WECAN Meeting Minutes November 7, 2019
64 Clingman Avenue Meeting room 6:30 pm
Board Members present: Joe Fioccola, Rebecca Lance, Rich Peterson and Sandi Sox.
Members not present Danny Aull, Lynn Hall, Sherrod Barnes-Ginifer, Lesa Peterson and Shelly Schenker.
Also present: Matthew Bacoate, Amanda Paffrath, Gerald Harbinson, Lt Chuck Sams and Pattiy Torno.
Rebecca called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm with a round of introductions.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Rebecca moved and Joe seconded a motion to approve October meeting minutes. The motion passed.
APD CRO UPDATE: Lt Dams didn’t have specific WECAN info. Matt reported a break-in at his neighbor’s at73 Clingman Avenue where the only thing taken was a jewelry box. Sandy noted the exact same thing happened at her neighbors. The applications for Chief of Police closed on October 31. Human Resources and the City Manager will check them and hope to interview in mid-December and begin service by January to February. He explained the new police districts begin January 1. The big changes join East with North, extending South up to Mission and creating a fourth district in Central which includes WECAN.
Joe reported that the houses on Knoxville Place are gone. Pattiy posted some pictures and said it’s just sad like losing the Club House or Ice House. Joe noticed that the Patton Apartments have replanted the trees on Patton Ave that died. Pattiy’s 30th anniversary party ay Curve was a big success. Matt hadn’t heard from Rachel in a while and was worried. Joe saw her last week on Park Square. Amanda announced that her husband Travis Smith was running for NC Senate and soon would begin knocking on doors. She thanked WECAN for the introductory article in the WECAN News. The Halloween Party was fun it was a bit cold but there was plenty of hot cider and fun costumes. The Studio Stroll is this Saturday and Sunday. Pattiy asked if WECAN wanted to do some caroling this year. She and Rebecca will organize something. Joe noted the Lewis Isaac Tennis Court Dedication Ceremony at Aston Park was cold but had warm words from Laura Loftis, Bob Smith, Jeff Joyce, Julie Mayfield and Toni Isaac and the Asheville Youth Choirs. Amanda asked about the area across from Asheville Transit. Joe has spent about 20 hours on ten days since July and Gerald helped on one clearing the overgrowth on the second and fourth Sundays at 5. That may change to 4 pm since the end of Daylight Savings Time. You can see into the area now but it’s only about half done.
Pattiy noted work begun on the Five Points Roundabout and sidewalks near West Haywood. They may be trying to take advantage of the weather to complete as much as possible before winter but it’s not what they said they would happen and businesses are hurting in their busiest time of year. When the asphalt plant reopens in March there will be hard closure on Lyman and Roberts and that will affect traffic with detours to Clingman.
Rebecca reported a balance of $1075.45. Pattiy presented a check for the bar tips matched by Curve for $137.00.
WECAN NEWSLETTER: Rebecca reported that the newsletter was completed. Joe has thanks to everyone who contributed articles. She and Amanda will help distribute before Thanksgiving. Great thanks to Allegra for donating the printing.
Signs are up at Green Street and West Haywood Street at the new 3-way stop. It appears to have slowed traffic and also seems like there is less traffic. The ‘road narrows’ signs may be misplaced. They belong on Roberts Street-not West Haywood. Rich will follow up. Joe asked Rich to find out when the ‘New Traffic Pattern’ signs will come down. He also noticed the ‘No Turn on Red’ sign at the West Haywood and Riverside intersection where a new turning lane was built. Thanks go to Rich for heading up the effort.
Rebecca noted that they will be offered for donations at the December 5 General Membership Meeting. She also followed up on the board decision to give a tile to long time residents. Ten Legacy Households have been in WECAN since 1994 or earlier: Matt Bacoate @ 67 Clingman, JoAnne Skinner @ 91 Clingman, Joe Fioccola @ 34 Girdwood, Rickey Brown @ 21 Green, James Bassett @ 69 Jefferson, Howard Hanger @ 31 Park Ave N, David Heetderks @ 69 Park Ave N, Charles Hadden @ 39 Rector, Pattiy Torno @ 6 River Arts , and Herman Crisp @ 34 W Haywood. Rich, Sandy, Amanda will present them and Joe will draft a letter of appreciation to go with them.
The plan is to Eat and then Meet (briefly.) The agenda will have an Approval of minutes, CRO update, Block Jessies, Summary report on the activities of the year, Election of new Board members, Tile offerings and update on Caroling. Open discussion for concerns or suggestions for the coming year.
There was some confusion as the stream was already named. Possible with an underground stream near Southside and AB Tech in the watershed that extends from Beaucatcher Mountain west to the French Broad River. A stakeholder event is planned for Friday November 15 from 4-6 at 8 River Arts Place
(formerly 14 Riverside Dr.)
PROPERTY UPDATES: On the first section of 339 W Haywood, Scott Carter is planning a 1 story with mezzanine and showroom and 15 parking spaces and closing expected in March. Jetty Ray proposal at 144 Riverside Drive is now looking at uses by right and probably won’t go back to City Council. Stone Yard may begin work by the end of the year. The property owner there was told never to sell but continues to own in partnership with proceed of the sale.
Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary
Mark your Calendars for upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and meetings:
November 10 4 pm Melk Encroachment workday
November 9-10 10-5 STUDIO STROLL
November 17 4 pm Melk Encroachment workday
November 28 Thanksgiving
December 5 6:30pm WECAN General Membership Meeting and POTLUCK
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