Saturday, March 9, 2019

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes February 7, 2019

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes February 7, 2019  

Board Members present: Sherrod Barnes-Ginifer, Joe Fioccola, Rebecca Lance, Lesa Peterson, Rich Peterson, Sandy Sox, and Shelly Schenker.Members not present: Danny Aull, Lynn Hall. Also present: Matt Bacoate, Byron Ballard, Rachel Larson, APD Community Liaison Lt. Chuck Sams and CRO Justin Wilson.

INTROS: Lesa called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm. 
APPROVAL OF MINUTES:Shelly moved and Sherrod seconded a motion to approve the January 3 minutes as emailed. The motion passed. 

APD CRO UPDATE: Officer Wilson followed up on the homeless camp on the hill behind Soapy Dog and Pink Dog Collective on Depot Street that subjects have been evicted from city property. Remaining on site is a lot of debris that needs to be cleared. Shelly asked of letters from RADBA and WECAN would expedite the clean up. Lt. Sams offered to refer it to the new Police Administrative Assistant Jerri Jameson. Shelly will also inform Brenda Mills. Wilson also thanked Rich and Rachel for locating a bike stolen from a porch on Jefferson Drive on Feb 5. A backpack was stolen from a car parked at Roots Hummus on West Haywood Street left unlocked for 1 minute. He advised to take that as a reminder to lock your vehicles. Following upon a question from Lynn about a break in on West Haywood the suspect came in through an unlocked back door probably in the daytime and only took some small items when more valuable ones were there. A locked vehicle was broken into on Payne’s Way near the Wedge but was also locked back up afterwards. There is a homeless camp behind the Cotton Mill Studios on Roberts Street and he is working with the property owners on that. The debris left at the former campsite near the Hillcrest walkover bridge is now more visible and appears to be laced with syringes. NCDOT has been asked twice to clean it up. Citizens contacting DOT may have an impact. Officer Wilson has been involved in a discussion of revising the City’s Homeless Policy and the discussion continues.
Lieutenant Sams reported that the search for a new Police Chief had engaged a nationwide search firm The Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) which is gathering information from the community in three areas: what qualities, attributes, skills would you like to see in the next police chief, share suggestions for improvements in police services and what suggestions to the new chief would you give. There have been two public meetings at the Grant Center and at Stephens Lee as well as sessions with police staff. Answers to these questions can also be submitted on line at the city projects page until February 28.

NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES:  Rachel and Rebecca noted sales of two homes on Jefferson and Park Square. Rebecca noted some trees planted on Club Street that will eventually hide from view where homeless camps have been.

TREASURERS REPORT: Rebecca reported the current balance is $760.99. She also distributed a financial report for the 2018 calendar year as per the new financial procedures. (Attached.)  The bank has lost the form that confirmed that Rebecca is the treasurer. A new form was presented to be signed by the officers. She has some questions about the IRS form 990 asking for the (undefined) ‘Principal Officer.’ Joe’s name was used on the Reinstatement forms and can continue to be used. She will also have to create an IRS log in.

      Safe Streets:Rich is still waiting for the traffic counts to be taken on Hilliard, on West Haywood and on Roberts Streets. His concern is pedestrian safety on Roberts Street between West Haywood and Clingman Circle. He will also ask for a crosswalk at the west end of Hilliard towards the Boy Scouts Building. 
     Joe explained the Duke Rezoningof one residential property on Knoxville Place that will be affected by the Duke Substation was approved by City Council. The other properties must remain zoned residential until the other properties on Clingman are developed—which will not happen until the substation is completed. 
     Joe also heard on Monday from Traffic Director Ken Putnam about the Encroachment Agreementto maintain the property across from Asheville Transit. He advised that an action plan was being prepared the next day and he would share it when it was completed.


Communications Update: Lesa met with Pattiy and got the WECAN admin and login
information for Google and Mailchimp. She is in the process of culling and updating the various mailing lists within Mailchimp and creating templates for ease of future mailings. She observed that the WECAN BlogSpot acts as an archive or repository of the minutes, agendas and financial information but a website would be more interactive and user friendly. We could drive traffic to the website for neighborhood announcements, events and pictures. She indicated that she would pay for the creation of a new website on SquareSpace but that the ongoing web hosting fee would cost $12-15 per month. The cost may be an issue as the BlogSpot is free but it hasn’t had minutes posted since August and most neighbors are unaware of its existence. Joe will send her copies of the approved minutes since then to post.

2019 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Lynn sent a list of ongoing activities. Joe took responsibility for Adopt a Highway, annual WECAN NEWS Newsletter, Landscape maintenance at the sign garden, edible garden Owens-Bell Park, Kudzu Hill and possibly the encroachment area. There was a question about whether there was enough involvement to continue these activities. It was also observed that we can do a better job of communicating activities especially through social media. Further discussion was tabled.

OTHER DISCUSSION: Lesa asked about how to obtain the neighborhood tiles. Joe will ask MHO about how many are left.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm 
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary 

Mark your Calendars for upcoming events and meetings
Feb 11             4-6              CAN Meeting
Feb 18                               Presidents Day
Feb 25             6:30           Neighborhood Advisory Committee
Mar 7              6:30pm      WECAN Board Meeting

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024