaurant proposal
for 144 Riverside Drive.
FESTIVAL OF NEIGHBORHOODS: Joe announced that the Neighborhood Advisory
Committee event will take place at AB Tech on Saturday October 27 from
10-12 to find out about Plan on a Page, Corridor Plans and Small Area
Plans. Flyer attached.
Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary
Mark your Calendars for upcoming events and meetings
Oct 5 Friday 10 am GreenWorks Kudzu Hill workday
Oct 7 Sunday 5-6 pm Kudzu Hill Work Hour
Oct 12 Friday 8:30 am Downtown Commission Duke meeting
Oct 13/14 Sat/Sun Parade of Homes including 21 Girdwood Street
Oct 13 Saturday RAD Second Saturdays
Oct 11 Thursday 6-7 pm Community Garden Meet Up
Oct 18 Thursday 6-7 pm Community Garden Meet Up
Oct 25 Thursday 6-7 pm Community Garden Meet Up
Oct 20/21 Sat/Sun Parade of Homes including 21 Girdwood Street
Oct 21 Sunday 5-6 pm Kudzu Hill Work Hour
Oct 26 Newsletter copy
Oct 27 Saturday 10-12 Festival of Neighborhoods AB
Oct 31 Wednesday 5:30 Halloween Pot Luck at Community
Friday, September 7, 2018
WECAN September 2018 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
WECAN Board Meeting Minutes September 6, 2018
Board Members present: Danny Aull, Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Rebecca
Lance, Rachel Larson, and Pattiy Torno. Members not present Jessie
Coleman, Jared Fischer, Lynn Hall, Luke Perry, Floree Lowery, Caroline
Mullis. Also present APD CRO Justin Wilson.
INTROS: Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm.
MINUTES: Byron moved and Pattiy seconded a motion to approve the minutes
as emailed. The motion passed.
APD CRO UPDATE: Officer Wilson reported homeless and drug issues near the
Boy Scouts building. A BMW with bullet holes left on Clingman Ave was
disabled with a flat tire, but the bullet holes were received at Erskine
Apartments last month. There was an attempted burglary of a power washer
at 63 Clingman Ave. A truck was broken into on Clingman and a laptop and
cash stolen from a vehicle on West Haywood. An officer initiated check on
the end of Jefferson lead to an arrest of two subjects doing drugs. There
was a fight at the Wedge Brewery and a break-in at the Bull and Beggar
also a larceny of a phone at the Wedge. Joe observed a blue tarp covering
some items next to the WECAN sign.. Pattiy noted that Asheville GreenWorks
was placing sharps containers and looking for appropriate places to locate
them. Joe reported that the S French Broad Neighborhood may be interested
in joining WECAN for next National Night Out at Aston Park. Rebecca
observed and reported a painter polluting the storm drain in N Ann Street.
There was some discussion about dealing with prostitution problems around
the city.
TREASURERS REPORT: Rebecca reported mo activity in June, August and
September. In July one check cleared for Community Garden supplies and a
check foe $325 was deposited from Pattiy to cover part of the IRS fees.
The current balance in $460.99. Joe noted that it has been 90 days since
the IRS received the Reactivation application and we should hear very soon
or else in another 90 days.
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: No one knows when Jessie is moving. Joe
complained about dog poop in his driveway. Rachel thinks she knows the dog
responsible—since the owner obviously isn’t. Possible solutions were
offered to keep parked cars from
blocking the entrance to 34 Girdwood Street. Rebecca wants to gather the
Jefferson Drive residents to talk about issues there. Byron added Rachel
and Rebecca to the WECAN FaceBook Page Admin. Pattiy explained the
changing of the name of Riverside Drive and all that will entail. Curve
Studios new addresses will be 3, 5 and 7 River Arts Place. A public
hearing will be at City Council on Tuesday September 11. Joe was seen in a
video purportedly from this year’s National Night Out but were actually
from the Clingman Circle Celebration prep days.
meeting. It will be on September 19 at 6 p.m. at Rebecca’s.
NCDOT ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT: Joe will check back with Ken Putnam to check
on any progress with the NCDOT.
KUDZU HILL WORKDAY Two successful workdays have been held so far on August
5 and September 2. The first one was so exhausting that the second one was
limited to one hour and scheduled for the first and third (and fifth)
Sundays. Pattiy reported that GreenWorks scheduled a crew to attack the
kudzu and was planning on 2 crews in early March.
QUEEN CARSON COMMUNITY GARDEN: A new couple from Merritt Park moved into
the city and misses gardening. They are building a new bed. The Tuesday
meeting times have been proving inconvenient. The new Community Garden
meet up time will be Thursdays at 6 p.m.
