WECAN Board Meeting January 8, 2015 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Rachel Larson, Rebecca Lance and Luke W. Perry, Board Members not present were Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Rafael Rettig, Marc Schieferstein, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis. Also present were: Marsha Stickford and CRO Lucas Lovelace.
Chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: Byron reported that Jessie got a dog for Christmas which didn't have a name yet. Rachel reported that Chandler and Raphaella had moved out of 1 Park Ave. Two women were there now and looking for a roommate as was she. Tom lost a duck to some predator (raccoon?) and had to take out the rest of the flock. Luke reported that he does need a variance for the setback and roof changes on Yarrow Place which will delay the rehab into March.
TREASURERS REPORT: In absence of the treasurer Joe reported that the reimbursement for the newsletter printing and postage had been repaid. He reported that 66 copies of the newsletter were mailed to residents for which we have no email addresses and so far only three were returned. We need block Jessies to try and get more email addresses.
MINUTES: The draft minutes were approved as distributed with one correction. (Transit not Traffic)
APD/CRO UPDATE: Lucas requested to continue to watch for and report graffiti vandals. The areas being hit include Lyman, 146 Roberts Street, Clingman Extension and Depot Street. The problem is particularly difficult since this different culture tags businesses and box trucks immediately after they are repainted and then blogs about it. Rachel asked about exceptions if property owners don't want to remove it or consider it art. Marsha said that Legal advised that if it is sanctioned it can be considered art but you should not just call it art just so you don't have to pay to cover it up and if you don't take it down you are promoting it. It's not only vacant properties that are being hit nor is WECAN the only area affected. The ordinance is clear : if you vandalize someone else's property you are in violation. Officer Lovelace emphasized that enforcement is not selective but catching violators is not an easy task. Rebecca questioned whether the data about enforcement trends is pre-social media. Joe reported the tent on the riverbank just south of Craven Street bridge. Lucas had checked it and found it vacant. Rebecca noted that there was still a large amount of litter on the Pepsi Sign property that DOT recently cut down. Marsha will mention that when she calls DOT about some some campsites near there. Rebecca will also call the NCDOT office on Orange Street. Joe noted a new street light was put in last week on Hilliard at West Haywood. Rebecca was bothered by the new light from Transit that covers the field next to the fence. It needs to be redirected.
ELECTION TO THE BOARD: Joe nominated Floree Lowery and Luke W. Perry as At-Large Board Members for a renewable one year term. Byron seconded and motion passed.
BOARD ORIENTATION: Joe will forward a copy of the By laws to Rebecca and to anyone else who wants them.
RE-ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Joe nominated current officers Rachel as Chair, Byron as Vice Chair, AnnaBeth as Treasurer and himself as Secretary. Motion seconded and passed.
PLANNING FOR 2015: There will be four Adopt A Highway Cleanups. Weather permitting they will be in February, May, August and November. The dates and times will be confirmed at each month's board meeting.
Social Gatherings: Joe asked if we need a committee and Byron suggested that the Jefferson neighbors do a very good job. We just need to set a date, theme and what to bring. Luke suggested gatherings be bi-monthly but did not specify odd or even months. Joe reviewed the other activities so far (besides Adopt A Highway): General Membership Meeting in June and Annual Meeting in December and Garden Club would reactivate in February and may add Tuesdays. He announced that the Coalition of Asheville Neighborhoods and the Chamber of Commerce were sponsoring a forum on Short Term Rentals at the Diana Wortham Theater on January 21st .He also announced that The Neighborhood Advisory Committee was scheduling workshops in March as a follow-up to the Festival of Neighborhoods. Topics considered include Developing a Neighborhood Newsletter; Communication; Crime/Safety-CPAC; Grassroots Fundraising; Creating a Vision for your Neighborhood; Introduction to Circle Forward: He also noted that Asheville Design Center was accepting applications for a Design Build Project this summer. ( Past projects include the Thirteen Bones Bridge and the YWCA's covered steps.) He also noted that the Frommer's guide has stirred up interest in our area.
COMMUNITY GARDEN UPDATE: Joe and Byron re-submitted the proposal to Marsha and after some details are worked out (such as soil testing and underground utilities and drainage relocation) will bring an addendum to the Owens-Bell Park Contract for board approval. No designs have been finalized yet, just focusing on getting the permission to put in the garden. Suggested are ten plots that are ten by ten feet. Several people have expressed interest and organizing meetings will be held hopefully before the planting season begins. (A copy of the proposal submitted is available on request)
UPDATES: Housing Market Study: not out yet--looking for a public meeting date this month. Parks and Rec Facility: temporarily on hold seeking permits.
OTHER ISSUES: Luke questioned the unusual restriping on Hilliard between Coxe Ave and S. French Broad Ave. He asked with all the pedestrian traffic how is a sidewalk not a priority? He also asked about the walkway to the pedestrian bridge at Hillcrest that storm water erosion is causing a problem at the top of the stairs. Joe reported that about 20-30 feet of the the chain link fence on the south side of I-240 between Clingman and the pedestrian bridge has been damaged. Marsha announced that New Belgium's Big Tank was coming on Saturday between 10 and 11 from Smoky Park Highway to Haywood Road to Craven Street. It is a 22 foot circular tank that is 16 feet tall.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.
January 17 (WECAN Resident )Alex Krug Combo performing at Highland brewing 6:30-8:30 pm
February 5 Next WECAN BOARD Meeting 6:30 pm at 64 Clingman Avenue
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