WECAN Board Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2016
Board Members present: Byron
Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman, Joe Fioccola and Luke Perry
Members not present: Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larson, Floree
Lowery, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy
Torno and Suzanne Willis.
Also present: Marsha Stickford.
Chair Byron called the meeting to order
at 6:35 pm offering condolences to Rachel on her relative’s passing.
MINUTES: Luke moved and Jessie
seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the July meeting as distributed.
The motion passed. There was no treasurer’s
APD/CRO UPDATE: Officer Sean Davis was unable to attend. He has been temporarily assigned to night shift as well as being pulled to a conflicting assignment downtown this evening and he apologized for his absence. He emailed: Not too many issues in the community this month. He had complaints of vagrants sleeping inside the homes under construction on Jefferson Dr. He contacted the contractor and night units have been keeping extra checks. The homes appear to be able to be secured now. Officers have been keeping extra checks on Hilliard Ave between Clingman Ave and W. Haywood for concerns of prostitution activities but have not encountered same. Jessie reported seeing a young girl out there today and a subject in a white Cadillac or sometimes a black Cadillac (with a 30 day tag) drops her off in front of a house on Knoxville Place. Jessie will call Sean and talk to him about the problem. He also found a street light that is flashing like a strobe light in front of White Duck Taco on Roberts St and will try to get the pole number and send it to Marsha. Please send him any concerns or issues that need to be addressed. Marsha reported meeting about the lighting deficiency on Hilliard. Mark Foster will try to open up the trees to try to get out more light. Luke reported the curb bump outs on Clingman Avenue at Clingman Place and Rector are dangerous for cars coming onto Clingman due to the on street parking and unable to see oncoming traffic.
BLOCK JESSIES: On July 17 several neighbors
who have never been to a WECAN event came out to a housewarming party at 381
West Haywood Street across from Park Avenue. Flyers and refreshments were a
successful engagement strategy. Luke reported that Stan and Angie have left
their apartment at 20 Rector Street which is now vacant except for 3 groundhogs
and is also for sale.
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT: The planned event was
canceled. It was supposed to mark the anniversary of the murders of Tatianna
Diz and Alexandra King which occurred on October 27. (The bodies were found in
the river on November 5.) It was to begin at the Community Garden and proceed
to the river with candles and possibly floating luminaria. The consensus was
that it was good to plan something closer to the anniversary dates. Luke will
still provide hot dogs and Marsha suggested that Police Chief Hooper may even
attend. It will also give time to get the word out and get more people to
attend and also meet neighbors and reduce crime and increase safety which is
the goal of NNO.
OWENS-BELL PARK TENTH ANNIVERSARY: Discussion of how to mark the September 4 tenth
anniversary of the dedication of the Owens-Bell Park. One idea was to complete
the planting around the Owens-Bell Park sign. Rather than the actual date (Sept
4) during Labor Day Weekend it was scheduled for 4 pm the following Sunday
September 11. Joe will try to locate the original banner. Garden Club will
coordinate the planting. The Mayor and City Council should be invited. Luke
reported that today the stream was dry and after the recent rains should not
be. Marsha will check on that and about restoring the faded photo panels.
WELCOME WAGON: It didn’t happen as
expected. However Rebecca has created a document than can be printed off by
anyone, and updated rather than storing a supply of baskets and flyers. Info--
such as some newsletters, and jam in a basket were left at the 381 West Haywood
house warming.
Newsletter will go out again in November. Please begin thinking of articles you
would like to see included.
NEIGHBORHOODS 3.0: NAC’s third festival is for Sunday November 13th. Thinking
of some ideas for what workshops would be helpful to neighborhoods, Luke
suggested one on how to spread the love and engage, empower and expand the
capacity of resources and people in the community. A panel discussion from
three crazy different neighborhoods or a brainstorming session with a
facilitator of what works such as colorful t-shirts, leaflets with animal
pictures and faces, hot dogs, new construction threats, etc..
DUKE POWER POLES: Marsha reported that SFB
Neighborhood was meeting with the Mayor soon about the problem which is the
same that was facing Isaac Dickson Elementary School last year. Joe will
contact Helen Hyatt to see if we can help.
