WECAN Board Meeting February 5, 2015 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were: Byron Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Rebecca Lance, Rachel Larson, and Rafael Rettig. Board Members not present were Jeff Carnivale (?), Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Floree Lowery, Luke W. Perry, Yuri Koslen, Marc Schieferstein, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis. Also present were: Marsha Stickford and CRO Lucas Lovelace and CRO Sean Davis.
Chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: Canine/feline update: Reports that Coco, Banjo, Fiddle, Karl and Max were all doing well. AnnaBeth met new neighbors on Jefferson. She reported that drug and prostitution traffic were picking up again at the turn around on Jefferson. Marsha will meet with Joel Tweed about a possible partial solution. AnnaBeth also has a problem with a neighbor whose dogs bark constantly when they are away. The neighbor is very nice but the problem goes on. Marsha requested a name and address to pursue it.
TREASURERS REPORT: AnnaBeth reported that the Balance in our account is $624.22 after paying for the newsletter and after the Garden Club donation.
MINUTES: The draft minutes were approved as distributed.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Sean reported a problem at 114 Clingman Ave where they responded to reports of syringes. Warrants have been issued on Luke Hutchins who has fled and they have been unable to make contact with the property owner. He also reported that RADBA was offering free classes to middle and high school age neighborhood young people. Regarding the graffiti initiative it was noted that there have been many appeals but a good sign was that the new District Attorney was more willing to use circumstantial proof tying offenders to other occurrences. He also reported that sanitation had done a clean up under the bridges. Joe reported that an area had been cleared across from Transit and camping detritus had been left there.
ASHEVILLE DESIGN CENTER: Rachel noted that they have extended their application deadline to February 13 for proposals for their summer design build project. Last year they took on a covering for the outdoor staircase at the YWCA and the year before built the '13 bones' pedestrian bridge next to Jean Webb Park. Some ideas were brought up. Rebecca suggested that there may be some interest in the 'farmers market' area next to All Soul's Pizza at 175 Clingman Avenue. She will contact the people involved and let them know of the deadline.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY: The date of the next clean up was set for Thursday February 19 at 10:00 a.m. A weekend date will be set for the next ones.
SOCIAL GATHERINGS: AnnaBeth pointed out that they usually call one in the summer when Lance makes sangria. The Halloween gathering was fun. Other ideas were an Easter Egg hunt, a fondue party, St Patricks Day, Equinox Celebration. Saturday April 11 was set for a Spring Fest. Joe noted that Block Jessies need to be activated and make contact with new neighbors and let them know about WECAN opportunities and a possible membership drive.
FESTIVAL OF NEIGHBORHOODS: WORKSHOPS: Save the Date! Joe announced that the Neighborhood Advisory Committee developed a follow up to the Festival of Neighborhoods in October 2013. An opportunity to network with other groups with six workshops on offer. Everyone is invited to attend two. They include 1- Development and Sustenance of a Neighborhood Newsletter led by Joan Miller, editor of the Montford Newsletter; 2-The Circle Forward Governance Program led by Tracy Kunkler; 3- Fundraising for Neighborhoods led by Suzanne and Alan Escovitz (Grove Park/Sunset Mountain Neighborhood; 4-Preventing Crime in Your Neighborhood led by Asheville Police Officer Keith McCulloch; 5-Creating a Vision for Your Neighborhood led by City Councilman Chris Pelly and NAC Vice President Teddy Jordan; and 6- Citizens Police Advisory Council led by Committee members Debbie Applewhite, Larry Holt, and Lt. Janice Hawkins, APD; The program begins at 2 pm on Sunday March 15 at AB Tech. The workshops will run until 3:45 and then refreshments and networking until 4:30. If you are interested in attending email Joe.
COMMUNITY GARDEN: Marsha has drafted an amendment to our current Owens-Bell Park Maintenance Agreement. She wants us to look it over and then set up a meeting with the Risk Management Team to finalize it. Pattiy also is planning to seriously maintain the plantings from the Grey Eagle to the Traffic Circle. It is an ambitious two year plan to eradicate weeds and put in appropriate plantings. She wants to add an amendment to the agreement to include that area. The city assumes that there is neighborhood support. Byron assured everyone concerned that there are no plans drawn up yet for the community garden but a lot of ideas are floating around. A meeting will be called to develop a plan which will have to be approved by the City when we sign the amendment. A meeting of interested parties was set for Sunday February 15 at 4 pm on site.(weather permitting) Marsha will check for possible rain meeting space at Transit.(other potential rain meeting spaces: Aston Park, AnnaBeth's, Rebecca's, Byron and Joe's.).
SINKHOLE ON CLINGMAN Pattiy forwarded an email from McCrae Coates that the sinkhole near the Grey Eagle was now blocked off and the City and DOT and MSD will meet to determine what is causing the problem and will collaborate on solutions.
ASHEVILLE IN MOTION: Marsha announced that drop in charettes were planned for Tuesday-Friday March 10-13 with a summation on Saturday March 14. Location TBA.
GREEN OPPORTUNITIES OPEN FOR LUNCH: Rachel announced that Monday thru Thursday from 12-1 the food preparation group was providing lunch for a donation at the Eddington Center on Livingston Street.
NEW BELGIUM BREWERY: Rachel relayed that NBB has put out a request for Artist Portfolio Submissions. Rebecca will forward to artists she knows.
SCULPTURE: Marsha advised that a sculpture would very soon be created temporarily on the old Ice House site.
97 ROBERTS ST: Joe attended the P&Z meeting. It was a technical review to see if the plans were in compliance with regulations. No variance was requested so it does not go to City Council. The plans proposed about 20 parking spaces across Roberts Street and about twice that many including handicap accessible to an elevator on the north side of the building in the railroad right of way. There are four floors divided into about a dozen spaces for artist studios, restaurants etc. No objections or comments were presented.
STONEWORKS: Rafael reported that he heard a possible agreement had been reached to at the stone works which may affect Twelve Bones.
The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.
March 5 Next WECAN BOARD Meeting 6:30 pm at 64 Clingman Avenue