WECAN Board Meeting Minutes January
3, 2019
Board Members present: Sherrod
Barnes-Ginifer, Joe Fioccola, Lynn
Hall, Shelly Schenker, Members
not present Danny Aull, Rebecca Lance, Sandy Sox. Also present: Byron Ballard, APD Community
Liaison Lt. Chuck Sams, CRO Justin Wilson.
INTROS: Lynn called the meeting to
order at 6:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Sherrod moved and Shelly seconded
a motion to approve the December 6 minutes as emailed. The motion passed.
APD CRO UPDATE: Officer Wilson reported that the campsite near
the Hillcrest walkover bridge has been abandoned and anyone found there can be
charged with trespassing. The NCDOT has been notified to clear the debris but
no timeline was offered. An unlocked car filled with presents was broken into
on Jefferson on Dec 8. A storage
container was broken into on a West Haywood construction site, but the items
were pawned and the suspect will be arrested. A road rage incident occurred on
I-26 near UNCA where a bb gun was fired at a vehicle the suspect was arrested
where the incident concluded at the dead end of Park Ave. A teenager stole an
employee’s vehicle from the Jonas Gerard Studio. Justin provided Crime stats that he ran
comparing 2017 and 2018 in WECAN. In 2017 102 crimes were reported and in 2018
that number was 111. Vandalism was the most reported crime but there were no
big differences since last year. Details can be found at community
crimemap.com. Shelly reported a campsite behind Pink Dog Collective on Depot
Lieutenant Sams reported that city-wide statistics
show violent crime was down 1% and property crime was up 12%. He advised it
would be 3-6 months until a new Chief would be hired. Lynn noted that speeding
is an ongoing issue.
JESSIE UPDATES: Joe noticed the sign fence at Clingman and Hilliard was damaged and he
thanked whichever angel repaired it.
TREASURERS REPORT: There was no report for
OLD BUSINESS: No movement on
Encroachment Agreement, Park Ave renaming or Safe Streets. A meeting date was
set for January 10 for Duke Substation update, but no time or location has been
NEW BUSINESS: OFFICER ELECTION: Joe offered the slate of Chair: Lynn Hall, Vice
Chair: Lesa Peterson, Treasurer: Rebecca Lance and Recorder: Joe Fioccola.
Shelly seconded and the motion passed. Lynn needs to contact Brenda Mills to
update the neighborhood registration information. We look to Lesa to draft a
communications policy/process document.
2019 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Ongoing objectives include: Adopt a Highway, July 4
Social, Halloween Social, annual WECAN NEWS Newsletter, Landscape maintenance
at the sign garden, edible garden
Owens-Bell Park, Kudzu Hill and possibly the encroachment area, the Queen
Carson Community Garden and developing a communications policy and process. New
objectives mentioned included Christmas caroling, traffic safety, welcome
wagon, membership outreach and new development projects such as RADTIP, Duke
Substation and maybe greenway construction.
The regular meeting time was brought up.
Changing something that has been in place for decades should not be arbitrary.
Some roads were closed last month due to
river flooding. Shelly reported serious problems with road closed signs
remaining after the roads were open.
36 Jefferson: Lynn spoke to Mike Vance
about the options available: build on it, sell it, donate it and the other
questions that arise; can anything be done with the topography? What is it
zoned for? What do the neighbors want?
Meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe
Fioccola, Secretary
Mark your Calendars for
upcoming events and meetings
Sundays 4-5:30 pm Kudzu Hill Work Hour (Weather permitting)
Jan 14 4-6 CAN Meeting
Jan 10 TBA Duke
Substation Working group Meeting
Jan 21 MLK Day
Feb 7 6:30pm WECAN Board Meeting