Saturday, April 30, 2022

WECAN Board meeting minutes APRIL 2022


WECAN Board Meeting Minutes April 7, 2022 meeting masked at MHO @ 6:30 pm

 Board Members present: Joe Fioccola, Rebecca Lance, Sylvia Organ, Carrie Pettler, Rachel Larson, and  Pattiy Torno.

Board Members not present: Byron Ballard, Stephanie El-Hajj, Mike Kenton, Rich Peterson, Brittany Wager and Davina Weirich and Suzanne Willis. 

 CALL TO ORDER: Rebecca called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Rebecca moved and Sylvia seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the March 3 Meeting as distributed and corrected. The motion passed.

 TREASURER’S REPORT: Pattiy reported the balance is $1648.83.The Neighborhood Matching Grant first quarter report was completed. About $1200 of the $2500 grant has been spent on the Community Garden so far. After discussion it was settled that WECAN shall request one reimbursement from the city and disburse that to the ones who made the purchases.

 BLOCK JESSIES: RACHEL reported a Park Square cat lost a leg to cancer. REBECCA noted seeing a bear out and about and that their bear-box was working. They also got sanitation stickers instructing residents on Jefferson that and trash and recycle containers left for collection on the street must be 5 feet apart. PATTIY heard that another house on Jefferson may come on the market this year after their son graduates from High School.

 HAYWOOD STREET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT UPDATES Carrie Pettler forwarded a request for permission to rescue the yuccas and tulips on the HSCF site.

The March 21 HSCD meeting is focusing mostly on financial matters. Due Diligence period ended on March 24 and ownership of the land will be official on April 24. She corrected a statement she made last month that groundbreaking will begin in August of 2022 BUT residents are expected to will move in by August 2023. The HSCD website will be revised to have a more fundraising focus. Givens is working on a Letter of Intent-their first for a property they do not own and also working on obtaining a license as a broker. They also need to change their Articles of Incorporation to change ‘elderly’ to ‘all.’ Their Board will vote to approve the change on April 22. A Management Agreement is expected by May. Until then Policies and Document are developing about Property Management and the exact wording and intent of a Management Agreement (whether ‘on behalf of’ rather than ‘for.’)

     She noted several aspects that WECAN could have some input.

1-The Management Plan between HSCD and Givens is open to WECAN input( Teresa will be invited to the May WECAN meeting.  

2-The Operations Document will include the Scoring Matrix, Transition of Management and Occupancy Maximums.

 3-Lease Addendums are like Home Owner Association Rules. 

4- Still in conversation about an audit process. Since no Federal money is involved there is no set audit process.  The City may request an Audit as may the other funders. There will be an internal systems audit but because of confidential information may need a third party Compliance Audit to confirm affordability, behavior and the scoring Matrix for WECAN that may not be required by the funders. WECAN requested a process to address issues that may arise. Sylvia requested copies of sample leases (Rachel suggested asking MHO) for research in what can be included in them, what you can and are allowed to ask. It was also suggested that WECAN receive a copy of HSCD’s annual financial statement. Regarding the small yellow house the current resident requested an extended lease. Future use will be storage and office space. Regarding Naming Brian Combs will return from sabbatical this month and is expected to shift naming towards more fund raising opportunities. There is enough money already to begin construction but fund raising continues. Carrie reaffirmed that any qualified person should be able to live here and added that without the $1.3m left to raise the design of the apartments may be at risk along with the activities provided on site.  She included that anyone can be on the Fundraising Committee—not just Board Members. Pattiy will follow up with some leads she may have. There is a John Boyle article in the Citizen Times that says it may be time for YIMBYISM.

 GARDEN GRANTS: Phase one is almost complete. Demo, site prep, fencing, compost bins and 9 new beds were built and filled. An issue with ground cloth covering with chip mulch was settled. There was extended discussion about organization and potential next steps. Joe wants there to be clear rules for participants. There should be more accessible communication besides Face Book such as signage and labeling. He wants to take the opportunity we have for community events such as ribbon cutting, dedication, group photos, garden bed lottery, harvest celebrations, social events and community building not just ‘this is just my garden space’ and ignoring everyone else. Others have a more informal or ‘loosey-goosey’ attitude about rules so anyone can do whatever they like. Some feel that participation should come first and we can build on that and maybe that’s as good as we can expect. Pattiy feels we have already achieved a lot in what we have done so far and ripples are being felt throughout the neighborhood and also that it is a year long process. Posting rules and a map might help. Lynn has been very good at keeping things moving. She has already let some people pick out beds and make signs. Sylvia is interested in there being a meeting space. Rebecca wants to keep the traditional meeting time (Thursdays at 6 pm.)  Other parts of the grant are for Owen Bell Park and Pattiy met with Suzanna Horton and the City will fix the George Inge metal sculptural sign and switch the Park Rules and Photo signs. They are considering lining the sinuous path to the bridge with railroad ties (to hold a mulched path covering) and adding steps down from Rector Street

 ART Subcommittee will meet in the next month.

 ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.            

 Next WECAN Board meeting May 5, 2022 @ 6:30 pm

Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola       

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WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024