Thursday, March 5, 2015

WECAN March 2015 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting March 5, 2015 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were:  Jessie Nell Coleman, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larson and Floree Lowery. Board Members not present were Byron Ballard, Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry, Rafael Rettig, Marc Schieferstein, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis.  Also present was: CRO Sean Davis
Chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. 
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: AnnaBeth reported that the dog barking problem had been elegantly solved by frosting the lower portion of the window. New Jefferson neighbors include Blair, Keeley and 2 year old Jane. Also due to recent property exchanges she was able to re-finance her home (again.) Rebecca noted that the storm water pipe moving was complete. Joe reported that the variance requested by Luke for the house on Yarrow Place was approved and now Luke is applying for permits. AnnaBeth corrected the previous minutes with Jeff Carnivale off the board. Joe observed that the board can fill a vacancy until the next General Membership Meeting. Bring suggestions to the next meeting. Outreach was suggested to the new neighbors on Park Avenue and on Jefferson.
MINUTES: The draft minutes were approved as distributed. TREASURERS REPORT: AnnaBeth reported no activity.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Sean reported that the last 30 New Belgium Tanks would be arriving March 16-19 taking a route from I-40 to I240 to Amboy Road to Lyman Street to Roberts St across the Riverlink Bridge to Craven Street. Joe added that the vessels are 55 feet tall and they hope to move 10 per day. Sean also noted that regarding prostitution the police were targeting hookers as well as johns and especially looking at repeat offenders. He also reported that there have been several vehicle break ins in the area of lower Clingman and Roberts St. One suspect who was caught said they tried vehicles all along Clingman but on the upper end they were found to be locked. He also reported that there seems to be no recent activity only debris at campsites near Melk Drive.  Rachel noted seeing a red tent near the Riverlink property. AnnaBeth asked about an article she read in the paper about felony prostitution charges. Sean explained there are two charges that can be made: soliciting and loitering--both misdemeanor. However, a new development says that three charges in a six month period will equal a felony prostitution charge.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY: The previously scheduled date was called off due to the weather. The next date is rescheduled for Thursday March 12 at 9:30 a.m.(weather permitting, of course.)
FESTIVAL OF NEIGHBORHOODS: WORKSHOPS:  Joe reminded Rachel to reply to the Neighborhood Advisory Committee that WECAN would be represented. They wanted an idea of how many would attend. The program includes two workshops from the following six: 1-  Development and Sustenance of a Neighborhood Newsletter  2-The Circle Forward Governance Program  3- Fundraising for Neighborhoods    4-Preventing Crime in Your Neighborhood  5-Creating a Vision for Your Neighborhood and 6- Citizens Police Advisory Council. The program begins at 2 pm on Sunday March 15 at AB Tech. The workshops will run until 3:45 and then refreshments and networking until 4:30. Joe will be there on behalf of NAC and will bring the WECAN Tri-fold display.  Rachel will RSVP for three. More can come if available. 
COMMUNITY GARDEN: The first meeting of the Community Gardeners was held at MHO due to weather on Sunday February 15. Joe, Byron, Rebecca and Lyn attended. Byron posted the minutes on Face Book.  Joe made a planning grid to get an idea of where to plant and also to address the concerns for open space that children use. He emphasized that as a pilot project we wanted to include all kinds of ideas. So the proposal for ten plots would be assigned as five for individual plots (there are about 5 people interested ) and five for group efforts such as a children's garden, compost area, pollinator/wildflower garden and nursery to provide stock for other WECAN plantings. Joe will meet with Marsha and Risk Management at Transit on March 17 at 1:30 to finalize the details of the Maintenance Agreement Amendment. The second Gardeners meeting is re-scheduled for Sunday March 15 at 5:30 on site.(Weather permitting.)  
ASHEVILLE DESIGN CENTER: Rachel reported that a proposal was made for a portable cover and stage platform for the area next to All Souls Pizza/RAD farmers market, but it was not selected.
GREEN OPPORTUNITIES: Rachel reported that they are having pop-up dinners on Thursdays at the Eddington Center. Not sure about details.(or what pop-up means.)      
GARDEN CLUB WEDNESDAYS: Joe announced that Garden Club Wednesdays would begin again on March 11, 18, 25 and 4/1. at 2 p.m. Locations to be determined. Suggestions welcome.
ASHEVILLE IN MOTION: The drop in charettes are set for 9-5 Tuesday-Friday March 10-13 with a summation at 10-12 on Saturday March 14. Location is the Renaissance Hotel.
OTHER: Sean announced that EWANA called a meeting about Short Term Rentals on March 30. Joe attended a forum put on by the Chamber last month. He explained that there was general agreement that there needs to be some rules and guidelines, but no significant opposition was made. There were concerns expressed about potential abuses and impact on neighborhoods. Floree had a problem tenant on Rector Street. She also reported a problem on her property that the city threatened to fine her about a stone wall that was leaning towards the sidewalk. Then they took away the stones and never came back to seed the slope with grass. Jessie noted the passing recently of 96 year old Carrie May Briggs who used to live on Clingman Place.
The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.
    April 2           Next WECAN BOARD Meeting 6:30 pm at 64 Clingman Avenue
    April 11        WECAN Spring Fling
    April 18        Asheville Green Works City Wide Clean Up Day

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024