WECAN Board Meeting Minutes January 6, 2022 meeting on Zoom @ 6:30 pm
Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larson, Sylvia Organ,
Carrie Pettler, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis.
Board Members not present: Stephanie El-Hajj, Mike Kenton, Rich Peterson, Brittany Wager and
Davina Weirich.
Also Present: JP Chalarca, Lesa Peterson, Hildy Teegan and Ranse.
CALL TO ORDER: Rebecca called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Rebecca moved and Pattiy seconded a motion to approve the minutes of
the December 2 General membership Meeting as distributed and corrected. The motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Pattiy reported the balance is $1752.45. She is still waiting for receipts for
Halloween decorations and is set to submit the annual 990 postcard report to the IRS.
A recording of the meeting began at 6:34 pm
respond to questions or concerns and not approval or disapproval of the project. She had several updates
to report:
1—Turqoise and pink stakes have been placed on the site marking the placement of the building
2---January 9, 2022 at 1 pm Brian Combs and HSCD Board members will have their last scheduled on-
site meeting to answer questions with drawing printouts.
3---The group is seeking suggestions for architectural details to give a unique look but not increase the
cost. Some ideas already heard are grid pattern on windows, mix of vertical and horizontal siding, core
ten (material that rusts over time such as on the Duke power distribution poles) detail on the bump-out
section, brick-laying technique such as used on Trade Street houses, different sizes of horizontal siding
like on cottage mill homes, {Byron pointed out that it was not a style choice to use materials in an
interesting way but only poor housing for poor people who had no choice.} and color choices. The overall
effort is to be part of the fabric of WECAN by focusing on the historic details of the working class /poor
4--- They requested suggestions for a naming convention to commemorate black members of the
community. One of our oldest residents—Mr. Bacoate, will be asked for suggestions.
5---Their next Board meeting will be later this month.
6---Last night P&Z met and unanimously approved the Conditional Zoning variance. Pattiy explained
one additional change of the word ‘reserved” for vouchers. That Commission is appointed by the City
Council and is quasi-judicial. On January 25 the request goes to the City Council for their final approval.
There will be three votes: Approve/deny the conditional zoning to CBII; Approve $1.3M to purchase the
land; and Approve $3M for construction costs.
7---At that meeting the question was asked whether there would be a need for 55 parking spaces for the
46 apartments. Some could be used for staff, guests even for a bike storage area. That percentage is not
unusual and may even be required by lenders.
8---Next steps: Invite someone from Givens to the next WECAN Board Meeting; Consider suggestions
on details, color and suggest who to connect with in the neighborhood about naming.
Rebecca thanked Rachel for her efforts in seeking consensus and would like the conversation to continue
outside these board meetings. Pattiy appreciated the efforts and input generated by Leslie Meyers.
Discussion mediator Rob Thomas was also thanked and an appropriate gift idea for him was sought. His
goal was to further the conversation on equity, diversity and racial justice. Rachel will reach out and ask if
he wants to come to another meeting and perhaps facilitate the naming process. JP saw a red flag thinking
that anyone with a stake must not take part in the conversation lest they open the process to criticism of
bias, suspicion, taint, self-serving, dishonest, illegitimate, trap and rebranding other than what was
intended. Hildy observed an incredible and rare opportunity by the developer to get all neighbors in the
conversation and to head off issues. Pattiy noted that it is better not to wait for the inevitable to give input
and engage. We will still be neighbors and have to find how to recreate the community again. Sylvia
looks for how it could be good for us and improve our lives. She wants to put that idea out there and find
how to get to yes. She has best wishes for the project and the region. JP asserted the need to reduce the
opportunity to be perceived as biased since we will never get full acceptance. Pattiy noted that this threat
has actually helped get people involved and participating and could actually be a benefit to WECAN.
NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE: JP is the member appointed from the 28801 zip
code. He explained that NAC meets monthly to discuss perspectives of neighborhoods for input on what’s
going on in the city. It advises a neighborhood position on topics and is a voice to help on decisions with
P&Z decisions. They have little power and their duties include Developing rules and by-laws; Creating
plans to communicate with neighborhoods; Developing standards and benchmarks to measure progress
and Take on special projects as assigned. A lot of recent time has been spent in rehashing things, a
process that has been very slow moving and not helped by the open-meetings rules and as a result nothing
significant has been done in the last four months. They are either the first to know or get the wrap-up
version of city issues such as greenway plans, noise ordinance, open space regulations. Please contact him
with city/neighborhood questions or issues.
Pattiy moved a slate of officers for 2022 as follows: Chair: Rebecca, Vice Chair: Sylvia, Treasurer: Pattiy
and Secretary: Joe. Joe seconded and the motion passed.
TRAFFIC INFRASTRUCTURE: Pattiy reported on a meeting with Transportation Director Ken
Putnam; He is aware of the issue at Hilliard and Clingman and will bring it to his regular meeting with
NCDOT suggesting a prioritized left turn for eastbound traffic and limiting right turns for westbound
traffic. The future easement on the west side of Clingman between Patton and Hilliard will present a
challenge to route 3 lanes into 2 but will follow up next year. He is also working on
WECAN/NCDOT/COA maintenance agreements adding short Hilliard, Jefferson/Park Trail, Sign
Garden, Clingman Streetscape and the Edible Triangle to the Melk Agreement. Owens-Bell Park and the
Community Garden are agreements that have to be renewed and kept with the City. We are looking for
someone to take on this task! Other issues are no parking on W Haywood past Hilliard and no through
trucks signage.
GARDEN GRANTS: Joe reported that we originally asked for $5000 for goats on Kudzu hill. After
reflection we questioned whether it was a permanent solution and so much in the second half of the year
and revised the grant request to $1,000 focusing on 5 WECAN gardens: The Sign Garden, The Edible
Triangle, Owens-Bell garden Queen Carson Community Garden and the Melk Wall and Right-of-way.
The goal is to repair, replace and mend fences and infill and replant the gardens. We were granted $2500.
What remains to be done is to get permissions in writing, finalize the budget, plan monthly activities,
schedule plantings, schedule volunteer matching hours and get waivers signed. And we have one year to
get it all done. That’s all. We need to have a conversation with the neighborhood about what these spaces
need and how people can get involved.
ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Rebecca observed that we all love and appreciate our
neighbors. Be encouraged that you are all appreciated.
Next WECAN Board meeting February 3, 2022 @ 6:30 pm Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola
Email pattiytorno@gmail.com for a link to the recording of the zoom meeting.
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