WECAN NEWSLETTER: the following assignments were made for articles: Joe:
Adopt A Highway, Tax Exemption and Kudzu Cleanup. Pattiy: Duke SubStation,
RADTIP and pfotos of Jessie and Kudzu Hill. Rebecca: Community Garden
Update and Participation Appeal. Rachel: Memorial for John. Charlie:
Cartoon. Neighbor Profile? Patton Apartments?
THANK-YOU’S: Rachel working on MSD, Jason Walls, Duke Arborist, David
CLINGMAN TRIANGLE WORKDAY: Set for Sunday September 9 at 9 AM to weed,
trim and spread mulch. (provided by Pattiy)
JESSIE MAE MEMORIAL GARDEN: Planting will occur in October.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY: The date was set for Tuesday September 25 at 9 AM to do
the Fall clean up and place the new 20-Year stickers and take some
COMMUNICATION DISCUSSION: Pattiy noted that other groups are discussing
solutions to timely minutes distribution. Ideally she thinks they should
go out within a couple of days to a wide audience instead of the current
system (of sending the draft minutes just to the board and attendees.)
Even posting approved minutes the following month would be too late for
some events. She feels that keeping them in an insular group diminishes
participation. This discussion will continue to seek ways to keep all
members informed of upcoming events
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary
Mark your Calendars for upcoming events and meetings
Sept 8 Saturday RAD Second Saturdays
Sept 9 Sunday 9-12 am: Clingman Triangle workday
Sept 11 Tuesday 5 pm City Council Hearing: River Arts Place
Sept 13 Thursday 6-7 pm Community Garden Meet Up
Sept 16 Sunday 5-6 pm Kudzu Hill Work Hour
Sept 19 Wednesday 6pm Mailing Contact Lists working group
Sept 20 Thursday 6-7 pm Community Garden Meet Up
Sept 25 Tuesday 9-11 Adopt A Highway Litter Pick Up
Sept 20 Thursday 6-7 pm Community Garden Meet Up
Sept 30 Sunday 5-6 pm Kudzu Hill Work Hour
Friday, August 3, 2018
WECAN August 2018 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
WECAN Board Meeting Minutes August 2, 2018
Board Members present: Danny Aull, Byron Ballard, Jessie Coleman, Joe
Fioccola, Lynn Hall, Luke Perry and Pattiy Torno. Members not present:
Jared Fischer, Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larson, Floree Lowery, Caroline
INTROS: Joe called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
MINUTES: Byron moved and Lynn seconded a motion to approve the minutes as
emailed. The motion passed.
APD CRO UPDATE: Joe read the update from CRO Justin Wilson by email:
attempted break-in of a home on West Haywood, Burglary on Clingman Ave,
not sure if the two are related. Austin CPA on W Haywood reported vagrants
sleeping, trespassing human waste trash, etc. Homeless camps on the west
side of the river between New Belgium and the dog park are being tended to
including a large scale clean-up and safety improvements. Pattiy added
that RADBA was informed that construction of the FBR greenway is set to
begin soon and no trespassing signs will go up closing the un-built
section until construction is complete. Danny reported that he has
installed a motion activated camera from the front of his house on
Jefferson. He was happy to report that between 12 and 2 and it shows
police patrols but that from 3-5 shows vehicles going to the turn around
and leaving a short while after. He can’t tell if they are doing something
illegal or casing the residences. Pattiy noted that the bathrooms at 14
Riverside weren’t being locked at night. The new security guard unlocked
them on Wednesday at 02:45. They are supposed to be locked from Dusk to
DUKE SUBSTATION UPDATE: Pattiy reported that at the Public meeting on
August 1 went well. The plan is to have a working Gas-insulated substation
in service by June 2020. It will be in the northwest corner of the
property and be a brick and rusted steel fenced building with a retaining
wall facing Knoxville Place that is 20 feet at the lowest point. She
thanked the Duke working group who set out parameters and Duke actually
paid attention. Questions arose about noise levels since outdoor
transformers make noise. It is unclear exactly what it will sound like in
decibels or megahertz. Another concern is EMF (electro-magnetic fields).
The science shows exponential drop off with distance and the higher
transmission lines should therefore be safer. There is still some doubt
that things will be right until after it is done. Pattiy acknowledged the
research by Lou Popovich and Mike Wasmer from SFB Neighborhood and says
she is cautiously optimistic. Next month demo and site prep will begin.
Technical Review meets August 15 and will see a floor plan and elevation.
