WECAN Board Meeting Minutes September 6, 2018
Board Members present: Danny Aull, Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Rebecca
Lance, Rachel Larson, and Pattiy Torno. Members not present Jessie
Coleman, Jared Fischer, Lynn Hall, Luke Perry, Floree Lowery, Caroline
Mullis. Also present APD CRO Justin Wilson.
INTROS: Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm.
MINUTES: Byron moved and Pattiy seconded a motion to approve the minutes
as emailed. The motion passed.
APD CRO UPDATE: Officer Wilson reported homeless and drug issues near the
Boy Scouts building. A BMW with bullet holes left on Clingman Ave was
disabled with a flat tire, but the bullet holes were received at Erskine
Apartments last month. There was an attempted burglary of a power washer
at 63 Clingman Ave. A truck was broken into on Clingman and a laptop and
cash stolen from a vehicle on West Haywood. An officer initiated check on
the end of Jefferson lead to an arrest of two subjects doing drugs. There
was a fight at the Wedge Brewery and a break-in at the Bull and Beggar
also a larceny of a phone at the Wedge. Joe observed a blue tarp covering
some items next to the WECAN sign.. Pattiy noted that Asheville GreenWorks
was placing sharps containers and looking for appropriate places to locate
them. Joe reported that the S French Broad Neighborhood may be interested
in joining WECAN for next National Night Out at Aston Park. Rebecca
observed and reported a painter polluting the storm drain in N Ann Street.
There was some discussion about dealing with prostitution problems around
the city.
TREASURERS REPORT: Rebecca reported mo activity in June, August and
September. In July one check cleared for Community Garden supplies and a
check foe $325 was deposited from Pattiy to cover part of the IRS fees.
The current balance in $460.99. Joe noted that it has been 90 days since
the IRS received the Reactivation application and we should hear very soon
or else in another 90 days.
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: No one knows when Jessie is moving. Joe
complained about dog poop in his driveway. Rachel thinks she knows the dog
responsible—since the owner obviously isn’t. Possible solutions were
offered to keep parked cars from
blocking the entrance to 34 Girdwood Street. Rebecca wants to gather the
Jefferson Drive residents to talk about issues there. Byron added Rachel
and Rebecca to the WECAN FaceBook Page Admin. Pattiy explained the
changing of the name of Riverside Drive and all that will entail. Curve
Studios new addresses will be 3, 5 and 7 River Arts Place. A public
hearing will be at City Council on Tuesday September 11. Joe was seen in a
video purportedly from this year’s National Night Out but were actually
from the Clingman Circle Celebration prep days.
meeting. It will be on September 19 at 6 p.m. at Rebecca’s.
NCDOT ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT: Joe will check back with Ken Putnam to check
on any progress with the NCDOT.
KUDZU HILL WORKDAY Two successful workdays have been held so far on August
5 and September 2. The first one was so exhausting that the second one was
limited to one hour and scheduled for the first and third (and fifth)
Sundays. Pattiy reported that GreenWorks scheduled a crew to attack the
kudzu and was planning on 2 crews in early March.
QUEEN CARSON COMMUNITY GARDEN: A new couple from Merritt Park moved into
the city and misses gardening. They are building a new bed. The Tuesday
meeting times have been proving inconvenient. The new Community Garden
meet up time will be Thursdays at 6 p.m.
WECAN NEWSLETTER: the following assignments were made for articles: Joe:
Adopt A Highway, Tax Exemption and Kudzu Cleanup. Pattiy: Duke SubStation,
RADTIP and pfotos of Jessie and Kudzu Hill. Rebecca: Community Garden
Update and Participation Appeal. Rachel: Memorial for John. Charlie:
Cartoon. Neighbor Profile? Patton Apartments?
THANK-YOU’S: Rachel working on MSD, Jason Walls, Duke Arborist, David
CLINGMAN TRIANGLE WORKDAY: Set for Sunday September 9 at 9 AM to weed,
trim and spread mulch. (provided by Pattiy)
JESSIE MAE MEMORIAL GARDEN: Planting will occur in October.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY: The date was set for Tuesday September 25 at 9 AM to do
the Fall clean up and place the new 20-Year stickers and take some
COMMUNICATION DISCUSSION: Pattiy noted that other groups are discussing
solutions to timely minutes distribution. Ideally she thinks they should
go out within a couple of days to a wide audience instead of the current
system (of sending the draft minutes just to the board and attendees.)
Even posting approved minutes the following month would be too late for
some events. She feels that keeping them in an insular group diminishes
participation. This discussion will continue to seek ways to keep all
members informed of upcoming events
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary
Mark your Calendars for upcoming events and meetings
Sept 8 Saturday RAD Second Saturdays
Sept 9 Sunday 9-12 am: Clingman Triangle workday
Sept 11 Tuesday 5 pm City Council Hearing: River Arts Place
Sept 13 Thursday 6-7 pm Community Garden Meet Up
Sept 16 Sunday 5-6 pm Kudzu Hill Work Hour
Sept 19 Wednesday 6pm Mailing Contact Lists working group
Sept 20 Thursday 6-7 pm Community Garden Meet Up
Sept 25 Tuesday 9-11 Adopt A Highway Litter Pick Up
Sept 20 Thursday 6-7 pm Community Garden Meet Up
Sept 30 Sunday 5-6 pm Kudzu Hill Work Hour
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