Monday, December 5, 2022

DRAFT WECAN Annual General Membership Meeting 1 December 2022


WECAN Annual General Membership Meeting Minutes December 1, 2022 @ 21 Jefferson Drive @ 6:30 pm

  Board Members present: Joe Fioccola, Mike Kenton, Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larson, and Susanne Willis. 

 Board Members not present: Byron Ballard, Stephanie El-Hajj, Sylvia Organ, Carrie Pettler, Rich Peterson, Pattiy Torno and Brittany Wager.

 Also present: Neighborhood Specialist Meredith Friedheim, Lee Lance, Brian Lander, Patrick Pearson and Lynn Player.

  CALL TO ORDER:  Rebecca called the meeting to order at 6:59 pm after hot beverages and snacks.


Rebecca raised some questions for general input. She has talked to several people who live in the neighborhood but many have no interest in serving as a leader or on the WECAN Board. She wants to consider all options for the future such as limiting meetings to quarterly or even dissolving the organization.

Susanne likes receiving updates, but fears the loss of connection. She suggested that maybe there’s another way but she is not the leader.

Brian thinks it is great to have communication through Face Book and access to the garden grants, etc. and it is good to see all the expertise that Pattiy brings to the table.

Joe noted that Pattiy’s surgery went well and she is recuperating.

Rebecca recalled that when she began in WECAN in 2012 Marsha was the Neighborhood Coordinator. Susanne offered that she is okay with quarterly meetings.

Rachel observed that participation has diminished and some people are happy just to enjoy the benefits of living in WECAN. She also noted a national trend that all organizations are losing leadership. WECAN does still serve a purpose. It has a voice at the table and is a conduit to connections. It would be a bigger loss to dissolve WECAN compared to diminishing natural phases. The key is inviting in new people.

Rebecca repeated that Byron will help in defining roles at the January Retreat. It is hard to increase participation when some people prefer Zoom or in-person or Face Book exclusively. Rebecca would prefer more informal meetings less often than monthly.

Susanne suggested progressive dinners or cocktails or fire pits or socials.

Lee noted that the best turnout is usually Halloween.

Rebecca asked if a non-profit could take a break.

Susanne thought it better to keep the structure for projects and grants. 

Lynn was asked if WECAN was actually needed for the garden projects.

Rebecca was told by a friend that the city is afraid of WECAN.

Meredith had an email from Maryann about improving the intersection. (Clingman and Hilliard) Rebecca asked Joe for his take.

Joe thinks the organization is important. As much as people dislike meetings-nothing happens without them. The value of monthly meetings is the ability to respond quickly to whatever comes up without the hassle of trying to call and schedule additional meetings. They do not have to be long meetings but the serious work of a meeting can happen in half an hour or less. It is about communication with neighbors and building relationships. He is happy to continue to offer his service as secretary. Pattiy is generous with her service as Treasurer.

Patrick suggested outlining the various leadership roles and on orientation. 

Rebecca noted the pressure of the role of Chair as some previous chairs left early. When she originally took on that role she agreed to set agendas and facilitate meetings.

Joe is not satisfied with Zoom, or Next Door, or even G-mail for discussions.

Lee has business meetings that are often two or more hours long with observers attending and the business portion often takes 15 minutes or less. He suggested a neighborhood Happy Hour after a brief board portion which might consist of approving the minutes, a brief treasurer’s report and items that need a decision. If there are serious issues then call another meeting. It would be more appealing for him to have a 15 minute meeting and then a happy hour.

Lynn is also bored with all meetings but 15 minutes would be okay.

Patrick noted there has been a lot of pressure on the neighborhood in the last year with conflicting groups but more inclusion would be reassuring.

Lee suggested using the app called SLACK as an alternative to meeting discussions. (Slack is an instant messaging program developed for organizational communications, it has been adopted as a community platform.) It enables threaded and specific conversations on mobile desktop or phone and has customizable groups and channels.

Brian finds it easier than Teams.

Lee volunteered to set it up.

 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Rebecca moved and Rachel seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the WECAN Board meeting on November 3. The motion passed.

 NOMINATION OF BOARD MEMBERS:  Joe reported that Byron, Pattiy, Rachel and Rich had completed an initial 3-year term on the board and all are eligible for a second term.

Joe moved to nominate them in the class of 2025. Rebecca seconded and the motion passed.

Rebecca nominated Brian to the opening in the class of 2024. Susanne seconded and the motion passed.

 HOMELESS CAMPS FORMING IN WECAN: Meredith reported that the city was expecting a report from a homelessness consultant in January. In the meantime the city has just hired a Part Time Special Projects Coordinator and they will be included on email reports to

 WECAN ACTIVITY IN 2022: Joe suggested a better time would be the January meeting/retreat.

The WECAN NEWS provided a lot. Joe was thanked for his efforts as editor

  ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

  Next WECAN Board meeting January 6, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.

 Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola 




Thursday, December 1, 2022

WECAN Board meeting minutes 3 November 2022


WECAN Board Meeting Minutes November 3, 2022  via Zoom @ 6:30 pm


 Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Rebecca Lance, Carrie Pettler, Pattiy Torno and Susanne Willis. 

Board Members not present: Stephanie El-Hajj, Mike Kenton, Rachel Larson, Sylvia Organ, Rich Peterson, and Brittany Wager.

Also present: Meredith Friedheim.


 CALL TO ORDER:  Rebecca called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm

TREASURER’S REPORT: Pattiy received $123.61 in Halloween expense receipts and asked whether it was okay to allow the part over the approved $100. Without objection it was agreed to reimburse.


HAYWOOD STREET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Carrie updated that the current focus for the last few months is still on fund raising.

--They still plan to break ground and begin construction in ‘early winter.’

--There are two HSCD board openings in the next year. They would like to maintain representatives of color and she would like more neighborhood representation. A few names were mentioned and nominations are needed by December.

--They have changed some of the AMI percentages. They were 30%, 60% and 80% AMI but now 60%AMI will let 50% be additional voucher holders.

--They now also own the yellow house across from the Boy Scout Building which they plan to use for construction, administration and later for housing administration and storage.

--They are considering another neighborhood meeting. The optimal time might be when they break ground or before construction begins. Pattiy noted that it would be helpful and neighborly to know the timeline and possible street closures and when heavy equipment would be coming.


--Susanne observed that there is still trash and debris on the pedestrian bridge to Isaac Dickson Elementary. She picks some up there when she walks her kids to school but could not get anyone from the church to even ask their people to clean up after themselves. They just say it is not their property--even though it is in their community. NCDOT’s Adopt –A Highway or Asheville Green Works’ Adopt-a-City Street were suggested to get people involved and responsible for quarterly litter pick-ups. There needs to be more coordinating with the community, sanitation and APD. Pattiy noted that Dogwood Health Trust hired a Homelessness Consultant whose report and recommendations are due soon. They may include a central entity and ‘boots on the ground’ people. Carrie continues to have trash left behind her house by tent campers. She works with Sanitation to pick it up but is concerned that to keep picking it up will just encourage more. An ‘olive branch’ was suggested of getting trash cans for litter near Haywood Street.


NCDOT AGREEMENTS: Pattiy heard from Ken Putnam that they were approved by City Council and were in the process of getting the appropriate signatures before a meeting with Kristina Israel to begin the Neighborhood Matching Grant II.


COMMUNITY GARDEN: Joe reported that work has begun on the west side clearing out the old and beginning to install ground cloth and new beds. There were one big workday two weeks ago and a smaller one last week. There will be another small one this week and a larger one the week after.


PANTRY UPDATE: Meredith looked at the 2015 Agreement and noted it might need updating and annual review. There were some ideas that were clarified such as the site placement and size of the concrete footings; the source –Asheville Buncombe Food Policy Council; and initial use—not food. These should answer concerns about vermin, security, access and things not being sold from it. The change in use calls for a new agreement for a 2-3 year period maybe up to 5 years and is in process. Joe will forward a map sketching the proposed location and guidelines from ABFBC.


WECAN NEWSLETTER: Joe completed the newsletter and Pattiy sent it to the printer today. Allegra will again donate the cost. She requested 300 copies to leave some at the Patton and the Hilliard. They should be ready by next week and should be delivered before Thanksgiving which is just one week before the meeting.


ANNUAL MEETING PLANNING: Rebecca aims to encourage more participation by shaping the Annual General Membership Meeting into more of a holiday gathering. She also asked for objections to postponing until February the election of officers (which usually takes place in January) and conducting a WECAN Visioning session for the board in January. Byron agreed to lead the visioning session--to look at what we have done, what we are doing, what has changed and where we want to go. Board orientation is also needed especially for new board members to know their roles and what is expected of them. The visioning should only take 1-2 hours-- not days. Byron observed that Rebecca has served us above and beyond and is ready to pass the baton. Neighbors appreciate having an active neighborhood and are ready to step up. The holiday party will include a recap of the year, update of ongoing projects (grants, agreements, pantry, etc. and election of new board members.


HALLOWEEN: Joe counted 35 attendees including the children.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Rebecca moved and Byron seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the WECAN Board meeting on October 6. The motion passed.


BLOCK JESSIES: JOE noted a Farmers Market has appeared under the Smoky Park (Jeff Bowen) Bridge on Wednesdays. PATTIY noted that the loud vehicle noise was not there last Saturday. She was grateful but did not know what prevented it. She is having a hip replacement and asked only for good energy after 8:30 am on Tuesday November 29.


 ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

 Next WECAN Annual General Membership meeting December 1, 2022 at 6:30 at 21 Jefferson Drive.

Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola 



To clarify, Brian delegated Susanne’s concerns to Seth, “Minister of Congregational Care and Mission”. It was Seth who was not interested in the partnership in Adopt-A-Highway but Carrie spoke to Brian on Friday and HSCD would like to adopt a highway and she has connected him with Susanne. 



WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024