Please come out and join our neighbors across the interstate at Hillcrest Apartments for the Juneteenth Celebration, this coming Saturday, from 11-3. This annual event commemorates the ending of Slavery on June 19th, 1865.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
WECAN June 2012 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
WECAN Board on Thursday June 7, 2011 at Merritt Park
Meeting Room
Members present: Byron Ballard, Jeff
Carnivale, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth
Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen. Luke W. Perry and Joanne Skinner.
Members not present were: Jessie Coleman, Bret Frk, Tom Gibson and
Suzanne Willis. Also present were APD Officers Evan Coward, Sean Davis and
Greg Latcham, Otelia Harris, Iesha Ram and Pattiy Torno.
called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. Introductions included answers to Why
are you here? which included: To take notes; glad to be back after a few
months, love the neighborhood; back from Citizens Police Academy; enjoy being
here; blame it on someone else; being active; because of place. The May
minutes were approved as published.
APD CRO Update: Community Resource Officer Evan
Coward reviewed the protocol for handling homeless campsites: Basically that it
is complaint driven. Every complaint is investigated and when illegal camps are
found contact is made, a seven day notice to move is given along with a
card listing contacts for support services and a report is made to track
progress. There has been some success in some regular campsites but under the
Smoky Park Bridge there is a more transient population who are more likely
to move on and less likely to use the services offered and whose numbers are
constantly being replenished. There was a question whether an area somewhere in
the city could be set aside where camping was allowed. There are many issues
regarding this such as changing ordinances, and placement and political
support. Officer Clamser has been successful in getting some prostitutes
off the streets and hopefully into some help but condoms have been littering
Club Street, and the end of Jefferson where the grass is getting taller. The
unusual alarm and loud speaker announcements the other day were from AB Tech
campus going on lockdown because of a shooter incident nearby. The police call
center had many calls from the area.
CLINGMAN CIRCLE CELEBRATION: It was a great success.
Thrilling to see the turnout and everyone cooperating to bring it off. Pattiy
will draft a letter to the city acknowledging and thanking everyone's amazing
participation. The One Neighborhood Benefit needed some more effort to
get it going. The polka dots idea was a really fun and simple unifying
idea to see who our community was. Thanks to Pattiy and Jessie for getting that
organized and thanks to Luke for the dot stickers.
WECAN + Big Money: WECAN's participation in the
Clingman Circle Celebration earned us the $100 prize. Anna Beth will be
resuming her responsibilities as Treasurer and many ideas were discussed
about how to use the prize. The main recurring expense we have is the annual
newsletter which depletes our treasury by about $50-100 each year. Ideas
raised included: newsletter, lottery tickets, heat support for needy neighbors,
ramp festival sponsorship, public art, Owens Bell Park kiosk, and seeing what
the needs are and then raising money for them. Assignment: think
about neighborhood needs for the next meeting. Luke proposed a cookout in
Owens Bell Park this summer. July was avoided because of so many vacation
plans. Thursday August 2 at 6pm the cookout party and pot luck will
begin and may be followed by a Board Meeting and/or General Membership Meeting.
Iesha their President and Secretary invited WECAN to the join them in an
event celebrating Juneteenth on Saturday June 16 from 11am to 3 p.m. which will
include a basketball tournament, face painting, balloons, capoera?, poetry
reading, African dance, information booths, music, fun and food. The
Hillcrest Residents Association is still filling board positions and
organizing their annual summer trip and taking on one project at a time. They
can be contacted at
Byron noted that from Hillcrest (once known as Stumptown) all the way down
to Southside used to be one large swath of neighborhood and though multiply
divided should be honored.
that the average process for getting speed bumps is 5 years and for sidewalks
it is 10 years. The traffic count should be completed in 4-6 weeks to see
the extent of speeding. There is a form to file to request speed humps or bumps
and Marsha can help with those forms. Byron was approached to be on the
Neighborhood Advisory Committee reporting to City Council. Though she
could not participate she would contact Councilman Chris Pelly and ask about a
strategy to develop a master plan to prioritize sidewalks on Roberts St.
There are really two issues speeding is one and pedestrian access is the other.
If there was a sidewalk it would be less dangerous for pedestrians. The
pressing need is to identify the most crucial infrastructure (I.e. sidewalks)
needs. (Roberts St, West Haywood St., Club St. Riverside.) Neighborhood
sidewalk priorities and community needs can be identified at the August 2nd
potluck/cookout. Mike was volunteered to lead the effort and Byron, Luke and
Yuri will assist.
Regarding Ped Heads at
Clingman and Hilliard we hope to get an update by our next meeting.
Owens Bell Park Kiosk: ditto.
Jeff suggested the need for a work
day on Jefferson where the grass is getting very tall.
NEW BELGIUM: Luke invited Jan
to come to a WECAN meeting soon.
Pattiy reported that the fence on
Riverside is down! Yay! Plans for PSNC building are not set. There is
money to develop a plan for it and it is estimated to take $100,000 to rehab
the building. Ideas for use included Police sub station or monthly rotating
The WECAN Garden Club (Pattiy
and Joe) met on Sunday to thoroughly weed and trim the curb and sidewalk
from Clingman from Hilliard to the Paris of the South Flea Market just past the
Clingman Lofts. Our participation in the Asheville Greenworks cleanup day was
light but enthusiastic. (Joe) The path was mulched, the fence was cleared of
honeysuckle, and most of the kudzu chopped off a tree close to Asheville
SFB/WECAN/HRA Socials. Should
be in a common area such as Aston Park. Perhaps in the Fall?
Grant/Southside Community Day: Saturday
June 9 1-4 p.m. Walton Street Park.
River Arts District Studio Stroll: Saturday
June 9 and Sunday June 10 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
JuneTeenth Celebration at Hillcrest Saturday
June 16 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Southside Community meetings 1st
Tuesday of each month 6 p.m. at Dr Wesley Grant Sr Southside Community
Asheville's African American
Community Historical Tour Tuesday June 19th 5:30 p.m. meet at WC Reid
Center 133 Livingston St
Evan announced that NATIONAL
NIGHT OUT (sponsored by Target) was set for Tuesday August 7th this
year's location to be announced.
South French Broad Neighborhood
Meeting Thursday August 16th Aston Park Meeting Room.
Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.
Next WECAN BOARD Meeting 6:30p.m. on Thursday July 5.
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WECAN Board Meeting Minutes April 1, 2021 meeting on Zoom @ 6:30 pm Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Mike Kenton, R eb...
WECAN Board Meeting Minutes February 4, 2021 meeting on Zoom @ 6:30 pm Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Katherine DeVos Devine, Joe ...