The September Downtown Commission will see refined materials. October it
goes to Planning and Zoning Meeting and in November to City Council.
NCDOT ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT: Joe received an email on July 22 from Ken
Putnam stating that ‘the NCDOT is now in the process of preparing the
appropriate maintenance agreement for the city’s review and further
CLINGMAN SATREETSCAPE: Pattiy reported that the city has hired a firm to
maintain the medians all over the city. She will meet with Chad Bandy to
direct them on what needs to be mowed or mulched from the traffic circle
to the Grey Eagle and what the RADBA paid maintenance person can be freed
up to do..
RADTIP: road closures will continue north to the train trestle through
August. Rumor has it that New Belgium won’t be using that route for its
trucks. Pattiy noted a push from Asheville on Bikes to work on the grade
level crossing north of the railroad trestle. Norfolk Southern rejected
one proposal and they are championing a reroute of the greenway/sidewalk
west of White Duck Taco. She noted some funds in RADTIP that may be
available for some changes but what was proposed was too expensive. There
is also some hope for funding the “missing mile” (between the railroad
trestle and Broadway and into Woodfin.)
JESSIE MAE MEMORIAL GARDEN: Planting should occur in September and
October. The edible triangle is also doing well and may need a workday.
helped set up a MailChimp WECAN list. It is still a work in progress and
the next meeting is set for August 8.
KUDZU HILL WORKDAY: Sunday August 5 at 5 pm is set for the next workday.
We will try pushing the cuttings up the hill instead of where they aren’t
being picked up by the sidewalk. RADBA is exploring the use of goats to
clear the area. Reclaiming the area from kudzu may take up to five years.
Pattiy hopes to get a large group together with Asheville Green Works and
Riverlink in February for other treatment.
QUEEN CARSON COMMUNITY GARDEN: We need to try and start a fall
planting--maybe broccoli, greens, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, beets.
The rain saucers are working well.
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: New House on Girdwood will be a live-work
space. Sylvia Organ has bought Marjorie’s house Floree’s may be under
contract. Jessie moving to High Meadow Drive in Enka and will have a party
when she moves in.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY: Joe received the 20-year stickers and also got a new
orange vest with the 20 years stars on the back.
For future Planning:
August 7: National Night Out S French Broad
September 6: IRS ruling due
October 27: Festival of Neighborhoods,
Jessie Mae planting, General Membership meeting/Social
November: WECAN News
December: Election to WECAN Board
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
WECAN May 2018 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
WECAN Board Meeting Minutes May 3, 2018
Board Members present: Danny Aull, Joe Fioccola, Jared Fischer, Lynn Hall,
Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larson, Caroline Mullis, Luke Perry and Pattiy
Torno. Members not present: Byron Ballard, Jessie Coleman, Also Present:
Bill McCurdy, John and Lynne Diamond Nigh,
INTROS: Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm.
MINUTES: Joe read his comments during the public comment period of the NAC
Central Area Meeting. Rachel was disappointed in the comments and feels
bad about not showing up. Lynn felt upset reading the minutes and took the
comments about gentrification personally. Pattiy suggested the challenge
was to word it better and not represent it as WECAN’s view of
gentrification. Lynn sees the challenge as how to manage it better going
forward and engage the neighborhood. Luke always looks at who benefits
and WECAN helps bring people together. How we participate in the community
is what is important. Jared empathized with both sides and lauded what
Byron and Joe have done for the neighborhood over the decades of service,
care, honor, passion, justice and wants to honor that as well. Dan offered
that everyone want a clean, safe neighborhood without traffic congestion,
and is that wrong? Joe explained that his comments were given at a public
meeting of a committee on which he serves and which is reflected in their
minutes. It came to WECAN minutes as a report on that Central Area
Meeting. It represented his opinion. Lynn moved and Pattiy seconded a
motion to approved the Draft WECAN minutes from April 5 with the assertion
that the comments about the Central Area Meeting did not reflect the
opinions of everyone in WECAN. The motion passed.
CRO Update: Pattiy noted the huge and growing homeless camp on the west
bank of the river. Rebecca noted that CRO Justin Wilson had sent her some
information to pass out about safety. She will post it on the FB Page and
make some copies to distribute door to door. Two lights have been placed
at the end of Jefferson but no signs about community watch.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Rebecca reported the checking balance was $811.42.
HomeTrust Bank has requested a resolution authorizing them to sent
statements to the treasurer.
