Thursday, February 4, 2016

WECAN February 2016 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting February 4, 2016
Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Rachel Larson and Luke Perry. Members not present: Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, , Rebecca Lance, Floree Lowery, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis. Also present: Rafael Rettig,CRO Lucas Lovelace, Nikki Reid and Alan Glines. Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm 
MINUTES: Byron moved and Rachel seconded a motion to approve the minutes as distributed. Motion passed. TREASURER'S REPORT: No report.  APD/CRO UPDATE: Lucas reported that on 1/18 unsecured vehicles on Roberts St and Trade St were broken into. Tools and an i-pad were taken. Grafitti is an ongoing problem. He encouraged anyone who sees anyone with spray paint to call it in. Rebecca had reported an open and unlocked gate at Melk Drive. Lukas closed the gate but it isn’t usually locked. He noted trash from homeless camps on the interstate side of the fence. He noticed that streetlights were being installed at the dead end of Park Avenue North behind Grey Eagle. Rafael reported his beloved car was destroyed by a drunk driver in December and no one was hurt. Rebecca also reported dumping on Jefferson along side of the Community Garden. Lukas said he would look into the issue of removing trash left on city property. The semi-cab and trailer parked on West Haywood is on private property and can park there unless the property owner objects. BLOCK JESSIES: Byron reported seeing surveyors on Green Street and they forebode development. Rebecca reported that the kids had some fun on the recent snow days. Suzanne reported food being left out at Owens Bell Park. Luke celebrated having the drywall up and reclaimed wood back in his place and hopes to be living there by our next board meeting.
PLANS FOR MEEHAN PARKS MAINTENANCE FACILITY ON HILLIARD AVE: Alan described the zoning of city property between the tennis courts and Merritt St. There are two different zones applied: CB1 and RM8. The city council has set affordable housing as a priority at their recent retreat. The two step process for this facility is to first rezone the CB1 to CBD. (Central Business District) The southern portion doesn’t need rezoning since RM8 allows park and greenway uses. March 2 the rezoning request goes to Planning and Zoning. Then to City Council for approval and then RFP’s (Request for Proposals) will be issued with specific criteria to meet the city’s goals: all units affordable,(maximum of 80% of median income), maximum rent at 30% of income and at least 40 units. It is expected to be competitive and financial incentives will be offered using the value of the property. Alan also noted that the 2009 Downtown Master Plan was being reviewed to revise thresholds of projects for review since only very large projects like hotels come before council now. Rachel asked about other rezoning requests that may come up in WECAN. Alan assured us that the city is not anxious to lose RM8 property to business uses. The goal is to hold the line on business encroachment since the city has a shortage of housing and not of commercial property. There was a conversation on the limitations of the city regarding zoning, density, land use, setbacks and buffers. EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENT: Rachel advised that the city’s report was now available on line. PLACE-MAKING IN RADTIP: Rachel reported the city was looking for input at two public metings on Feb 13 from 11-12:30 at the Grant Center and on Feb 16 at Odyssey Ceramic Arts from 5:30-7. Also the survey is available on line until Feb 26 about creating installations, stops, visuals, etc along the proposed new greenways.  CAN DUES REQUEST: Joe noted that a request has been received but considering our finances we should not support them financially. FBRMPOCAC: Rachel received information about the life expectancy of the Jeff Bowen/ Smoky Park Bridges and received some technical information in response that doesn’t really say how long each will extend its use.
STORMWATER PROBLEMS: Rafael reported major erosion at the middle school fields and irresponsible and possibly illegal actions from the construction. WECAN GARDEN CLUB: Still working on a new list; May help get the Queen Carson Garden ready for spring planting. WECAN COMMUNITY GARDEN: Called a meeting on the 21st at 6:30 p.m. at Sly Grog and are working on a plan for this season.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024