Friday, December 2, 2016

WECAN 2016 General Membership Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN December General Membership Meeting Minutes • Draft

Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Rebecca Lance, Rachel
Larson, Floree Lowery, Luke Perry and Pattiy Torno
Members not present: Jessie Nell Coleman Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, JoAnn
Skinner, and Suzanne Willis.
Also Present: Danny Aull, Stephanie Hall, Len Hall, Floree’s sister from
Baldwin, NY, Charlie Lance, Lee Lance, Caroline Mullins and Marsha
INTROS:  After a super potluck spread and a round of introductions the
meeting came to order at 7:12 pm.
CREEK NAMING: Pattiy introduced the topic of creek naming: RiverLink and
partners seek to name the creek that begins in Aston Park and flows into
the French Broad River behind 12Bones in the River Arts District. Working
with the City of Asheville, they are seeking name suggestions from the
members of three local groups -- WECAN (West End/Clingman Avenue
Neighborhood), RADBA (River Arts District Business Association) and RADA
(River Arts District Artists).
The first step is to collect suggested names, which members of WECAN,
RADBA and RADA can send to Submissions should include
two or three (or more) sentences explaining the rationale for the name and
will lead to two levels of polling – an initial poll only for the
aforementioned groups will be set up to choose three names from those
submitted by their members. After selection of three, a round of public
polling will go out to the community at large. RiverLink will host these
The selected name will then go up a chain to City Council and a
proclamation will be signed by the Mayor of Asheville. RiverLink will then
take the information and submit it to the United States Geological Survey
Board of Geographical names. Upon approval, the creek will bear that name
and it will show up on maps as such. This process follows the guidelines
set forth by the City of Asheville in 2014.
Timeline: Present through January 18: Suggested names collected.
January 19: Names submitted to City of Asheville for broadcast via blog,
social media, newsletter, etc. RiverLink will create a poll and all
interested parties can solicit voting. The poll will remain active for a
month on the dates agreed to by RiverLink and the City of Asheville
Some discussion ensued considering names such as Mathew Bacoate a general
manager of an African American owned local business which would honor the
neighborhood legacy of living and working. Other names suggested include
Floree Lowery who grew up here, Thomas Yarrow who built several houses
here, The Arno after a river through Florence in Italy, and general names
such as Inspiration, Creation or Spirit. There was consensus that it
should not recall Clingman: a slaveholding Civil War soldier. This will be
an agenda item at the January 5 WECAN Board meeting.
MINUTES/ TREASURER”S REPORT: Byron moved and Pattiy seconded a motion to
approve the WECAN Minutes from November as distributed. The motion passed.
Treasurer Rebecca reported no activity since the November meeting. She
noted that the usual expense of printing and mailing the annual newsletter
was unnecessary this year due to a generous contribution of the printing
by Allegra (formerly Mail Management) and the hand delivery by a great
team consisting of Rebecca, Rachel, Luke and Suzanne.
BLOCK JESSIES:  Danny expressed a concern for the drop off next to the
sidewalk at the end of Jefferson Drive.  He was encouraged to use the
Asheville App and send in a picture.  A “Your Speed “ sign appeared on
Hillard Avenue  near West Haywood and Jefferson. Marsha will get the
results. Pattiy noted that more old mature trees were coming down near
waste management on Riverside to make way for a boat launch.  Marsha
distributed a hand out “RADTIP Pre-Construction Information updated
November 11, 2016.”  Pattiy is concerned about the deteriorating
communication and lack of consideration given to businesses in the River
Arts District. Handouts after people have navigated their ways to a
business are really not helpful and retail businesses over the next two
years (like some of her renters) will be seriously affected. There should
be someone in charge with a plan (such as New Belgium’s Leaders
Roundtable which worked well over the last two years.) So much is still
unknown (such as when and where construction will begin--the north end
should be a high priority,) and that may not be known until February.
Discussion of how communication can be improved since broken promises are
what we have had in the past: Marsha suggested Pattiy talk to Steph
Monson Dahl, Cathy Ball and Sam Powers.  Marsha also handed out an
