Thursday, October 8, 2015

WECAN October 2015 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting October 8, 2015 at 34 Girdwood Street (Rescheduled from last week due to water damage at MHO.)
Board Members Present were: Joe Fioccola and  Rebecca Lance. Board Members not present were Byron Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Rachel Larson, Floree Lowery, Luke W. Perry, Rafael Rettig, Marc Schieferstein, JoAnn Skinner, Suzanne Willis and Pattiy Torno.  Also present were: CRO's Sean Davis and Lucas Lovelace. 
Secretary Joe Fioccola called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. 
MINUTES: The draft minutes from September 3 were approved as distributed. 
APD/CRO UPDATE: Sean reported that last week two vehicles were set on fire on Roberts Street with no witnesses and no injuries. Asheville Fire and Rescue is investigating. Also human remains were found in the French Broad River close to the Smith Bridge. Lucas reported that a 7-day notice was given today to the homeless camp between the back of 64 Clingman Avenue and the tennis courts. The Watch For Me pedestrian and crosswalk campaign is continuing until Thanksgiving. (So the banner should remain up until then.) We were briefed on the Pace Car Pilot program in the Charlotte Street Area and the Sober Hero campaign initiating with Octoberfest this weekend. The last River Music of the year is Friday October 9. Next year they may move up Riverside closer to the Mulch Yard. Rebecca reported how difficult it is for pedestrians to walk on Riverside and Depot but RADTIP should improve them.
GARDEN CLUB WEDNESDAYS: On September 2 we worked on the corner of Hilliard and West Haywood where the sidewalk ends--or used to end. We were rained out on September 9 and September 30, but on September 16 we moved a volunteer dogwood from the sign garden to the loop at Owens Bell Park (and hope it survives the move.) On September 23 we did some weeding and hedge trimming at the Sign Garden. Next we plan to remove a dead tree near the top of Hilliard, and limb up some of the oak trees and try to get some to chip mulch on the unpaved 'sidewalk' path we cleared last month. And eventually finish clearing the sidewalk on Roberts Street below Park Square.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY: Quarterly litter pick up is scheduled for this Sunday October 11th at 8:30 am. Vests and bags provided meet at the sign garden.
COMMUNITY GARDEN: Joe and Byron are working on a full report of progress so far and a briefer one for the WECANews. On the first, 8th, 15th and the 22nd we spent about 5 hours weeding and clearing and harvesting and planting peas. (Joe missed the 15th doing pedestrian traffic counting.) and thankfully it rained on the 29th. (We needed it.)
NEWSLETTER:  Joe and Byron are working on the Community Garden, Form Based Code and New Construction articles and may do a Neighbor Profile. Rebecca will be working on the mail and email lists.
HALLOWEEN/FALL POT LUCK SOCIAL: Rebecca volunteered to poll preferences and organize an event on the Face Book Group. Suggested date Saturday October 31. Suggested time 5:30-6:30?   
MASTER PLANNING/PLANNING ORIENTATION WORKSHOP: Joe will present a personal view on neighborhood planning that has occurred in WECAN over the last 21 years at the Neighborhood Advisory Committee (on which he serves) workshop on November 7th. 9:00-11:30 am at Ferguson Auditorium at AB Tech. Marsha will be sending information about it soon and WECAN should be represented there, so save the date! 
UPDATES: City Council candidates have been reduced from 16 to 6. Vote for your three 'faves' on November 3.
The Vance Monument Time Capsule has been sealed up for 100 years. A picture of Jessie Coleman is one of many which appear on the cover of the Urban News which was included in the capsule.   
Livingston Complete Streets: Joe gave input at the Grant Center on the 29th: on Livingston: there will be continuous sidewalk and bike lane on both sides of Livingston from Depot St. to Victoria Rd. and a traffic circle at Depot and Livingston. Many people complained about the curve and bump-out near the Glen Rock and a second traffic circle may not be necessary at South French Broad and Livingston.
RADTIP: Several people attended the D.O.T. presentation at Pack Library on Sept 24th. There were six stations: 1) Review Project Timeline, 2) View Public Workshop Map, 3) Provide feedback on future Craven Street Bridge, 4) View Proposed Greenway Alignment & Open Space Opportunities, 5) View Proposed Streetscape Elements and 6) Provide Feedback on Public Art. Comments are accepted by October 25,2015  to Dan Baechtold, Project Manager Phone 259-5842 or email 
Mayor Westheimer's State of the City Address: was on October 1. She outlined goals set by City Council in areas of Economic growth and sustainability, Affordability and economic mobility and High quality of life.
It can be viewed in full with the following link:
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

                           Fridays    8 pm Foreign Film Cinema Phil Mechanic Studios
October 11        Adopt A Highway Litter Pickup 0830 am
October 12        Columbus Day Holiday
October 13        Community Garden Group 6 pm
October 14        Garden Club     2 pm
                          RAD Farmers Market next to All Souls Pizza 2-6 pm
October 15        Riverfront Office has Open Office Hours 3–5 pm at City Hall, 5th floor   
October 20        Community Garden Group 6 pm
October 21        Garden Club     2 pm
                          RAD Farmers Market next to All Souls Pizza 2-6 pm 
October 27        Community Garden Group 6 pm  
October 28        Garden Club     2 pm
                          RAD Farmers Market next to All Souls Pizza 2-6 pm
October 31        Halloween/Fall Pot Luck Social on Jefferson
November 3       VOTE for City Council Election
                          Community Garden Group 6 pm
November 4       Garden Club     2 pm
                          RAD Farmers Market next to All Souls Pizza 2-6 pm
November 5       Next WECAN BOARD Meeting 6:30 pm  
November 7       City Planning Orientation Workshop 9-11:30 AB Tech Ferguson Auditorium

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WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024