Joe Moved and Pattiy seconded the motion to change account information for
the WECAN account at HomeTrust Bank, the WECAN Board hereby adopts the
Written Consent of the Board of Directors document from HomeTrust Bank,
and authorize the WECAN Recorder to deliver a signed copy and copies of
the by-laws, and minutes appointing the treasurer and any other documents
required by the bank.
Joe moved and Pattiy seconded a motion To make the permanent legal mailing
address of WECAN as c/o MHO 64 Clingman Avenue, Asheville, NC 28801 The
motion passed.
Joe moved and Pattiy seconded to adopt draft financial procedures which
call for annual financial reporting, 990 filing and orderly transition of
oncoming treasurers. The motion passed.
Joe moved and Rachel seconded a motion to permit all IRS filings for tax
emption to be available for public inspection by the general public as
required by IRS rules by request on the WECAN Website for a link to the
Google Drive. The motion passed.
Joe moved and Jared seconded a motion to approve payment of the balance of
the $275 fee (including costs for printing and postage) for the
retroactive reinstatement application form 1023 and form 990’s from
2010-2017 supplemented by additional funds donated by Pattiy Torno and
Lynn Hall. The motion passed.
After an explanation of the Reinstatement process a reading was waived of
the Reasonable Explanation for Late Filing and Reasonable Cause Statement
(which were passed around)
Lynn Moved and Rebecca second a motion to accept the advice of the
subcommittee and all the documents for the Application for Retroactive
Reinstatement of 501(c )3 tax exemption. The motion passed.
Rebecca noted for information purposes that the subcommittee received
assistance from a friend of Katy Aull who is tax attorney. Rebecca
informed the board that she will acknowledge the assistance and proposes
to name one bed in the community Garden for the late pet dog named Mr.
Luke thanked the subcommittee for their work.
REZONING REQUEST at 339 W Haywood St.: Rachel, Jared and others attended
and spoke at the Planning and Zoning meeting concerning the proposal to
change the zoning from Neighborhood Business to Commercial Business
Industrial. She reported that unsurprisingly P&Z approved the change and
passed it anyway despite her opposition. She noted that the fight can
continue with public comments at city council meetings, emailing
councilors, further meetings and petitions showing opposition. Joe
observed that the Neighborhood Business zoning was intended to provide a
transition from commercial and residential areas. Some differences are
allowing single family residential and size restrictions. Developers were
asking for some single family which Residential Multifamily 8 units per
acre (RM8) or Commercial Business might allow. There are also issues of
on-site patking and lot sizes. Some presidents like CB1 and some are
afraid of density and traffic. Some like RM8 and NHB. There is not a clear
consensus. Lynn suggested that we develop systems to collect and
disseminate information about issues. In each of the three possible zoning
categories the outcome is unclear. Luke pointed out that P&Z may want
increased density but single family housing has the lowest density.
Rebecca pointed out that traffic will increase under each zoning option.
Lynn suggested a fact-based, unemotional explanation of the issue. Rachel
wants a community survey.
Luke noted the key point is good accurate information spelling out the
trade-offs and explanatory links and bullet points. Joe inserted that
the Living Asheville Comprehensive Plan was going to City Council in June
and calls for increased density along main travel nodes. People should
look at it on the city website. Also after it is accepted the Unified
Development Ordinance (UDO) will be rewritten and other zoning changes
may emerge. Rachel, Jared and Luke will form a subcommittee to format the
issue with facts. Rebecca observed that the current email list is out of
date and hard to update unless you go door to door and canvassing the
neighborhood works best person-to-person. Perhaps a piece of paper on
every doorstep with a link would work
NCDOT ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENTS: Joe expected Brenda to be at this meeting
with a progress report. There was a vague issue about planting on the
site. Not sure if that is holding it up. Joe repeated that NCDOT did clean
up the site on April 6.
STEPS TO HILLCREST: Luke repeated his concern about the erosion at the
base of the steps that he reported years ago. Some markings have appeared
at the steps that imply something is being done. He will check with Greg
Shuler at Public Works for an update.
DUKE SUBSTATION: Luke summarized the meeting yesterday which was the first
since October 2017. Pattiy outlined the four basic principles: 1-Alignment
with community goals, 2-Community Benefit (leaving an easement on Clingman
to allow increased lanes for bikes, turning, etc to be developed by the
city after the substation is completed in a public process.) 3-Make it as
invisible as possible and 4-Respectfully deal with residential neighbors.
All four goals are still in play. Luke explained the process the group has
gone through so far and what options and trade-offs have got us to this
point after two years. There is an emotional issue about Jessie’s house
one of the longest occupied in WECAN. There may be some naming opportunity
in future development. He wants it to be documented before it is lost
forever and also to attempt to understand the impact on the neighbor
across the street.