announcement for the “Living Asheville” Comprehensive Plan public
workshops next week.
ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS: Nominations for the WECAN Board Class of 2019
received were: Luke W. Perry, Len Hall, Danny Aull and Caroline (or
Jared.) Byron moved to close nominations Pattiy seconded and the slate
was approved. Orientation and election of officers occurs at the January
5 Meeting.
ACTIVITY REPORT: Joe read a list of activity since the June General
Membership Meeting: June: Plan on a Page, 338 Hilliard: Meehan Parks
Maintenance facility to be turned into 40 units of affordable housing, RAD
Form Based Code, proposal for edible planting. July: Duke Power
distribution lines, Neighborhood Registration, Grail Movie House, August:
National Night Out, Clingman Triangle Plan approved, 1916 Flood
Anniversary, Riverfront Redevelopment begins September: Comp Plan Survey,
New Belgium Tours begin, Owens Bell Park tenth Anniversary October
Community Garden Final Harvest Report, 338 Hilliard contract awarded to
Tribute (Parks and Rec has until March 2017 to vacate.) Comp Plan
Workshop, Bond Issue, The Great Halloween Social (Thanks to Rebecca for
organizing it!) November:  Festival of Neighborhoods Workshops, WECAN
News, Clingman Triangle Planted.
GARDEN CLUB:  Joe did an Adopt A Highway litter pickup on October 7. With
everyone’s busy schedules this month the Garden Club Guerilla maintenance
group will reactivate again in January—weather permitting.
DUKE ENERGY:  This information comes from a meeting with Jason Walls, Duke
Energy. A new process is proposed to start negotiations. Duke is hiring a
3rd party conflict resolution person, UNC has a division which specializes
in this and they have been approached. The meetings will start in January
and go for 6 months, meeting once a month. Present will be SFB
Neighborhood, WECAN neighborhood, Montford neighborhood, Chamber of
Commerce, City of Asheville and Duke.  At these meetings there will be
time to address everything and a solution will be hashed out that will
have everyone on board. Duke has decided to change their approach by being
more inclusive with neighborhoods as they are getting so much push back
and wasting money buying property.  Their old business model is not
working and they recognize it. If you can read a book called Getting to
Yes, this is the process they are going to use. (Getting to yes says no
one gets everything they want but everyone gives something up) He was
aware of the recent sale of the property adjacent to the substation. The
new transmission lines that are going in are replacements for the ones
that are there.  Since they were repositioning everything to make RADTIP
work, they took advantage of updating to current technology, the poles are
30 percent higher. They will follow the same route and terminate at
Rankin, but will have the ability to transmit power more efficiently and
thus reduce the need to build more stations. Rankin is NOT going to be
decommissioned, they are just not going to work it so hard, but adding a
new one. After their new analysis is completed they will advise how many
stations they will need, (hoping it is going to be just one not three.)
Jason has a lot riding on this process because if this works they are
going to adopt this method for all of NC. It is his proposal and his boss
is letting him see it through and see if it will work. Duke has no
experience at all in GIS. The station at Chapel Hill is all out-sourced,
they do not service it, but sub it all out.  Duke does not like to sub out
all their maintenance, (they want to do it themselves.)  Helen told him
this would be a great time for Duke to start the new GIS division and get
up to speed with the world! The usage/growth in Asheville has surpassed
the last building boom, they have installed 10,000 new meters this year
mainly apartments in south Asheville. The new hospital does not need power
until end of 2019. It takes them 18 months to build a new station, so
soonest one will be going is 2018 (end of).  The energy task force sole
purpose is to get people to use less.  One model that is being kicked
around is Duke installing solar on places and buying the power back at
wholesale to resell. But they do need people to be aware that having
everything on and running does not help, (they make more money if you use
more, but not if you use so much they have to create another station to
serve.)  The 3 neighborhoods should meet in December prior to these formal
meetings so we go into this as a unified voice, otherwise we will be
pitted against each other. SFB Representation is Mike Wasmer, Lou
Popovitch and Helen Hyatt. WECAN reps will be among Joe, Rachel, Luke,
Carrie, Josh and Byron.