Marsha reported that two proposals have been received and both were good. A
staff recommendation should go before City Council next Tuesday August 9.
WECAN EMAIL UPDATE/MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: The list should be updated before the Newsletter goes
out. Ideas for a membership drive including hot dogs and flyers judiciously
placed (Not illegally in mailboxes) with contact info email list requests.
GRAIL MOVIE HOUSE: Luke working on getting the
WECAN video scheduled there.
CLINGMAN TRIANGLE PLANTING: On July 28, Pattiy and Joe met on site with new DOT people: Scott Killough
Buncombe County Maintenance Engineer Department of Transportation (828) 298-0390 office skillough@ncdot.gov,
Keith Blazer fkblazer@ncdot.gov,
and Clifford ??, and all agreed on the following plan: 1-The strip along
Clingman Extension will be planted with 3-5 kouza dogwoods or white redbuds (rather
than serviceberries.) 2-The triangle with the RAD sign is will be split in
half. The part in front of the sign will remain turf grass and the left half
will be mulched and host three large fig trees. 3-The small triangle closest to
the Grey Eagle will have 5-7 oak leaf hydrangeas. And 4-the strip between the
sidewalk and the parking lot will be planted with blueberry bushes. Also DOT
will leave a large pile of mulch on site. Curve Studios, RADBA, WECAN Garden
Club will assist when the right planting time comes in the fall.
COMMUNITY GARDEN REPORT: Byron reported that it has been an uneven year for
the community garden. We lost the Hardcastles but they left two raised beds and
a pair of blue barrels, and we did get new gardeners Herman (aka Johnny) and
Patricia Crisp participating. The blueberries are not doing well but the
pollinators across the driveway are going to town. Joe sadly noted the apple
tree was mowed down last week.
BUS SHELTER VOTE: Luke reported about the future
bus shelter across Haywood Road from Craven Street. The design is a
prototype that can be used around the City. There’s also a history panel on the
back of the shelter that speaks to the area. The hope is that this shelter will
be installed by late August and is dependent on City greenway completion. There is a survey on the ADC site to choose
covering materials such as reclaimed wood, metal bottle cap mosaic or
combinations thereof. Voting closes on August 10, 2016 at http://ashevilledesigncenter.org/projects/wavl-bus-shelter-voting. The design is for a two
sided structure with a cantilevered bench. Luke has been involved with this for
four years and he credited Yuri for his vision and efforts in getting it to
this stage. Joe expressed his concerns for visibility to see through it from
the greenway to see if the shelter is occupied or more like a bird blind.
SMALL-SCALE RESIDENTIAL INFILL WORKSHOP: Marsha reported that one workshop was held on July 14 and another is set for August 11 5:30-7:30 at the US Cellular Center. The discussion continues with online engagement, the topic is available for online public input on Open City Hall to read the analysis and take the survey there. Asheville<http://www.peakdemocracy.com/portals/239/Forum_687/Issue_3815>. The online survey will close on August 30. The goal is rewrite the UDO to match the zoning to what is actually out there and to allow infill residential to grow the tax base by reducing minimum lot size. She noted that the City Planner in charge--Vadilla Satvika, was very community oriented.
REDEVELOPMENT: Work has begun travel patterns are changing. Marsha advised that a new
website was up with a real-time map to show changes and construction delays.
There will also be a business packet with RADBA to show their customers how to
get through and also one for visitors and a sign package to proclaim that the
RAD is still open.
POOLCONVERSATION: Marsha reported that the city staff and fifteen residents were meeting
to design a process for neighborhood engagement.
reported he attended the symposium for the 100 year anniversary of the 1916
flood. It was interesting, entertaining and informative. And there is a 60
minute video about the flood.
Meeting adjourned at 7:46
Minutes submitted by Joe
Mark Your Calendars for upcoming WECAN dates:
August 8 CAN
meeting at 7:30 pm at the Oakley Center
Asheville Comprehensive Plan.
August 10 Bus Shelter voting closes.
August 10 Bus Shelter voting closes.
August 30 Small
scale Infill online survey closes
September 1 WECAN
Board 6:30
September 11 Owens-Bell
Park Tenth Anniversary
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