WECAN Board Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2016
Board Members present: Joe Fioccola and Rebecca Lance, Rachel
Larson, Luke Perry, Pattiy Torno
Members not present: Byron Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Floree Lowery, JoAnn Skinner, and Suzanne Willis.
Present: APD Officer Sean Davis, Jared Fischer and Caroline Mullis.
Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:30
pm. After introductions of new neighbors from Club Street, Rebecca moved and
Rachel seconded a motion to approve the September minutes. The motion passed.
Treasurer Rebecca reported
receiving new WECAN checks and that the balance in the account is $708.91.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Officer Sean Davis reported a 55 year old female’s
body was found near Riverlink. Jeanette Jones was a homeless person from
Georgia who probably died of hypothermia. No foul play was suspected. In
response to complaints of people loitering and drinking and a stolen moped at
the wood line behind Merritt Park patrols have increased. Complaints of dogs
barking on Jefferson prompted animal control to respond. The resident “Danny”
is a pet sitter and encouraged people to text him when the 4 dogs barking at
night was a problem. NCDOT said they have a plan about the homeless camping on
Boy Scout Hill. One case of a couple with a 7 year old child was referred to
DSS and a team was working with them on it. There was an issue of a gate left
open along I-240 that Sean will talk to DOT about securing. Finally a trash
pile near FLS on Roberts Street would be cleared soon. He also noted a half-marathon
would be run next weekend from 7-10 am from pack Square to Broadway to UNCA to
WT Weaver with 1500 runners. Rachel asked about a homeless camp she heard about
on Knoxville Place off Hilliard and she did see the footpath. Pattiy asked
about the flashing streetlights on Roberts and West Haywood and noted that some
power and light poles with pink ribbons would be removed when the new larger
power lines are installed.
BLOCK JESSIES: Luke thanked Sean for the new light on Hilliard across from
Rector Street. It really makes a difference. Jared reported a problem with
box-elder bugs on Club Trade Street where they are swarming and how he is
dealing with it. AnnaBeth had to put down Max who was suffering from cancer. Pattiy
asked for better RADTIP lane closure notifications. She was pleased that when
they improperly closed both lanes on Riverside that it was promptly corrected.
Pattiy reported the workday was set for this Sunday November 6 from 12-4.
Several people have already RSVP-ed and WLOS will come to film some of it. Eric
at Asheville Green Works will bring their tool trailer and a load of chip
mulch. Several varieties of blueberries were purchased from Wally at the North
Asheville Tailgate Market and fig trees came from BB Barnes
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT: The idea was discussed from National Night Out to remember
the murder victims found last year in the area. For Rachel it defaulted into a
personal remembrance with an idea to involve other groups. It prompted a
reexamination of the reasons for it. It was suggested that the reason was just
to acknowledge that it happened. Rachel offered to reach out to the families.
Luke noted that the loss of life impacts our neighborhood. We have the river
and what comes with it and should mark the loss of life. Joe noted there is a Crime
Victim’s Memorial Day and he will find out when it falls. A WECAN memorial day
for WECAN residents who have passed is a task for the new WECAN board to look
BOND ISSUE People discussed their
ideas about the three proposed bond issues for parks, sidewalks and affordable
housing which will be decided on Election Day Tuesday November 8. Some already
voted for or against one or more of them. Some had specific problems with what
some of the proposed uses were and with the guarantee that they would be spent
as proposed, others questioned the ‘broken system’ between the departments and
that a sidewalk on Roberts Street should be a higher priority.
NEIGHBORHOODS WORKSHOPS: Joe reported that the Neighborhood Advisory Committee was putting on
four workshops on Sunday November 13 from 2-5 pm. They are Social Media,
Visioning/Neighborhood Engagement, Circle Forward Dynamic Governance and Crime
Prevention/ Neighborhood Watch/Safety. Each workshop will be given twice so
attendees can choose to go to two followed by refreshments. There will be
information tables from community service groups but no neighborhood displays. Rachel
will attend and others are encouraged to participate.
Rachel has received the request for neighborhood registration which will put
neighborhood information on the interactive map. It will include contact
information which can be generic onto the WECAN Blog (which should be checked
regularly) and not necessarily to the current chair.
Rachel wants answers to questions about using city rights of way. She wants to
ask city planners to come to a future meeting to answer questions.
WECAN NEWS: Joe completed the annual
newsletter and will email a pdf to Pattiy. She will ask Mail Management to
print them by November 11. Rebecca, Luke, Rachel, Jared, Suzanne, and others
volunteered to distribute copies by hand on November 12 and 13 and check off
the master list which ones still need to be snail mailed and which we have
email addresses for.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Several names were
suggested to see if they will serve. (Jared, Caroline, Amanda, Travis, Brittany,
Meg, Carrie, Danny, Marjorie, Michael, Divina) They should agree to serve
before being nominated and note that monthly attendance is not mandatory.
Luke would like to add an agenda item to a future board meeting about
affordable units at Prospect Terrace and ongoing issues of affordability in
condos, co-ops and apartments. The discussion may move to the January Meeting. Agenda
Items: Joe will give a report on 2016 Activity, and the Community Garden Final
Report, election of Board members for the Class of 2019 and ways to connect
socially and of course a pot luck. Rebecca will coordinate the pot luck. Joe
still has plates, cups, napkins and utensils covered.
They finished the Rector Triangle, the head of Knoxville Place and mulching the
blueberries at Transit. They also cleared the community garden for the
Halloween social.
COMMUNITY GARDEN REPORT: The final report for the
year is complete and will be attached to these minutes. Joe asked about the
Asheville Design Center’s annual request for proposals. A portable water
catchment and storage system was suggested. Joe noted that the Community Garden
Group/ Bountiful Cities could allocate money towards an infrastructure project.
He will investigate both and report back.
GRAIL MOVIE HOUSE: Luke noted the standard
charge for use of the Grail is $100 and they still need written document to
verify the rights to show it. The cost was questioned—whether it is worth it to
spend it on a showing that few may attend. Admission or donations may be
charged or alternatively a public screening could be projected outside on a
screen or on someone’s house and used as a community builder..
SECRET SANTA: Rachel reported that Carrie and Josh suggested a neighborhood Secret Santa. Rachel will create a flyer to go with the newsletter for those interested in participating.
Meeting adjourned at 8:16 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe
Mark Your Calendars for upcoming
WECAN dates:
Nov 6 Clingman
Triangle Planting 12-4
Nov 8 Election
Day ( Not a WECAN Event)
Nov 13 Festival
of Neighborhoods workshops 2-430 AB Tech
Nov 19
Saturday at the Grant Center Placement of Historic Markers
Merchants Holiday Parade 11-1
Dec 1 6:30
WECAN General Membership Meeting/Pot Luck