WEST HAYWOOD DEVELOPMENT: Bill McCurdy went to P&Z with the goal of
subdividing 4 lots into 5. They advised they could approve it only if
1-rear access is mandatory, 2-there need to be sidewalks on West Haywood,
3-a requirement for front porches and 4-no driveway cuts on W Haywood. He
showed an illustration of how it would look with a single space driveway
in each.
Parking on W Haywood is an issue that is being used to justify the ban on
driveways. John and Jared both have concerns about using the rear access
which would despoil their views from the back of their Club/Trade Street
MSD NEW LINE: Rachel wants to thank MSD for their work. Pattiy offered to
send a photo and will bring a thank you to the next WECAN meeting.
RADTIP: Road closures begin on Monday. The stop lights between Southern
States and Smoky Park Supper Club will control traffic in both directions
through one lane of the railroad trestle for the next six weeks.
JESSIE MAE MEMORIAL GARDEN; Rachel thanked Pattiy for the face Book
picture of a yellow iris given to her by the late Jessie Mae Jones. She
will reach out to JoAnne Skinner for info on getting plants..
QUEEN CARSON COMMUNITY GARDEN: Wood chip mulch arrived thanks to Duke Energy.
It has been spread to cover the garden paths and around the perimeter.
Rebecca announced there is room for more gardeners to participate. The
regular meeting is on Tuesdays at 6 pm.
KUDZU HILLWORKDAY: The first will be this Sunday May 6 at 5 pm starting
at the Roberts Street side to keep the invasive plants off the new
hawthorn trees.
Meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary
Thursday, April 5, 2018
WECAN April 2018 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
WECAN Board Meeting Minutes April 5, 2018
Board Members present: Joe Fioccola, Jared Fischer, Rebecca Lance,
Caroline Mullis and Pattiy Torno. Members not present: Danny Aull, Byron
Ballard, Jessie Coleman, Lynn Hall, Rachel Larson and Luke Perry. Also
Present: APD Officer Justin Wilson, Brenda Mills, Neighborhood
Communication Manager.
INTROS: Joe called the meeting to order at 6:36 pm.
APD/CRO Update: Justin reported recent crimes in March included a bicycle
theft by a BM 5’-8” dreadlocks from a porch on Jefferson, the theft of two
chained mopeds taken from a yard on Jefferson. Follow up on the Jefferson
turn around area were three calls of suspicious activity: two were for
prostitution but they left before officers arrived and the third found
someone claimed picking nettles for a restaurant. 130 Roberts St, Cypress
Creek had a grab of a cell phone from the desk. A house was broken into on
W Haywood Street through an unlocked ground floor window and a TV and
jewelry was taken. He also showed a snapshot comparison of the locations
of property crimes in March 2017 compared to March 2018. Rebecca asked
about pre-packaged advice for crime prevention. Justin will try to locate
a current pdf notice. Pattiy asked about a traffic incident where cars
parked on Clingman were hit by a blue truck. It was witnessed and drug
related and the driver was charged.
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT: Brenda urged WECAN to prepare and think about what we
want to do. NNO is on August 7 and is an opportunity for neighbors to
interact with police and get to know each other. In the past WECAN has
gathered at Aston Park with a cookout and luminaria. In other years there
was a more concentrated event in city-county plaza or Carrier Park with
prizes and hot dogs provided by Target. Last year WECAN opted out and it
also rained heavily. This year a more dispersed observance in
neighborhoods is encouraged. Brenda will send out information and ideas
from other neighborhoods by next week. There is no fee for a city
permit and applications should be received by late June. We may want to
contact Target directly about sponsorships.
MINUTES: Joe read an amendment to the minutes:
WECAN HISTORY FLASHBACK FROM MARCH 1998: WECAN residents motivate County
officials to initiate a $30,000 cleanup of a 25-year old dumping site at
the intersection of West Haywood and Club/Trade Street. WECAN Board
members meet with the Asheville Greenway Plan consultants to encourage
neighborhood ravine as possible route for greenway connector from downtown
to the French Broad River, which leads to consultants’ recommendation of
this site. Letter sent to (and meetings with) Parks and Recreation halts
expansion plans for maintenance facility that is incompatible with WECAN
Neighborhood 2010 Plan WECAN Board appoints members to meet with
Hillcrest Community to discuss working together on problems affecting both
neighborhoods concerning the bypass walkover bridge. WECAN adopts
Clingman Avenue through the Adopt a Highway program. Jared moved and
Pattiy seconded a motion to approve the draft WECAN minutes from March 1
as emailed. The motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Rebecca reported the March 30 balance was $1072.42.
