Friday, September 9, 2022

WECAN board meeting minutes September 1, 2022

 WECAN General Membership Meeting Minutes September 1, 2022 on the porch at 21 Jefferson Drive @ 6:30 pm.

Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Rebecca Lance, Sylvia Organ, Pattiy Torno, and Suzanne Willis. 

Board Members not present: Stephanie El-Hajj, Mike Kenton, Rachel Larson, Rich Peterson, Carrie Pettler and Brittany Wager.

Also present: Lisa Adams, Zac Altheimer, Katie and Justin Bledsoe, Emily Fenster, Melanie Ham and Michael, Brian Lander, John and Janet Long, Patrick Pearson, Lynn Player, Ranse, and 5 children 

CALL TO ORDER: After refreshments Rebecca called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm suggesting that social meetings should be quarterly.

NEIGHBORHOOD MATCHING GRANTS: Pattiy reviewed that for the first round of grants WECAN was awarded $2500 which was matched with over 300 volunteer hours (at $25/hr.) That $5,000 value went toward renewing half of the community garden and some planting at Owens Bell Park. The city offered a second round and WECAN applied and was awarded $5,000 (to be matched with volunteer hours and $1500 cash from RADBA) for four projects: $4,000 for the Sign Garden, $4,000 for the Clingman Streetscape, $1,000 for the Edible Triangle and $1,000 for the Urban Trail and possible seating. A request was made to post pictures of these on the FaceBook page and a question about sub-groups there or an album to post pictures to that anyone can access. Many volunteers will be needed for WECAN’s match and information about opportunities will be distributed by the listserve or email list and on FaceBook. Anyone can sign up at and Pattiy will add a tab there for NMG (Neighborhood Matching Grants.) There was a question about a pin post on the FaceBook group. Pattiy would also like a shorter url. Lynn observed that there are about 25 people who have expressed interest in the Community garden contact group. Pattiy noted that the city’s goal is to make neighborhoods work together and they have been successful.  Pattiy thanked Lynn for a third grant of over $3,000 which was awarded through Bountiful Cities and an anonymous donor and which will go toward renewing and expanding the other half of the community garden.

WELCOME WAGON: Ranse along with Lisa and Rachel need help in knowing who our new neighbors are.

COMMUNITY GARDEN: Lynn described several achievements besides the harvest of potatoes, peppers, squash and garlic available at the meeting.

  • Last March the Sunrise garden was refenced and ten new beds were built. The purpose was about food which is awesome but also about building relationships in the community
  • The garden achieved Pollinator status with native plants and water
  • ART was happy to supplement our water supply. Thanks to Barry and John there.
  • Compost Bins were built by Brian and Swann and primed for painting. There is a list of allowables posted and Ranse will also post the list on FaceBook. The three bins are Sun for fresh kitchen scraps and eggshells, the Moon bin to ‘bake’ and the Earth bin with ready to use compost which should have some ready for fall planting time.
  • Sunset garden will need a lot of volunteer help to clear out, level, place ground cloth, stakes, fencing and ten new beds.
  • Asheville Buncombe Food Policy Council proposed a food pantry for neighbors to share. It should be for the neighborhood and not passersby. We could use it to hold tools, seeds, produce directions or instructions or however we want. There are potential construction costs associated with the kit but can be installed with volunteers. Rebecca recalled the discussion from the last meeting that the choice was with the community garden group. Joe also met with Kristina Israel about permissions to install and expand. Her meeting with the city legal is delayed by vacations.
  • The effort now is to be consistent, continuing to meet on Thursdays at 6, maintaining what we have and working on signage and agreements/norms (aka rules) about which beds are community efforts and which are for individuals.
HALLOWEEN GATHERING: Rebecca recalled the successes of the Haunted Trail which will be returning this year. There is an annual budget. Work times are TBA. If you are interested in helping out please contact Brittany at 35 Jefferson. (

ANNUAL MEETING PLANNING: Joe announced the annual meeting on December 1, 2022 will be the 25th anniversary of the first WECAN meeting. Cake will be appropriate. Suggestions for a location include The Patton or maybe The Hilliard. The annual meeting is where new board members are elected.

WECAN NEWSLETTER: Joe reported that each year WECAN produces a newsletter. Some topics he suggested include: City Agreements (Pattiy), Community Garden (Lynn), Halloween (Rebecca), HSCD update (Carrie), Neighbor Profile (Byron), and Worm Knightmares (Charlie).

WECAN ORGANIZATION: Rebecca recalled that WECAN needs a meeting facilitator, treasurer, communications co-chair, minutes taker and to talk to us if you can help.

Joe announced upcoming events of interest:
            Thursday September 8     10-12   River Summit at New Belgium
            Saturday  September 10   10:30   W Avl Garden Stroll 587 Haywood Rd
            Friday      September 16   4-5:30  French Broad Greenway West Opens  
            Friday      September 16   8:30     Neighborhood Leader RoundTable
            Tuesday  September 20    9 am    Adopt A Highway Litter pick up

Pattiy spoke with Jason Walls and the substation is still in the works except that GIS technology has been changing. The exterior design of the building will remain as planned but the interior is changing. The redesign of the interior should be completed this year with construction moved to 2024-2025.  

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Pattiy reported a balance of $3989.89

ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Next WECAN Board meeting October 6, 2022           
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola 


WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024