Thursday, May 7, 2015

WECAN May 2015 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting May 7, 2015 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were:  Byron Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Rebecca Lance and Rachel Larson. Board Members not present were  Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, , Floree Lowery, Luke W. Perry, Rafael Rettig, Marc Schieferstein, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis.  Also present was: CRO Sean Davis, Sgt Evan Coward and Marsha Stickford. 
Chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. 
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: Meeko is a cat missing from Keely and Blake's. Joe relayed that Eric Bradford suggested nominating the huge maple at the north end of the Community Garden  area as a Treasure Tree.(It comes with no protection just recognition and honorific.) AnnaBeth noted that grading had begun on Jefferson. They were trying but unable to contact the Pepsi Billboard folks about landfill there. Joe noted that Bill and Marianna Bailey--who helped WECAN with visioning in the late 1990's were being honored as Asheville Living Treasures later this month. Also that Jessie Coleman was among the first so honored.  
Rachel reported that Curbie had a hydraulic accident that sprayed oil on a house on Park Square.
MINUTES: The draft minutes were approved as distributed. TREASURERS REPORT: AnnaBeth reported no activity. Current balance is $624.22.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Sean reported that graffiti was diminishing. There had been an arrest of a violator at Riverlink. Prostitution--especially near S. French Broad Ave, was getting a green light and response from Vice and outreach was showing some success in getting help to sex workers. A Police Chief Candidates Meet and Greet will be held at UNCA's Wilma Sherrill Center on Monday May 18  from 5-6 and At 6 p.m., following the meet and greet, candidates will make presentations on a pre-determined subject.  Community members will have the opportunity to offer feedback on candidates through comment cards.  The feedback will be considered in the selection process. Candidates will be announced by May 13. Joe reported two chain link fences broken. One on Roberts St side of the Dave Steel property and one that Rachel noted at the north end of the Melk Property. Marsha contacted DOT about that one and they claimed it was on private property. Marsha suggested keeping a count of the trash cleaned up and the police responses to campers in preparation of a report to the N.C.D.O.T. She also announced there is a new Homeless Coordinator: Christina Tugman.  There was loud noise reported and controlled at the recent River Music concert. Rachel asked how to find out what's happening around the area. A reminder that there is a noise ordinance in effect 24 hours with special emphasis from 11 pm- 7 am.
SPRING FLING: Saturday April 11 was a beautiful and windy day. A handful of people came by and on one hour helped carry soil from the driveway to fill the 4 new raised beds. Joe got the soil donated by Green Works after helping them plant the Apple Orchard at Hillcrest.
GARDEN CLUB WEDNESDAYS: Joe reported that the Garden Club had mowed the unclaimed grass strip at the new stop sign and trimmed and weeded the sign garden and the hedges across the street.
CITY-WIDE CLEAN-UP APRIL 18, FROM 10-2 PM: Joe reported that 4 volunteers spent 7 hours helping to collect a total of 18 bags of trash and recycling from 2 campsites. ( Melk area and across from the sign garden.) and clear storm drains between Clingman Avenue and Park Avenue.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY :The quarterly litter pick up for Clingman Avenue was set for this Saturday May 9 at 8:00 AM. Meet at the sign garden. Joe will bring vests and bags. (Other events scheduled around this Saturday include an all day bicycle criterion at South Slope, River Arts District Studio Stroll and New Belgium concrete pour at 3 am.)
COMMUNITY GARDEN: Joe reported that waivers were signed, sections were fenced, raised beds were planted, notes of meetings were kept. Regular meetings have been happening on Tuesdays at 6 pm at the Garden. Marsha asked to keep good records and at the right time (Check back in September) a report or article could go onto the city blog.  