Following up on the revoked tax-exempt status she noted there are two
options. The first is called a postmark reinstatement which will cost $275
is easy to file with IRS and just reinstates the status from the date of
the postmark going forward but also needs more notifications to donors.
The second is a full retroactive reinstatement when revocations are older
than 15 months and which may cost $600. Pattiy offered to pay the
difference between the $275 and $600 and do the extra paperwork in order
to do the right thing. After discussion it was the unanimous opinion of
those present and 3 absentees to go for the second. There is a deadline of
May 15 to submit the application and a subcommittee of Rebecca, Pattiy and
Joe will meet on Sunday to begin the 6 month application process.
NCDOT ENCROACHMENT: Brenda has talked to Ken Putnam about the neighborhood
maintaining what we call the Melk Garden across from the bus garage and an
agreement with the city is needed like the one the city had for the mural
on N Lexington under the I-240 bridge. The city is the intermediary
between WECAN and NCDOT but NCDOT has a rule against planting on their
right-of-ways. There was some confusion about what the main goal was
(planting vegetables or keeping it clear of campsites.) Brenda will check
with him later this week about current vegetation and Transportation will
begin to draft the agreement with NCDOT and it shouldn’t take long for the
one between the city and WECAN. Rachel noted that NCDOT reneged on
removing trash they buried. Joe noted that Eric at Asheville Green Works
plans to follow up on the illegal process they used but will wait until
after WECAN has our encroachment agreement. [**Joe observed that NCDOT did
clean up the buried debris on April 6**]
DUKE RIGHT OF WAY: Duke’s power pole installation has begun. Some trees
have been removed from the Trade Street ravine others saved and only
trimmed. . Jason had offered wood chips for the community garden and Joe
met with the crew leader on Thursday March 29th and showed him where to
leave a load of wood chips but as late as Tuesday April 3 none were
delivered. Joe ran into Jason on Tuesday and he said he would follow up on
it. Jared was called by Kyra Thompson 828 279-0083 what kind of trees he
would like to be replaced there. He will ask for a medium height native
evergreen tree from their approved list to visually block sight of the
power lines.
MSD NEW LINE: Pattiy noted that MSD has mulched the top at the end of Park
Avenue and noted that trees cannot be replanted within ten feet of the
sewer line on either side. She is in touch with Shane Meadows from MSD
about the replanted Duke tree along Clingman.
RADTIP: April-June road closures: Pattiy reported that starting April 21
the section of Riverside between Craven Street and Hill Street will be
reduced to one lane under the railroad trestle for about six weeks with an
unmanned traffic signal that is triggered when a vehicle approaches from
the north or south.
OWENS-BELL PARK: Joe observed that the lyriope around the metal Owens-Bell
Park sign had been mowed just like the mulch and the mums that were
planted there before. Pattiy offered some corrugated metal that could
serve as a barrier to mowers.
QUEEN CARSON COMMUNITY GARDEN: Rebecca noted that there is still room
available for others interested in participating. The regular meeting day
is Tuesday at 6 pm. Byron received three water funnel kits ( like the one
in the garden now.) for a community garden that went defunct To complete
use as water catchment we need trash cans and cement blocks. Pattiy moved
and Jared seconded a motion to authorize spending around $50 to complete
them. The motion passed.
CENTRAL AREA MEETING: Joe attended the Neighborhood Advisory Committee
area meeting on Monday March 19. Only five neighborhood representatives
attended from two central neighborhood groups. Joe was disappointed that
the WECAN Chair didn’t show up. He offered that issues of a Duke Energy
substation proceeding in WECAN and three or four large scale apartment
complexes on Clingman Avenue between Hilliard to Patton that when complete
will double or triple the current resident population. A single family
house near his is being listed for almost a half million dollars. When
people pay that much for a house they come with expectations and community
is often not one of them. When gentrification comes-- like it has here, it
destroys community. It increases property taxes and only benefits
residents if they chose to leave and cash out. The next area meeting is in
North area in May. A brief discussion of purpose of meetings for input
rather than from organized group meetings followed.
CAN to attend their monthly meeting on Monday April 9. They have decided
to waive their 2018 membership fees to encourage participation. Their
meeting will cover neighborhood concerns, election of officers, future
meeting sites, new website and visioning. Pattiy’s experience is that CAN
is not an effective organization. Joe has issues with their membership
fees and they are struggling with their organization. The difference and
overlap between CAN and NAC leads to confusion. Controversial issues
brought to CAN and NAC include noise from businesses affecting residential
neighborhoods, and the road diet for Merrimon Avenue.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY: Last cleanup was on March 13 the next litter pickup will
be in June.
