WECAN Board Meeting June 5, 2014 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were: Jessie Nell Coleman, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Rachel Larson and Pattiy Torno . Board Members not present were Byron Ballard, Jeff Carnivale, Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry, JoAnn Skinner, and Suzanne Willis. Also present was: Marsha Stickford and APD Officer Evan Coward.
Chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
MINUTES: There were two corrections to the Draft April minutes: Stephen Lee Johnson led the Clingman Forest Walk Through and Sasha Vrtinski's name was misspelled. The minutes were approved as distributed and corrected.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Officer Coward reported that on May 22 the Curve Studios had been broken into; at 33 Jefferson Drive a truck window was smashed out; and on May 17 two cars had their tires slashed on Clingman Avenue Extension. Pattiy relayed that in social media it was reported that people have been camping and starting fires behind All Souls Pizza and asking folks on Jefferson to report anyone they see there. Evan also noted that he is working on removing the homeless camp under the Craven Street Bridge. Pattiy reported a blue and white tent between 233 Riverside Drive and the Railroad Trestle. Also noted was construction noise from New Belgium some possibly occurring before 7 AM. It is legal from 7 AM-7 PM Mon-Friday and later on the weekend. Pattiy will check with the construction crew. Rachel asked about a Face Book posting of a male dressed in black with a skull and crossbones on his back riding a motor scooter and and chasing females on Haywood Road. Evan noted that is is a problem when people post things on social media instead of calling the police. Joe asked about the APD Strategic Plan. Evan advised that a draft has been received by the Assistant City Manager. From there it goes to the Public Safety Commission and then to Council for final approval. The effective date is July 1. Evan served on the Community Quality of Life Committee which recommended surveying the community and improvements to public information and communication. Joe noted problems with finding things on the city website. Marsha suggested the need for a webmaster but that the city is headed in the right direction. Thanks to volunteer efforts the city budget is now available and they are aiming to get necessary information such as recycling and trash removal days available online by address. AnnaBeth asked about the best procedure to address the nuisance of dogs who bark constantly when their owners are out. She was advised to call the police non-emergency number: 828 252-1110 and ask for a call to be made for animal services who may respond the next day. You can also ask them to contact you to explain the problem or to report what action they have taken. Rachel asked about the effectiveness and liability issues surrounding "fake" security cameras. They may give a false sense of security and they may be effective.
BLOCK JESSIES: The three babies born last year are now a year old and toddling around .
COMMUNITY GARDEN PROPOSAL; A meeting was called on Friday May 23. Joe Brett, Rachel and Byron attended. Joe read a draft proposal for a community Garden on the corner of Jefferson and West Haywood outside the fence of Asheville Redefines Transit Center.(a copy is attached.) Joe moved and AnnaBeth seconded a motion to support the proposal. The motion was approved following discussion of the following: ACCESS TO WATER: the city has made arrangements with Bountiful Cities to pay for water used at the Edible Gardens near Stephens Lee. STAFFING: Pattiy expressed concerns about having participation with the commitments already in place for Owens Bell Park, sign planting, etc. The proposal is to phase in gardening as we get committed participants. There are currently 6-12 people who have expressed some interest so far and it is possible that interested parties from outside WECAN may be permitted to participate. FINANCIAL: AnnaBeth assured that garden/water funds could be easily kept separate from WECAN general funds. NEXT STEP: Marsha will check the legal research aspect with Charlotte Hutchins. STONE WALL: She will also ask for research about 150 feet of stone wall across from the Transit in the recently cleared section of the new stop sign. Joe suggested that it would be good for it to be restored or repaired. The cost is unknown. The ownership is unknown. However, WECAN has a reserve of granite curbstones from Jefferson Drive that may be used as a capstone for the wall--if it is a public use.
GENTRIFICATION STUDY: Rachel reported on a meeting with Sasha Vrtinski and Mike Brown which included Joe and Rafael. The impression they seemed to get was that they were not sure that affordability was a problem in WECAN. They are going to research the history of home prices and will have a public meeting in the week of June 23. Pattiy gave an artist's view. Her impression, when she and Tim Schaller and Mike Gardener met with the group was that they were very concerned with the Housing Authority and theta they felt very privileged among the other residents of Census Tract 9. AnnaBeth expressed the concern based on prices on Jefferson that with prices inflating so quickly she could not afford to move here now and that we are pricing out regular people and making the neighborhood more exclusive. Marsha noted that the study is supposed to research what can legally be done and legally not be done in North Carolina. That will be supplemented by information about what other cities have done and other things to consider. The study should be complete by June 30.