COMMUNITY GARDEN FUNDING: AnnaBeth noted that some expenses were made to get things going and questioned whether WECAN treasury funds should be used to reimburse those expenses. She noted that some people have made donations in kind and did not expect to be reimbursed. She noted that the treasury funds has not been allocated and asked if some could be earmarked for the Community Garden. So far expenses were for the wire fence $125 and paint $70? Since WECAN signed the agreement for the community garden it is an authorized project. Therefore if people want to donate that is great but if they do not want to give money how can we keep it inclusive? Joe's concern was that the treasury should not be a blank check for anyone to spend in the garden. From now on expenses should be discussed and proposed for the whole board before they are made. Byron suggested the garden committee should create a budget as good non-profit procedure. Some in kind contributions received so far include wood, compost and soil from Lance, flowers and spinners from Byron, a composter from Liz Ridley, tomato plants from Pete Bassett, pallets from Hunter Volvo, wire fencing from Patrick Pearson and topsoil from Green Works. AnnaBeth suggested a sign in recognition of the work put in by Byron and Joe. She moved that the garden committee can bring budget proposals to the board  for consideration. The motion passed. She also moved that the board approve the reimbursement of some portion of funds submitted by invoice for expenses made to date. That motion passed. Next AnnaBeth suggested there be a name for the garden to honor those who have given so much time and effort. Byron moved to name it the Queen Carson Community Peace Garden after the first female principal in Asheville of the Park Avenue School which was the site where Transit is now located. The motion passed. Next came the question of signage. Marsha will have more information about neighborhood signage at the June meeting. This topic was tabled until then.
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: The required second general membership meeting was set for Thursday June 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Garden. (coincident with the Board Meeting). 
NO MEETING IN JULY: It was moved to cancel the July 2 regular board meeting. The motion passed. 
BLOCK JESSIES: This was the system for communicating with all parts of the neighborhood but there are gaps in coverage. 
TRAFFIC CALMING: Marsha outlined the process in place for speed humps: first apply, then sign petition of 60% then transportation does a study to determine the number of cars and speeds over that posted. There is also consideration by the fire department and budget. Last year there were 26 requests  Several did not meet criteria but two were funded this year. Marsha will forward a copy of the policy to Rachel to address issues of increased traffic, speeding, crosswalks, mirrors, traffic studies and sidewalks needed linkages. She also encouraged reporting of buses seen speeding. It takes bus number, time of day and direction for transit to investigate. Marsha will get the number for reporting. Liz at Park Square thanked for the 'no-outlet' sign. AnnaBeth wants a sidewalk on Roberts Street prior to a pedestrian fatality. Marsha suggested consideration of a letter to Cathy Ball. 
MASTER PLANNING: Marsha noted that Alan Glines had spoken at a recent CAN meeting about neighborhood plans. This spiked interest and a Request For Proposals  was being put out for a new comprehensive plan(like the 2025 plan) to ultimately update the UDO.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Marsha reported that as a follow-up to the Gentrification Study there would be a 2 day workshop in June on Equitable Development. A WECAN representative was needed. She noted that planning staff had been reduced more than half and were really trying to get values driven development.
NEW BELGIUM BREWING: Marsh announced that Craven Street Paving was set to begin this week fro Waynesville Ave north to Hazel Mill Rd and then closing from Waynesville Ave south to Haywood Road.
CLINGMAN FOREST GREENWAY: Marsha will have a status update for the June 4 meeting.
SHORT TERM RENTALS: Marsha reported that City Council was set to consider this at their May 12 meeting.  They may change the Home-stay rules allowing smaller houses and getting clear registrations for home-stays. Short Term Rentals are now legal in the central business district but only 30 day rentals allowed elsewhere in the city. 
The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.
    May 9          8 am Adopt A Highway Clean up
                        River Arts District Studio Stroll
    May 10        Mothers Day
    May 12        Community Garden Group 6 pm
    May 13        Garden Club     2 pm
    May 18        Police Chief Candidates Meet and Greet UNCA 5-7
    May 19        Community Garden Group 6 pm
    May 20        Garden Club     2 pm
    May 26        Community Garden Group 6 pm
    May 27        Garden Club     2 pm
    June 2          Community Garden Group 6 pm  
    June 3          Garden Club     2 pm
    June 4          Next WECAN BOARD Meeting and General Membership meeting 6:30 pm at the Jefferson Community Garden

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024