KUDZU HILLWORKDAY: The first was set for Sunday May 6 at 5 pm to keep the
invasive plants off the new hawthorn trees. Green Works will be asked for
use of the tool trailer.
AT-LARGE BOARD MEMBERS: Joe noted the WECAN By-Laws call for two classes
of membership. The first are Resident Members and the second are At-large
members. Up to 15 may serve in the 60/40 proportion. That means that with
9 current board members there should be 5 At-large members. Pattiy moved
and Jared seconded a motion to appoint Floree and Rafael back as At-Large
Board members. The motion passed Pattiy will ask Joe Faffy if he is
interested in serving.
RAD BANNERS: Pattiy explained a MOU between the city, RADA and RADBA which
allocates $25,000 to maintain vitality in the River Arts District during
the construction on RADTIP. Enthusiastic response was shown for 114
way-finding pole banners color-coded to the guide map with different
images and sponsors. They will go up in the next two weeks. Some of
Riverside should be done by June and due to loss of some parking at Jean
Webb Park there will be more parking under the Bowen Bridges and some
detours when apartments are constructed.
DUKE SUBSTATION: Pattiy heard from Jason that he is ready to reconvene the
working group which hasn’t met since September. Some progress has been
made on Knoxville Place with assurances that they are ‘looking after the
residents’ and had made contact with Mr. Harrison and expect to close by
August. Duke is ready to move forward.
BLOCK JESSIES: Jared’s neighbor gave up on dealing with the damage to his
house from the broken fire hydrant. Joe observed that it was 23 years ago
this day that fire destroyed the Asheville Cotton Mill and Chesterfield
Mill. Also that tree removal had begun on Girdwood Street next to the
Davens. With all the trees removes he considered changing the street name
to “Gird.” Pattiy explained that when RADTIP is complete her road would
be renamed River Arts Row and be one way north bound and need new
addressing for Curve Studios and 14 Riverside Drive. There will also be
artist housing north of Curve Studios and some realignment of Riverside
Drive by the Old Wood Co.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary
Important Upcoming Dates:
April 9 CAN Meeting 7 pm
April 17 Opioid Crisis-A Call To Action @Dr Wesly Grant Cntr 285
Livingston St 6-8 pm
April 20 NH leaders Roundtable 8:30 @ Riverlink
May 3 Next WECAN Board Meeting Thursday 6:30 pm
May 6 Kudzu Hill workday-5 pm
LIVING ASHEVILLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The final draft is published and
there are several public meetings scheduled before it goes to City Council
for adoption in May.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
WECAN March 2018 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
WECAN Board Meeting Minutes
March 1, 2018
Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Jessie Coleman, Joe
Fioccola, Rebecca Lance and Rachel Larson.
Members not present: Danny Aull, Lynn Hall, Luke
Perry and Pattiy Torno.
At Large Members not
present: Jared Fischer, Caroline Mullis,
Present APD Officer Justin Wilson, Mike Vance, John and Lynne Diamond Nigh,
Blair Johnstone, Katy Aull and Joanna.
INTROS: Rachel called the meeting
to order at 6:30 pm with a round of introductions.
MINUTES: Byron moved and Rachel
seconded a motion to approve the draft WECAN minutes from February 1. (There
was one correction: Byron should have been marked as absent.) The motion passed.
OPPORTUNITIES: Mike Vance showed illustrations of a proposed affordable housing
complex for the NE corner of Clingman and Hilliard. It will have 5000 sf and 80
apartments most of which will be affordable. 20 will be efficiencies, 40 single bedroom and 20 two
bedroom. Only 40 parking spaces will be provided below the building. Technical
review meeting is set for Monday March 5 and Downtown Design Review on Friday
March 9. They have an option to purchase the property until August and are
applying for NC low income housing tax credits along with three other Buncombe county
projects.(Only one will be selected.) Question: How long will the apartments
remain affordable? All will be to some degree( 30,50 or 60% AMI) The plan is to keep 60 units permanently affordable if the
city approves a loan from the affordable housing trust fund. Question: What
about parking? Twenty spaces will be reserved for the office use during the
day. Some will be available for rent on 24 hour or night/weekend rate and the
apartments will be advertised with no parking but on the bus routes and in
walking distance to a grocery store, park, movie theatre, etc. Question: If all
the financing is approved what it the timeline for completion? Approval will be
known by August. Construction should begin within a year and completion
expected by the fall of 2020.
