This is a basic page that talks about the process a developer has to go thru to get approval from the City of Asheville (COA) for their project and a little bit about the construction process as well.
Link to City of Asheville Development Services
Process for Level II, Level III, Conditional Zoning and Major Subdivision Review
1. Pre Application meeting with COA Technical Review Committee (TRC). This is not public at all.
2. Public Meeting with the surrounding neighborhood : the COA only requires notification of property owners within 200 feet of the proposed development so it pays to stay informed by other means. WECAN has requested over the years that the neighborhood organizations also be notified which is now starting to happen.
3. Ten days after the Public Meeting, the developer can formally submit their application to TRC. TRC meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays from 2 to 4pm as needed. The public may watch these proceeding but there is no public comment allowed here.
4. Once the project has satisfied all of TRC's concerns, if the project is within the Central Business District or the River Arts District (or is a Hotel outside of those areas), and is considered a Major Works project, it must then go to the Design Review Committee which meets on the third Thursday of the month @ 12:30pm as needed. This is a mandatory review but a voluntary compliance Committee... (the developer has to show up but does not have to do anything the committee recommends... except if they are horse trading for a Conditional Zoning project). The public may watch these proceedings and there is an opportunity for public comment as well.
5. Then the project moves on to the COA Planning & Zoning Commission. P&Z meets the first Wednesday of the month @ 5pm. P&Z is an advisory commission to City Council... they vote up or down on a project but a no vote does not stop a project. The public may watch these proceedings and there is an opportunity for public comment here too.
5. And finally the project will be scheduled for a City Council Meeting, usually a month later. The project is presented to City Council by the City Planning Staff member who has been assigned the project with staff recommendations given. The applicant also has a chance to speak if they wish and City Council can ask questions of all of these folks. Then City Council will open the public comment section of the meeting to hear what everyone has to say and will then discuss the project amongst themselves and finally vote.
There are cases where, if it sounds like the project is going to be turned down, City Council may chose to table the project. If a project is rejected by City Council, it cannot re-apply for permits for 1 calendar year.... so sometimes to avoid this delay, a project is tabled so that the developer can make changes that might get a yes vote.
This is a page for information about the Patton Place II Apartments being proposed for the north east corner of Clingman and Hilliard Avenues.
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