Meeting adjourned at 8:16 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola

Important dates:
Dec 6 Comp Plan Central Area Public meeting 6:30-8:30
at the Dr Wesley Grant Sr Center 285 Livingston Street
Jan 5, 2017 WECAN Board Meeting 6:30 64 Clingman Ave

Thursday, November 3, 2016

WECAN November 2016 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes November 3, 2016

Board Members present: Joe Fioccola and Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larson, Luke Perry, Pattiy Torno
Members not present: Byron Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Floree Lowery, JoAnn Skinner, and Suzanne Willis.
Also Present: APD Officer Sean Davis, Jared Fischer and Caroline Mullis.
INTROS/ MINUTES/ TREASURER”S REPORT: Chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. After introductions of new neighbors from Club Street, Rebecca moved and Rachel seconded a motion to approve the September minutes. The motion passed.
Treasurer Rebecca reported receiving new WECAN checks and that the balance in the account is $708.91.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Officer Sean Davis reported a 55 year old female’s body was found near Riverlink. Jeanette Jones was a homeless person from Georgia who probably died of hypothermia. No foul play was suspected. In response to complaints of people loitering and drinking and a stolen moped at the wood line behind Merritt Park patrols have increased. Complaints of dogs barking on Jefferson prompted animal control to respond. The resident “Danny” is a pet sitter and encouraged people to text him when the 4 dogs barking at night was a problem. NCDOT said they have a plan about the homeless camping on Boy Scout Hill. One case of a couple with a 7 year old child was referred to DSS and a team was working with them on it. There was an issue of a gate left open along I-240 that Sean will talk to DOT about securing. Finally a trash pile near FLS on Roberts Street would be cleared soon. He also noted a half-marathon would be run next weekend from 7-10 am from pack Square to Broadway to UNCA to WT Weaver with 1500 runners. Rachel asked about a homeless camp she heard about on Knoxville Place off Hilliard and she did see the footpath. Pattiy asked about the flashing streetlights on Roberts and West Haywood and noted that some power and light poles with pink ribbons would be removed when the new larger power lines are installed.                                   
BLOCK JESSIES:  Luke thanked Sean for the new light on Hilliard across from Rector Street. It really makes a difference. Jared reported a problem with box-elder bugs on Club Trade Street where they are swarming and how he is dealing with it. AnnaBeth had to put down Max who was suffering from cancer. Pattiy asked for better RADTIP lane closure notifications. She was pleased that when they improperly closed both lanes on Riverside that it was promptly corrected.
CLINGMAN TRIANGLE PLANTING: Pattiy reported the workday was set for this Sunday November 6 from 12-4. Several people have already RSVP-ed and WLOS will come to film some of it. Eric at Asheville Green Works will bring their tool trailer and a load of chip mulch. Several varieties of blueberries were purchased from Wally at the North Asheville Tailgate Market and fig trees came from BB Barnes
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT:  The idea was discussed from National Night Out to remember the murder victims found last year in the area. For Rachel it defaulted into a personal remembrance with an idea to involve other groups. It prompted a reexamination of the reasons for it. It was suggested that the reason was just to acknowledge that it happened. Rachel offered to reach out to the families. Luke noted that the loss of life impacts our neighborhood. We have the river and what comes with it and should mark the loss of life. Joe noted there is a Crime Victim’s Memorial Day and he will find out when it falls. A WECAN memorial day for WECAN residents who have passed is a task for the new WECAN board to look at.
BOND ISSUE People discussed their ideas about the three proposed bond issues for parks, sidewalks and affordable housing which will be decided on Election Day Tuesday November 8. Some already voted for or against one or more of them. Some had specific problems with what some of the proposed uses were and with the guarantee that they would be spent as proposed, others questioned the ‘broken system’ between the departments and that a sidewalk on Roberts Street should be a higher priority.
FESTIVAL OF NEIGHBORHOODS WORKSHOPS: Joe reported that the Neighborhood Advisory Committee was putting on four workshops on Sunday November 13 from 2-5 pm. They are Social Media, Visioning/Neighborhood Engagement, Circle Forward Dynamic Governance and Crime Prevention/ Neighborhood Watch/Safety. Each workshop will be given twice so attendees can choose to go to two followed by refreshments. There will be information tables from community service groups but no neighborhood displays. Rachel will attend and others are encouraged to participate.
NEIGHBORHOOD REGISTRATION: Rachel has received the request for neighborhood registration which will put neighborhood information on the interactive map. It will include contact information which can be generic onto the WECAN Blog (which should be checked regularly) and not necessarily to the current chair.
RIGHT OF WAY RULES: Rachel wants answers to questions about using city rights of way. She wants to ask city planners to come to a future meeting to answer questions.
WECAN NEWS: Joe completed the annual newsletter and will email a pdf to Pattiy. She will ask Mail Management to print them by November 11. Rebecca, Luke, Rachel, Jared, Suzanne, and others volunteered to distribute copies by hand on November 12 and 13 and check off the master list which ones still need to be snail mailed and which we have email addresses for.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Several names were suggested to see if they will serve. (Jared, Caroline, Amanda, Travis, Brittany, Meg, Carrie, Danny, Marjorie, Michael, Divina) They should agree to serve before being nominated and note that monthly attendance is not mandatory.
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AGENDA:: Luke would like to add an agenda item to a future board meeting about affordable units at Prospect Terrace and ongoing issues of affordability in condos, co-ops and apartments. The discussion may move to the January Meeting. Agenda Items: Joe will give a report on 2016 Activity, and the Community Garden Final Report, election of Board members for the Class of 2019 and ways to connect socially and of course a pot luck. Rebecca will coordinate the pot luck. Joe still has plates, cups, napkins and utensils covered.
GARDEN CLUB: They finished the Rector Triangle, the head of Knoxville Place and mulching the blueberries at Transit. They also cleared the community garden for the Halloween social.
COMMUNITY GARDEN REPORT: The final report for the year is complete and will be attached to these minutes. Joe asked about the Asheville Design Center’s annual request for proposals. A portable water catchment and storage system was suggested. Joe noted that the Community Garden Group/ Bountiful Cities could allocate money towards an infrastructure project. He will investigate both and report back.  
GRAIL MOVIE HOUSE: Luke noted the standard charge for use of the Grail is $100 and they still need written document to verify the rights to show it. The cost was questioned—whether it is worth it to spend it on a showing that few may attend. Admission or donations may be charged or alternatively a public screening could be projected outside on a screen or on someone’s house and used as a community builder..
SECRET SANTA: Rachel reported that Carrie and Josh suggested a neighborhood Secret Santa. Rachel will create a flyer to go with the newsletter for those interested in participating.
Meeting adjourned at 8:16 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola

Mark Your Calendars for upcoming WECAN dates:
Nov 6                        Clingman Triangle Planting 12-4
Nov 8                        Election Day ( Not a WECAN Event)
Nov 13                        Festival of Neighborhoods workshops 2-430 AB Tech
Nov 19                        Saturday at the Grant Center Placement of Historic Markers
                        Downtown Merchants Holiday Parade 11-1
Dec 1               6:30 WECAN General Membership Meeting/Pot Luck

Thursday, October 6, 2016

WECAN October 2016 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes October 6, 2016

Board Members present: Joe Fioccola and Rebecca Lance.
Members not present: Byron Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Rachel Larson, Floree Lowery, Luke Perry, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis.
Also Present: APD Officer Sean Davis and Marsha Stickford.
Secretary Joe Fioccola called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.

MINUTES: Joe moved and Rebecca seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the September meeting as distributed and one correction to the August minutes (that the date said July). The motion passed. There was no treasurer’s report just that Rebecca is working with the bank to get control of the account but she was able to make a deposit.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Officer Sean Davis worked with the PACT Team about someone sleeping outside the Clingman Lofts was complicated by a resident supposedly giving permission. He noted several break and entering throughout the city especially of vehicles. A vehicle on Jefferson was one and the suspect was caught. A vehicle on Rector had a GPS and MP3 taken and no leads. A homeless camp off Knoxville Place was cleared and ongoing vigilance on the hill behind the Boy Scouts Building. Marsha emphasized that the Asheville App should not be used for several police responses since it is only monitored during business hours. If there is a need for more urgent police response you should use the non emergency number 252-1110 or if it is an emergency use 911. Joe noted that Chief Hooper is on the cover of the Mountain Xpress this week which published a good interview.
BLOCK JESSIES:  Luke reported a new light was placed on Hilliard across from Rector Street. Rebecca reported meeting a new neighbor Danny with four dogs. She also is hosting four hens and will go to animal control for permits.  
WECAN NEWS: Joe has drafted about a half dozen articles for the annual newsletter: Plan on a Page, Clingman Triangle, Queen Carson Garden, New Neighbors, 20th anniversary year, Owens Bell Park. There is room for more but the deadline will be the next Board Meeting on November 3 for distribution before Thanksgiving.
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE/EMAIL LIST: Joe noted that with all the comings and goings in the neighborhood there is a need to update the email list and maybe do a door-to-door membership drive. Rebecca asked about a door-to-door distribution of the newsletter to curb postage costs but mailboxes can’t be used. This should happen in November.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: There is a need to identify potential board members for the class of 2019. As noted in last month’s minutes both Joe and Jessie must rotate off the board next year and both AnnaBeth and Jeff have moved out of WECAN. This committee can met separately to make a list or we can take time from the November meeting to brainstorm names.
OWENS-BELL PARK TENTH ANNIVERSARY REPORT: Joe reported that 5 people came out to note the tenth anniversary. Four hardy mums were planted at the park sign. (and a neighbor offered to keep watering them.) The original program was on view. And some memories of the area that became the park from Floree and Joe. He did speak to Gloria Howard Free she didn’t know where the original banner was nor the original photos but said she would talk to Parks and Rec about it. He also observed the stream that was flowing albeit not very strong. Also that the “w” was missing from the kiosk was reported to Pattiy.
GARDEN CLUB: On Sept 7 the sign garden hedge was trimmed and the garden weeded and some volunteer hedges moved. The regular workday was changed from Wednesday to Mondays for the rest of the year.
MELK LOT: New ‘No Trespassing’ signs have been posted by NCDOT. However their assertion of ownership does not excuse their irresponsible neglect of maintenance of the invasive kudzu flowing into the street.