APD/CRO Update: Justin had a follow up
on the Code Purple situation. He
advised that the policy was to change effective next Friday. As of then only
females and children will be guaranteed space on Code Purple nights. Recent crimes
reported include: residential break in at 62 Clingman Avenue through a bathroom
window in the afternoon; White Duck Taco vandalism to planters and flower pots;
unlocked vehicle broken into near Grey Eagle. There was an observed increase in
the use of the dead end of Jefferson as a safe space for prostitution. Rachel
reported that a streetlight for that location was in process. Lights, Signs and
fake cameras were also suggested.
Jessie reported a man behind her house on Knoxville Place. Rebecca
suggested some kind of flyer. Justin will check for Community Watch signs and
non-emergency phone number refrigerator magnets.
BLOCK JESSIES: Marjory is moving to
Black Mountain from Park Avenue and Josie is moving from Jefferson.
DUKE RIGHT OF WAY: Lynne and John are
concerned about activity in the ravine between West Haywood and Club/Trade.
Their Club Street home used to look out on a wooded area and that is changing
with the development of new houses along West Haywood and the installation of
new power transmission poles in the ravine. Duke is also getting ready to cut
mature trees inside their property line. Their concern is about not knowing
what is going on in this historic area. They question what the plans may be for
replanting the area. Rachel offered to research rights of way and easements.
Duke power pole installation is set to begin by the end of March and continue
through May and June.
TREASURER’SREPORT: Rebecca explained
that the IRS Tax exemption was revoked 7 years ago for failure to file annual
forms. There is a process for reinstating the determination but professional
accountants will charge $200. Katy offered to consult a friend who is an
accountant for not-for profits in Philadelphia.
NCDOT ENCROACHMENT: Joe and Byron have
been working with NCDOT about an encroachment agreement to put in a community
Garden across West Haywood from Park Avenue. The application form on line is for utilities. They have
contacted Brenda Mills to get with the City transportation department—with
contacts at NCDOT to get the city on board as a third party. When that happens
we will have an agreement with the city and they will go- between with
NCDOT. Rachel has received a
letter of support from Asheville Greenworks and three adjacent property owners
who want to maintain smaller portions of the right of way.
Rachel will check with Pattiy and Joanne about getting plants from Jessie Mae’s
rainy work day on Sunday. Marjory and Suzanne have sent emails about freeing up
their beds. Katy and Danny will take on one and Zac and Lynn will continue
their. There is still room available for others interested in participating.
CENTRAL AREA MEETING: Joe announced the Neighborhood
Advisory Committee area meeting on Monday March 19 6:30-8:30 pm at Public
Works. Rachel will attend. Others?
ADOPT A HIGHWAY: Joe set Tuesday
March 18 at 9 am for the next litter pickup meet at Clingman and Hilliard.
KUDZU HILLWORKDAY: set for Sunday March
4 Afternoon?
Meeting adjourned at 8:05
Minutes submitted by Joe
Fioccola, Secretary
Leftover from February
To add to March
Agenda: Appointment of at-large members: How to get people involved, to
participate, to come to meetings, to give input? Not just a membership drive
but some social aspect, face to face, also to begin planning activities for
2018. Invite Payne Kissinger to show plans for 338 Hilliard.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Mar 3 Lyman
Street Cleanup 2:30-4:30 Meet at Greenworks 318 Riverside Dr
Mar 4 Kudzu
Hill workday-afternoon
Mar 5 Technical
Review Committee Meeting on MHO Apartment proposal
Mar 9 Dntn
Design Review Meeting on MHO Apartment proposal
Mar 10 Tree
Planting 165 S French Broad 9-1pm
Mar 11 Daylight
Savings time begins
Mar 12 CAN
Mar 13 Adopt
a Highway litter pick up 9 am
Mar 13 Growing
From Seed workshop and Tea 6-7:30 at Sow True Seed on Haywood St
Mar 16 NH
leaders Roundtable 8:30 @ Riverlink
Mar 19 NAC
Central Area Neighborhoods Meeting at Public Works
Mar 26 Transit
Master Plan Public meeting
Apr 5 Next
WECAN Board Meeting Thursday 6:30 pm
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WECAN Board Meeting Minutes April 1, 2021 meeting on Zoom @ 6:30 pm Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Mike Kenton, R eb...
WECAN Board Meeting Minutes February 4, 2021 meeting on Zoom @ 6:30 pm Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Katherine DeVos Devine, Joe ...