SEMI-ANNUAL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: The date for the pot luck was set for Saturday June 28 from 4-9 PM. The location is Jefferson Drive. AnnaBeth volunteered to make flyers to publicize it.
MASTER PLANNING: A meeting was called of the original committee on May 20. Joe and Byron met and reviewed and made some slight revisions to the proposal. Joe will forward to Marsha.(Copy attached)
MAYOR'S DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE: On May 16 the Mayor announced a task force to streamline the development process. Rachel had questions about the stakeholders and how members would be selected. Marsha distributed a sheet explaining the mission: "To review standards and policies for the purpose of developing recommendations designed to promote sound growth and development in the city, balancing the needs and wants of a diverse citizenry." She emphasized that this is not a standing commission they have one task: to streamline the process that is unnecessarily complex and inefficient.
STORM WATER MEETING: Joe and Rafael attended the CAN meeting on May 12. The current fee of $2.34 ERU/Month nets about 3 million each year. The Proposed Objectives for 2015 include: Improve preventive maintenance operations ditches, pipe replacement, system inventory; Increase investment in infrastructure; and Complete system analysis to accurately prioritize infrastructure needs. They are offering three options to proceed: Option 1: Minimal improvements and Capital construction projects: Fee: 2.34 ERU/mo raised to 3.20 ERU/Mo=revenue increase of $1,045,000 (a 36% increase) Option 2: Strategic Program Improvements including planning objectives and undertaking measured plan for capital improvement Fee: 2.34 ERU/mo raised to 3.50 ERU/Mo=revenue increase of $1,399,000. (a 50% increase) Option 3: Visionary program to create capital improvements that address major community needs. Fee: 2.34 ERU/mo raised to 4.00 ERU/Mo=revenue increase of $1,995,000. (a 70% increase) Additional Considerations include: an aging storm water infrastructure, Citizens request high level of service and a legal option of a 5% potential increase each year. It was noted that in the 1990's an estimate quoted $70,000,000 needed for storm water system then. Next Steps: include Getting guidance from council, doing outreach and education to the public and brining to council for adoption.
FIRE HYDRANT PAINTING: Joe has counted about 25 Hydrants in WECAN that need to be painted every other year. He is interested in working with a crew to take on the task. Will look for other interested parties at the General Membership Meeting.
Get2gether Neighborhood Challenge Grant: WECAN is eligible for one of these matching grants up to $2,000. The project must be focused on building a local economy, greening your community or be linked to a sharing system. The application deadline is June 30, The grants will be announced on August first and then there is until September 15 to raise the matching funds. A team of four is required and It was felt that we aren't ready for it at this time but maybe next year.
ADOPT A HIGHWAY Clean up date set for Wednesday June 11 at 9 AM.
GARDEN CLUB WEDNESDAYS: There was a request to clear the bushes encroaching the sidewalk on Clingman Avenue. There is more to do on the sign hedges. These will happen on June 18. Short Hilliard will continue on June 25.
METAL FENCE ON HILLIARD: Marsha said this is still in dispute between the city and the D.O.T. and she will follow up with Ken Putnam and Jeff Moore.
HALF MARATHON: Pattiy noted the route through WECAN this Saturday starting downtown at 8 AM was south on Riverside Drive to Depot Street. The bulk of the runners are at the beginning and there would be rolling road blocks for the rest.
WECAN GARDEN CLUB: Garden Club will assist RADBA on Sunday June 8 from 9-12 AM pulling weeds from the traffic Circle to All Souls Pizza.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Officer Coward announced that effective June 19 he would be promoted to the rank of Sergeant. While we are happy for him and the department, we will miss him at our meetings.
The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.
June 7 Half Marathon starts 8 AM
June 8 Garden Club 9-Noon Clingman from Roberts to Clingman Extension.
June 11 Adopt-A Highway 9-10 AM
June 14-15 Studio Stroll
June 18 Garden Club Wednesdays Sign/Clingman 1-4 PM
June 19 Sergeant Evan Coward Swearing In Ceremony
June 21 Juneteenth Celebration
June 23-27 Gentrification meeting TBA
June 25 Garden Club Wednesdays Short Hilliard 3-6 PM
June 28 WECAN General Membership Meeting 4-9
Every Friday Night Classic World Cinema 8 pm upstairs at Phil Mechanic Studios Free!
July 3 WECAN Board Meeting 6:30 at 64 Clingman Avenue