COMMUNITY GARDEN REPORT: On October 4 the invasion of the micro ‘maters and macro cucuzzi monsters was substantially repelled. Strawberries were also planted –thanks to the Sand Hill Community Garden. Marsha noted that Food Policy was moving to Sustainability and our contract with the pollinator/blueberry amendment would need to be renewed and revised. The final report on the pilot program should be submitted when the season is done. She also encouraged us to invite Amber Weaver to a future meeting. She also had been in touch with Transit about mowing the pollinators and they told her it looked like grass to them which indicates that there need to be boundaries such as large rocks set to let them know where the grass ends.
CLINGMAN TRIANGLE PLANTING: Joe asked about the trees that have been cut between the circle and All Souls Pizza. Marsha explained that it was not NCDOT nor the city but Duke who did the work in relation to their power lines. She will contact the new NCDOT people about the planting.
GRAIL MOVIE HOUSE: Luke found the cost to use the facility and the need to have permission for public performance and decision whether to charge a nominal admission or ask for donations.
MEEHAN FACILITY REPORT: Joe noted the city approved Tribute as developer of the facility at 338 Hilliard Ave. into affordable housing. Marsha advised that Parks and Rec had until March 2017 to vacate the property. Joe asked about seeing the designs before then. She suggested emailing Jeff Staudinger and/or Heather Dillingham for that. Joe asked about Clingman Forest Greenway construction and Marsha answered that we should invite Lucy Crown to a future meeting to talk about the greenway plans.
OPEN CITY HALL: Joe noted that it was open for comments on the Haywood Street/Page Avenue Planning, and Transit planning and for the Comp Plan Update even though the survey deadline has passed.
ASHEVILLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PUBLIC WORKSHOP: Rescheduled for Monday October 10th from 6-8 pm at the Collider at 1 Haywood Street( in the Wells Fargo Building.) There will be a compilation of all the survey results.
BOND ISSUE PUBLIC MEETING: Central Asheville - 7 p.m. Wednesday Oct 12 at the City of Asheville Public Works Building, 161 S. Charlotte St. In August, Asheville City Council approved a general obligation bond referendum that would generate $74 million for public improvements financed by the bonds. The public improvements are divided into three categories: Housing Affordability, $25 million, Parks & Recreation, $17 million , Streets, Sidewalks and Bike Lanes, $32 million. Voters will vote separately on each category. For those unable to attend the Bond Expos, the City has educational material online. The City launched a bond referendum information Webpage <> that provides detailed information how bonds work, what the impact could be on taxes and other information. The webpage features an interactive Proposed 2016 Bond Referendum Story Map <>
guides voters through some examples of projects included in the proposed bond package.
HALLOWEEN SOCIAL: Monday October 31 with potluck at 5:30 and trick or treating between 6 and 6:30 or until dark. Rebecca will repeat the notifications she used last year. Joe agreed to build another kiddy maze.
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT:  There needs to be some planning if there is to be an event and time is running short to do something to mark either anniversary date: October 27 or November 5.
FESTIVAL OF NEIGHBORHOODS WORKSHOPS: Joe reported that the Neighborhood Advisory Committee was putting on four workshops on Sunday November 13 from 2-5 pm. They are Social Media, Visioning/Neighborhood Engagement, Circle Forward Dynamic Governance and Crime Prevention/Neighborhood Watch/Safety.  Marsha noted that a request for neighborhood registration has been sent out and the map on the neighborhood services page was up and the info would pull in from the registrations.
Meeting adjourned at 7:37 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola

Mark Your Calendars for upcoming WECAN dates:

Oct 10                        6-8 pm Asheville Comprehensive Plan Update Workshop at the Collider
Oct 14                        New Belgium Sustainability Tour
Nov 3               6:30 WECAN Board
Nov 8                        Election Day ( Not a WECAN Event)
Nov 13                        Festival of Neighborhoods workshops 2-430 AB Tech
Nov 19                        Saturday at the Grant Center Placement of Historic Markers

Thursday, September 1, 2016

WECAN September 2016 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN General Membership Meeting Minutes Sept 1, 2016

Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman and Joe Fioccola.
Members not present: Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Rebecca Lance, Rachel
Larson, Floree Lowery, Luke Perry, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne
Vice Chair Byron called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm acknowledging
regrets from Marsha, Pattiy, Sean, Rachel and Luke.
MINUTES: Jessie moved and Byron seconded a motion to approve the minutes
of the August meeting as distributed. The motion passed. There was no
treasurer’s report.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Officer Sean Davis sent the following in an email:
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend WECAN this evening.  My wife is
expecting and our doctor’s appointment this morning was postponed to
4:30pm.  I wanted to come after the appointment however my personal
vehicle is not operating at the moment.  I am sorry for my absence. Follow
up from the complaint of prostitution on Hilliard Ave close to Rector St. 
I made contact with Juanita Benson who advised that when she travels
downtown her brother drops her off in the area of Clingman/ Rector St. 
Mrs. Benson advised that she in not engaging in prostitution crimes in
that area but frequents S. French Broad Ave.  I have known Mrs. Benson for
several years and she is fairly open about her activities.  I have
requested that she seek out an alternative location to be dropped off. On
8/11/16 a residential B&E was reported to APD.  The offender entered a
secured bedroom and removed rolled coins that were concealed in closet. 
The suspect is a family member of the victim.  I completed a lighting
assessment on Hilliard between W. Haywood St and Clingman Ave.  It was
recommended that lighting be improved but that Luke should be contacted
for input prior to any work.  I have received several complaints of new
homeless camps emerging along I-240 adjacent from W. Haywood St.  They
appear to mainly be staying on the property of Boy Scouts of America. We
are monitored and removing them as we come across them.  Please send me
any questions and/or concerns. Thank You, Sean Davis. Luke emailed that It
looks like Duke power has located a street light right across Hilliard
from Rector, which I think will help a lot.  It might still be a few weeks
before they install it
BLOCK JESSIES:  Byron noted that on Green Street even though the generator
and banging doesn’t begin before 7 the work crews gather before then and
have loud conversations.
OWENS-BELL PARK TENTH ANNIVERSARY: Last time we decided on the date and
time. (4 pm Sunday September 11.)The original program is attached. The
program emerged for the tenth anniversary of the dedication of the
Owens-Bell Park as follows: Welcome, History of the Park with explanation
of who Owens and Bell were, Unveiling the sign garden and refreshments.
Joe has used 4 wheelbarrows full of mulch thanks to Luke. And can get some
plants in before the event. He will try to contact Gloria Howard Free
about the banner and the original photos used to replacing the faded photo
panels. Byron will create a Face Book Event and invite City Council
members and Terry Bellamy and other dignitaries. Joe will do an invite
announcement on Next Door since some of us are ignorant of Next Door.
There should also be some outreach to get email addresses from new
WECAN NEWS: Some ideas generated for the annual WECAN Newsletter included:
Plan on a Page, New Belgium, RAD TIP Travel tips, National Night Out
candling, Clingman Triangle, Community Garden second season attack of the
cucuzzi and squash, Luke’s Housewarming. If you feel inclined you may
write one. Please have them ready for the next Board Meeting. Some
consideration should be given to the next Board of Directors slate since
both Joe and Jessie will be completing their second term in December and
will have to rotate off the board for a year. The current three classes
are: 2016-- Jessie, Joe, AnnaBeth (moved), Jeff (moved) and Tom (never
attended). 2017-- Mike(never attended), Joanne, Suzanne and Rebecca and
2018-- Byron, Rachel, Luke (filling Yuri’s term) and Pattiy. At Large:
Floree and (one vacancy)
survey to everyone on the email list. Due to computer problems they have
extended the deadline to September 12 so there is still time to have your
voice heard. Also the first Public Workshop (with the survey results) will
be at the Collider on Wednesday September 28 from 4-8 pm.
NEW BELGIUM BREWERY: Joe has been attending a neighbor roundtable for the
last couple of years and was invited to tour the facility. He was shown
the Liquid Center, the proper way to pour from a tap in the brew house,
the fermenting area, lab and bottling section with local artist decoration
recycled metal and lumber kept on site. The landscaping looks good and
will only get better around the site as well as in Penland’s Creek.
COMMUNITY GARDEN REPORT: Joe reported that in addition to the apple tree
mowed down one of the elderberries was also mowed and the mowers attacked
parts of the pollinator garden. At first it was the lilies on the upper
edge and then it has started to attack the driveway edge and in behind the
bushes. The Transit mowers need to be talked to. The wire fenced garden
has been invaded by volunteer cucuzzi vines and gourd vines and they are
climbing the fence and the chain-link fence with a vengeance.
GARDEN CLUB: With the weather cooling off the list has been growing like
kudzu: priority will be on the Sign Garden trimming and Owens-Bell park
new sign planting and weeding the established garden. Then there is the
Rector Triangle at Hilliard, the kudzu hill below All Souls Pizza, Roberts
Street below Park Square, the top of Knoxville Place, the corner of West
Haywood and Hilliard, oh, and also the Melk wall. Some areas should be
maintained by property owners like the Melk wall and the corner of
Clingman and Hilliard with the apple trees.
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT:  There need to be some planning if there is to be an
event. Byron will check with Rebecca about coordinating the commemoration
and invitation for the rescheduled event.
GRAIL MOVIE HOUSE: Luke has left a message with Grail movie house about
the screening of the WECAN video, but hasn't heard anything yet.
Meeting adjourned at 7:13 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola

Mark Your Calendars for upcoming WECAN dates:

Sept 11 4 pm Owens-Bell Park Tenth Anniversary
Sept 12 New Deadline for Avl Comp Plan Update Survey
Sept 28 4-8 pm Asheville Comprehensive Plan Update Workshop at the Collider
Oct    6    6:30 WECAN Board

Thursday, August 4, 2016

WECAN August 2016 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN General Membership Meeting Minutes July 7, 2016

Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman, Joe Fioccola
and Luke Perry
Members not present: Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Rebecca Lance, Rachel
Larson, Floree Lowery, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis. 
Also present: Marsha Stickford.
Vice Chair Byron called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm offering
condolences to Rachel on her relative’s passing.
MINUTES: Luke moved and Jessie seconded a motion to approve the minutes of
the July meeting as distributed. The motion passed. There was no
treasurer’s report.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Officer Sean Davis was unable to attend. He has been
temporarily assigned to night shift as well as being pulled to a
conflicting assignment downtown this evening and he apologized for his
absence. He emailed: Not too many issues in the community this month.  He
had complaints of vagrants sleeping inside the homes under construction on
Jefferson Dr.  He contacted the contractor and night units have been
keeping extra checks.  The homes appear to be able to be secured now.
Officers have been keeping extra checks on Hilliard Ave between Clingman
Ave and W. Haywood for concerns of prostitution activities but have not
encountered same.  Jessie reported seeing a young girl out there today and
a subject in a white Cadillac or sometimes a black Cadillac (with a 30 day
tag) drops her off in front of a house on Knoxville Place. Jessie will
call Sean and talk to him about the problem. He also found a street light
that is flashing like a strobe light in front of White Duck Taco on
Roberts St and will try to get the pole number and send it to Marsha.
Please send him any concerns or issues that need to be addressed.  Marsha
reported meeting about the lighting deficiency on Hilliard. Mark Foster
will try to open up the trees to try to get out more light. Luke reported
the curb bump outs on Clingman Avenue at Clingman Place and Rector are
dangerous for cars coming onto Clingman due to the on street parking and
unable to see oncoming traffic.
BLOCK JESSIES: On July 17 several neighbors who have never been to a WECAN
event came out to a housewarming party at 381 West Haywood Street across
from Park Avenue. Flyers and refreshments were a successful engagement
strategy. Luke reported that Stan and Angie have left their apartment at
20 Rector Street which is now vacant except for 3 groundhogs and is also
for sale.
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT: The planned event was canceled. It was supposed to
mark the anniversary of the murders of Tatianna Diz and Alexandra King
which occurred on October 27. (The bodies were found in the river on
November 5.) It was to begin at the Community Garden and proceed to the
river with candles and possibly floating luminaria. The consensus was that
it was good to plan something closer to the anniversary dates. Luke will
still provide hot dogs and Marsha suggested that Police Chief Hooper may
even attend. It will also give time to get the word out and get more
people to attend and also meet neighbors and reduce crime and increase
safety which is the goal of NNO.
OWENS-BELL PARK TENTH ANNIVERSARY: Discussion of how to mark the September
4 tenth anniversary of the dedication of the Owens-Bell Park. One idea was
to complete the planting around the Owens-Bell Park sign. Rather than the
actual date (Sept 4) during Labor Day Weekend it was scheduled for 4 pm
the following Sunday September 11. Joe will try to locate the original
banner. Garden Club will coordinate the planting. The Mayor and City
Council should be invited. Luke reported that today the stream was dry and
after the recent rains should not be. Marsha will check on that and about
restoring the faded photo panels.
WELCOME WAGON: It didn’t happen as expected. However Rebecca has created a
document than can be printed off by anyone, and updated rather than
storing a supply of baskets and flyers. Info-- such as some newsletters,
and jam in a basket were left at the 381 West Haywood house warming.
WECAN NEWS: The annual WECAN Newsletter will go out again in November.
Please begin thinking of articles you would like to see included.
FESTIVAL OF NEIGHBORHOODS 3.0: NAC’s third festival is for Sunday November
13th. Thinking of some ideas for what workshops would be helpful to
neighborhoods, Luke suggested one on how to spread the love and engage,
