WECAN Board Meeting Draft Minutes January 2, 2019
64 Clingman Avenue Meeting room 6:30 pm
Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larsen, Lesa Peterson and Pattiy Torno,
Members not present, and Sherrod Barnes-Ginifer, Mike Kenton, Rich Peterson and Sandi Sox.
Also present Brian Burns, Shawn Leetz and APD CRO Justin Wilson
CALL TO ORDER: Rebecca called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm with a round of introductions.
APD CRO UPDATE: Justin noted a few serious crimes since the last meeting. At 306 W Haywood Street an arrest was made for a break-in using a crowbar. A break in at Curve Studios caused a lot of damage to a safe and a laptop was recovered in Marshall where two suspects were arrested and face felony charges in Madison and Buncombe Counties. A laptop taken from a vehicle on Jefferson was found near the Boy Scouts Building. For a year-end review Justin also ran unofficial numbers of reported crimes in WECAN comparing 2018 and 2019. There was a small increase from 58 to 64 and the busiest months continued to be March, April and June. Other unreported issues were Sherrod’s bike missing from her shed, several boxes of ‘Magic-The Gathering’ cards taken from a vehicle on Girdwood St, Justin will check for a report of a possible stabbing near Michigan Avenue posted on Nextdoor only. New Police Districts begin on January 11. WECAN is in Charlie District with Lt Lamb in charge and Justin as CRO. Lt Sams will continue as Liaison for at least until a new Chief is hired.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Byron moved and Rachel seconded a motion to approve the December General Membership meeting minutes as distributed. The motion passed.
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: Pattiy observed someone acting suspicious at a busy time before the Curve break-in but was relieved that they were not the arrestees. She also observed some mysterious movement of rocks on her steps but there may be someone in the area known to do things like that. Brian noted some screens were cut in preparation of a break-in but none occurred. Joe noted that two large planters were smashed in front of the Patton Apartments. Rachel noted on Park Square that Colleen and Dave were expecting a bundle of joy any day now. Pattiy was approached by ‘Mayor Pete’s’ people for canvassing on January 11 for RAD Second Saturdays. ’Senator Bernie’s’ folks were also organizing then. Sherrod’s First Saturday teas continue from 10-12 at her studio on Girdwood Street and Sylvia holds ‘makers nights’ on Thursdays. New chickens and kittens are coming to Jefferson.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Rebecca reported $415 was donated in December and 5 tiles were distributed and the balance is $1627.45.
SELECTION OF OFFICERS: Pattiy nominated Rebecca for Chair and Byron seconded. The motion passed. She expressed her vision for WECAN as a loving connection in the neighborhood. With the opening for Treasurer left by Rebecca she nominated Pattiy for that position and Rachel seconded. The motion passed. Rebecca nominated Lesa for Vice Chair and Pattiy seconded and the motion passed. Pattiy nominated Joe for Secretary and Byron seconded and the motion passed. A brief review of communication responsibilities confirmed that the Chair will set the agenda and notify the Neighborhood Coordinator of the new Chair’s contact info. The Vice Chair will post the agendas in the week before the monthly meeting on MailChimp and Next Door and minutes the week after on the WECAN blogspot. Lesa also noted a lot of unread emails and gave passwords to Pattiy and Rachel. Pattiy will review and forward appropriately. Joe explained that Mike has a conflict every other Thursday and would miss regular meetings in May, June, July, November and December.
AT LARGE NOMINATIONS: If Shelly is interested in serving another one year term Lesa will ask her. She will also ask Jessie if she is interested. Other nominations for non-residents who have interests in WECAN will be taken at the next meeting.
YEAR VISION AND GOALS: Continuing activities shall include Adopt a Highway litter pick-ups, Kudzu Hill workdays on first and third Sundays and Melk workdays will continue on second and third Sundays at 4 or 5 DST. Community Garden will continue with a spring planting and clean up day. The Neighborhood Advisory Committee will have a Festival of Neighborhoods on Saturday May 16 (May 30 rain date) at MLK Park from 1-3. They want neighborhood groups to set up information tables (supplied) and there will be food trucks, music and prizes. National Night Out will be on August 4. Sunday wants to organize something in WECAN. If RADTIP is completed a celebration of some kind would be in order. Sandy was interested in working on a Welcome Wagon effort and Sylvia, Shawn and Lesa will follow up with her. Rachel will ask Howard about an Easter egg event at Hanger Hall, also Harvest Party, Halloween party and caroling.
OTHER ISSUES: There was some discussion about Jetty Rae’s regrouping and drainage problems from the Duke property across Knoxville Place. Continue monitoring the funding for Bacoate Branch Greenway.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary
Mark your Calendars for upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and meetings:
January 4 10-12 Open Studio at 21 Girdwood Street
January 5 4-5:30 Kudzu Hill/Clingman Triangle work day
January 11 Second Saturdays in the RAD
January 12 4-5:30 Melk Encroachment Workday
January 13 4-5:30 Coalition of Asheville Neighborhoods
January 17 8:30am Neighborhood Leaders Round Table
January 19 4-5:30 Kudzu Hill Workday
January 20 MLK Day
January 26 4-5:30 Melk Encroachment Workday
February 2 Groundhog day
February 6 6:30 pm WECAN Board Meeting