Thursday, January 4, 2018

WECAN January 2018 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

DRAFT: WECAN Board Meeting Minutes January 4, 2018

Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Jessie Coleman, Joe Fioccola, Lynn
Hall, Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larson,
Members not present: Danny Aull, Luke Perry and Pattiy Torno.
At Large Members not present: Floree Lowery and Rafael Rettig.
Also Present: Jared Fischer, Caroline Mullis, Carrie Pettler, APD Officer
Justin Wilson and NCDOT Engineer Troy Wilson.

INTROS: Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:34 pm with a round of
MINUTES/ TREASURER”S REPORT: Byron moved and Rachel seconded a motion to
approve the draft WECAN minutes from December 7. The motion passed. The
Treasurer reported on activity in December. The check from New Belgium of
$1305.00 was deposited with $130.50 going to WECAN for kudzu removal, $261
will go to RADBA to offset costs of maintenance of Clingman planting and
$913.50 will go to RADA for printing the studio stroll guide. She also
took care of a reimbursement for an unpaid receipt for 14.89 from 2016.
BLOCK JESSIE: Rachel reported a problem with a dog running loose on
Jefferson Drive. The owner is a new renter in WECAN and claims the dog is
a country dog and likes to run free. She was informed by the police about
the leash law in effect inside the city limits and the consequences.
Rachel is reluctant to have the animal picked up but thinks a fine might
get their attention. Justin will have the animal control officer get in
touch with Rachel to advise her of all options available. Demo has begun
at 338 Hilliard Ave.
APD/CRO Update: Justin reported a tag stolen from a vehicle parked at the
Wedge. Regarding last month’s complaint at the dead end of Jefferson Drive
about prostitution, loitering and suspicious vehicles, he met with the
city traffic engineer about putting barriers in the road. They let him
know that such an option was not available on Jefferson but was an option
for the dead end of Park Avenue North. Additional lighting was going in on
Jefferson. He also printed some charts and graphs of the reported violent
and property crimes in WECAN in 2016 and 2017 with the disclaimer that
sometimes the numbers are confusing due to variations in coding and
reporting. The city website also shows crime reported in neighborhoods in
the city at Justin will follow up with details on
the 8 reported assaults at the Feb 1 WECAN meeting. He will also check on
the release of information on the double murder from two years ago.
NCDOT AND HOMELESS CAMP REMOVAL: Carrie Pettler explained the genesis of
the problem. Her home on West Haywood at Trade Street is surrounded on
three sides by NCDOT land which is often used as homeless campsites for up
to 15 tents at a time and as a result is littered with debris. She has
empathy for the situation and there is no simple solution but something
should be done. This occurs mostly at night. Her concerns are trespassing,
fallen trees, fences cut, fires and not least the trash left behind. When
she reported it to NCDOT they came in one week. She became concerned when
they dug a trench with a backhoe and buried it on site. Troy Wilson
explained that the NCDOT maintains responsibility for large areas and with
limited resources.  They repair fences and normally don’t remove trees
unless they are in traffic or damaging fences. For violations in
controlled access areas there are different charges such as trespassing,
littering and destruction of vegetation. However, enforcement is the
responsibility of local law enforcement and their intent is not to
criminalize homelessness. It is the standard procedure regarding hazardous
waste removal--which includes human waste, needles and drug paraphernalia,
to bury it in order to keep workers safe. It sometimes costs as much or
more than manual bagging and removal to the state dump in Charlotte since
the Buncombe county landfill won’t accept it. Rachel asked for a copy of
the policies, laws, standard operation procedures covering this kind of
removal to determine what options might exist for affected neighborhoods.
Troy explained one-- that for a community garden after an encroachment
agreement was obtained, the NCDOT would partner with  a community group
and prepare the site. DOT would welcome volunteer assistance in bagging
and removal and maintenance. Byron offered to send a proposal by the end
of the month.  NCDOT.GOV/ENCROACHMENT. Other options discussed include
trimming brush and trees from 2 feet to 7 feet to provide clear
visibility, trespass letters on file locally vs General Statutes, the
severe cutbacks in DOT staffing and the city homeless policy. They will
give property to a municipality or group to maintain and use or develop
but not to sell. NEXT STEPS: Rachel has been trying to get the Homeless
Coordinator Christiana Tugman to attend a meeting and will invite someone
from the BeLoved Community for their perspective.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: After discussion of the role of the Chair and vice
chair and how incomplete terms are filled Jared moved and Byron seconded a
motion to continue the terms of the current officers except that Joe be
secretary instead of Byron. The motion passed.
APPOINTMENT OF AT LARGE MEMBERS: There was some discussion of the role of
at-large members. They represent non-resident property owners or those who
have some skill or expertise that would benefit WECAN. Rebecca moved and
Byron seconded a motion to appoint Jared and Caroline as at-large members.
The motion passed. There is room for two more to be considered at the next
DUKE-ENERGY SUBSTATION:  No movement since the last meeting was canceled
and process is still on hold due to lack of progress on the residential
OTHER ISSUES: Lynn suggested an agenda item for the next meeting: How to
get people involved, to participate, to come to meetings, to give input?
Not just a membership drive but some social aspect, face to face, also to
begin planning activities for 2018. Invite Payne Kissinger to show plans
for 338 Hilliard.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola, Secretary
Important Upcoming Dates:
Jan 16      Mushroom workshop at Sow True Seeds 6-7:30
Jan 19      NH leaders Roundtable 8:30 @ Riverlink
Feb 1        Next WECAN Board Meeting Thursday 6:30 pm

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024