empower and expand the capacity of resources and people in the community.
A panel discussion from three crazy different neighborhoods or a
brainstorming session with a facilitator of what works such as colorful
t-shirts, leaflets with animal pictures and faces, hot dogs, new
construction threats, etc..
DUKE POWER POLES: Marsha reported that SFB Neighborhood was meeting with
the Mayor soon about the problem which is the same that was facing Isaac
Dickson Elementary School last year. Joe will contact Helen Hyatt to see
if we can help.
338 HILLIARD AVENUE: Marsha reported that two proposals have been received
and both were good. A staff recommendation should go before City Council
next Tuesday August 9.
WECAN EMAIL UPDATE/MEMBERSHIP DRIVE: The list should be updated before the
Newsletter goes out. Ideas for a membership drive including hot dogs and
flyers judiciously placed (Not illegally in mailboxes) with contact info
email list requests.
GRAIL MOVIE HOUSE: Luke working on getting the WECAN video scheduled there.
CLINGMAN TRIANGLE PLANTING: On July 28, Pattiy and Joe met on site with
new DOT people: Scott Killough
Buncombe County Maintenance Engineer Department of Transportation (828)
298-0390 office,
Keith Blazer, and Clifford ??, and all agreed on the
following plan: 1-The strip along Clingman Extension will be planted with
3-5 kouza dogwoods or white redbuds (rather than serviceberries.) 2-The
triangle with the RAD sign is will be split in half. The part in front of
the sign will remain turf grass and the left half will be mulched and host
three large fig trees. 3-The small triangle closest to the Grey Eagle will
have 5-7 oak leaf hydrangeas. And 4-the strip between the sidewalk and the
parking lot will be planted with blueberry bushes. Also DOT will leave a
large pile of mulch on site. Curve Studios, RADBA, WECAN Garden Club will
assist when the right planting time comes in the fall.
COMMUNITY GARDEN REPORT: Byron reported that it has been an uneven year
for the community garden. We lost the Hardcastles but they left two raised
beds and a pair of blue barrels, and we did get new gardeners Herman (aka
Johnny) and Patricia Crisp participating. The blueberries are not doing
well but the pollinators across the driveway are going to town. Joe sadly
noted the apple tree was mowed down last week.
BUS SHELTER VOTE: Luke reported about the future bus shelter across
Haywood Road from Craven Street.  The design is a prototype that can be
used around the City. There’s also a history panel on the back of the
shelter that speaks to the area. The hope is that this shelter will be
installed by late August and is dependent on City greenway completion.
There is a survey on the ADC site to choose covering materials such as
reclaimed wood, metal bottle cap mosaic or combinations thereof. Voting
closes on August 10, 2016 at
design is for a two sided structure with a cantilevered bench. Luke has
been involved with this for four years and he credited Yuri for his vision
and efforts in getting it to this stage. Joe expressed his concerns for
visibility to see through it from the greenway to see if the shelter is
occupied or more like a bird blind.
SMALL-SCALE RESIDENTIAL INFILL WORKSHOP: Marsha reported that one workshop
was held on July 14 and another is set for August 11 5:30-7:30 at the US
Cellular Center. The discussion continues with online engagement, the
topic is available for online public input on Open City Hall to read the
analysis and take the survey there.
The online survey will close on August 30. The goal is rewrite the UDO to
match the zoning to what is actually out there and to allow infill
residential to grow the tax base by reducing minimum lot size. She noted
that the City Planner in charge--Vadilla Satvika, was very community
RIVERFRONT REDEVELOPMENT: Work has begun travel patterns are changing.
Marsha advised that a new website was up with a real-time map to show
changes and construction delays. There will also be a business packet with
RADBA to show their customers how to get through and also one for visitors
and a sign package to proclaim that the RAD is still open.
staff and fifteen residents were meeting to design a process for
neighborhood engagement.
1916 FLOOD CENTENARY: Joe reported he attended the symposium for the 100
year annive4rsary of the 1916 flood. It was interesting, entertaining and
informative. And there is a 60 minute video about the flood.
Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola
Mark Your Calendars for upcoming WECAN dates:
August 8 CAN meeting at 7:30 pm at the Oakley Center Asheville
Comprehensive Plan.
August 10 Bus Shelter voting closes.
August 30 Small scale Infill online survey closes
September 1    WECAN Board 6:30
September 11 Owens-Bell Park Tenth Anniversary

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024