Friday, September 13, 2019

WECAN Meeting Minutes September 5, 2019

WECAN Meeting Minutes September 5, 2019
64 Clingman Avenue Meeting room Special time 5:30-6 pm

Board Members present:Joe Fioccola, Lynn Hall, Members not presentDanny Aull,Sherrod Barnes-Ginifer, Rebecca LanceLesa Peterson,Rich Peterson, Sandy Sox, and Shelly Schenker.Also present: Mathew Bacoate,Gerald Harbinson, Chris Joyell, Lynn Player, Rafael and Linda Rettig,  APD Lt. Chuck Sams, Pattiy Torno, Steve and Brittany Wager and APD CRO Justin Wilson. 

Call to Order: Lynn called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm with a round of introductions. 
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: In the absence of a quorum this item was tabled until the next meeting.

APD CRO UPDATE: Justin reported an unlocked vehicle break in, an attempted break in of a shed on Clingman Ave, a possibly homeless subject reported being shot in the leg possibly self inflicted, a series of break ins in the RAD may have been stopped with an arrest, a moped was robbed from a person at the Clingman Circle, and city-wide bikes are being stolen using bolt cutters. The safest places are indoors or with heavy duty locks. No info on the body found near 139 Meadow Road. Joe reported a lean to shelter on the Melk Property. Lynn noted campers by the DOT gate and at Roberts south of West Haywood. Pattiy reported taking a picture of a graffiti vandal on her roof. The fence is complete on the Duke property on Knoxville Place. Jason advised the demolition team would begin in the next 2-3 weeks. National Night Out was a success. Some got to meet the new Chief. Joe announced an Affordable Housing Workshop at the Banquet Hall of the Civic Center at 8:45 am on Friday September 6. 

Joe reported vegetation clearing at the Melk site, weeding at the sign garden, and at the end of Clingman Place. He announced an Adopt a Highway litter pickup on Tuesday September 10 at 9 am. He reported a Neighborhood Noise Forum on August 3 which will have a follow up on Monday September 23 at 3:30 at AB Tech. There was a concert at New Belgium on September 1 that went on until 10 pm and got a lot of face book comments. The city is looking at naming a tennis court in honor of the late Lewis Isaac. Comments on Open City Hall will be received until noon on Friday September 6. Pattiy requested a WECAN endorsement since he lived on Prospect Terrace, served the city for 3 decades and was an avid tennis player. Pattiy reported removing a 30 year old willow from Jefferson Drive and making a good tree service contact that may become a source of wood chips for future WECAN uses, such as the trail off Jefferson. 150 feet of granite curbstones were delivered and will be used in the next 2-3 weeks at Curve for planters and then some on Jefferson right of way. Lynn noted more house building at the end of Jefferson and on Park Avenue.

Meeting adjourned at 5:59 pm.
It was followed by a community input meeting about the impact of the I-26 connector on WECAN by Chris Joyell from the Asheville Design Center until 7:30 pm.
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary. 

Mark your Calendars for upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and meetings:
September 6    8:45 am     Affordable Housing Workshop at Civic Center   
September 6      Noon        Last input on Naming Lewis Isaac Tennis Court
September 10    9 am        Adopt a Highway Cleanup
September 8      5 pm        Melk Encroachment workday
September 15    5 pm         Kudzu Hill
September 14  10-5          Second Saturday at the RAD: LEAF Easel Rider
September 22    5 pm       Melk Encroachment workday
September 23   3:30-5      Noise Ordinance update at AB Tech
September 29    5 pm        Kudzu Hill
October 3         6:30pm     WECAN Board Meeting

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