WECAN Board Meeting May 1, 2014 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were: Byron Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman, Joe Fioccola, and Rachel Larson. Board Members not present were Jeff Carnivale, Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis. Also present was: Marsha Stickford and APD Officer Lucas Lovelace.
Chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
MINUTES: There was a correction to the Draft April minutes: The Clingman Forest Walk-Through was on Wednesday April 23 and the Bridge Work day was moved to Saturday April 26. The minutes were approved as distributed and corrected.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Officer Lovelace reported that the graffiti tagger who signs as "EAWS" has been charged 33 times but has not been picked up yet. He said a warning was left for one campsite and that DOT has been notified about debris between I-240 and a fence at the future community garden off West Haywood Street. Joe reported that he saw a white pup tent between the river and the back of the tobacco warehouse on Riverside Drive just north of the Smith Bridge (aka Craven Street Bridge). Rachel reported that a helmet was stolen from a scooter on Park Avenue but was not reported in a timely manner. She also asked about people doing construction or development work in the area blocking the road for extended periods of time. She was advised that if it is more than 15 minutes it should be called in to the police department (unless they have a permit) because emergency vehicles may have to pass.
BLOCK JESSIES: Luke's house on 'Yarrow Place" had a big clean out. Joe noted the big tree that fell down at Owens Bell Park. Part of it landed on the bench and knocked it off its stand. Marsha will report that. Rachel announced a birth on Park Square: Annalyn was born on April 7, 2014 to Mike and Sarah Kenton. Marsha advised that regarding the erosion/washout on Jefferson Drive, Monte Clampett had talked to the contractor also that the mulch on the trail to Park Avenue has washed out. Joe noted that the Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup on April 12 was a success--the 15-year decals were installed and celebratory picture taken.
Rachel complimented Joe on WECAN's contribution to the New Belgium Time Capsule. On April 23 Stephen Lee led a group of about 10 on a tour of the proposed Clingman Forest Greenway. Joe noted that one section in the middle was going to be a large raised deck/ gathering area with emergency phone that still allows MSD to access their lines. Another grant may be available for construction funding.
STORMWATER MEETING: Marsha sent a notice that McCray Coates, City of Asheville Storm water Services Manager, and Joel Storrow, an Engineer with McGill and Associates, will be making a presentation on possible changes to storm water services at the May 12, 2014 Coalition of Asheville Neighborhoods meeting at 7:00 PM at the Oakley Community Center at 715 Fairview Road. She encourages residents to come and learn about options being considered (such as raising rates) to allow the city to provide additional storm water-related services for local residential customers.
GENTRIFICATION STUDY: Marsha announced that Sasha Ratinski and another person would be gathering and analyzing data, determining the scope and creating a timeline for completion. The initial focus is on gathering data to identify changes in the last 15 years: where in the city, rentals, prices, market values to establish a baseline then research strategies used in other metro areas.
TROLLEY BRIDGE: Marsha announced that the engineering report was due soon on the bridge on Park Avenue off Roberts Street and that Capital Improvement construction money was in the works.
MASTER PLANNING: Joe and Rachel met with Alan Glines (Cathy Ball was not available.) He advised that Director Judy Daniels was leaving and it may take up to a year to fill her position. In the meantime in-house staff will take over her duties but would diminish the planning department which is already understaffed. He agreed that the shelf life on a master plan was about ten years and ours should be updated and that he would like to help. He suggested we submit our proposal. Joe will reconvene the Master Planning Committee to review the proposal and complete the supplemental census. (Proposed date Tuesday May 20 @ 7 PM.)
WECAN GARDEN CLUB: Garden Club Wednesdays have been productive in April: on April 2 Hilliard at Rector, April 9 Hilliard at Rector continued, April 16 Finished Jefferson, April 23 Hilliard to Yarrow, April 30 the wall reveal on West Haywood at Park Ave. The goals for May are on May 7 @ 5-7 p.m. Owens Bell Park; on May 14 @ 4-7 p.m. more wall on West Haywood; on May 21 @ 12-4 p.m. more Hilliard; on May 28 @ 12-2 p.m. Sign Garden. Marsha is still trying to find who is responsible for the fence on Hilliard that is damaged. (It is a city maintained road in a state DOT right-of-way.) Joe believes it is a city fence. since the city erected it when they put in the sidewalk. Also much thanks for picking up brush pile on Hilliard.(twice!)
WECAN COMMUNITY GARDEN: Marsha suggested that a proposal be made to create a garden next to the driveway at Asheville Redefines Transit. She would also check with Ken Putnam again about meeting with the new NCDOT person. The wall on West Haywood that the garden club cleared is damaged and needs repair. some stones appear to have been moved to block a driveway. Byron suggested contacting Tom Gibson who may know someone or knows himself how to repair an old stone wall.
SUPPLEMENTAL CENSUS: Joe mailed a survey to everyone on the East side of Clingman and on April 26 knocked on every door. He got 1 back by mail, 2 filled out in person, and 2 or 3 with the on-line survey monkey. Mike with MHO will help with Merritt Park.
CITY STRATEGIC OPERATING PLAN: Joe was one of the handful of citizens and several city staff and leaders who met at CT Koontz Intermediate School on April 29. South Asheville Projects announced included: Sidewalks on Overlook Road, New interchange at I-26 and Airport Road, Water line construction from Mills Gap to Harris Teeter on Hendersonville Road by June 30, and CTS remediation. Joe attended the focus group on Affordable Housing and Upward Mobility. The main suggestions were to increase Sunday Bus Service and child care and that the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee was recommending several changes to increase density, keep the Affordable Housing trust fund,, relaxing rules for on-site parking for apartments with no-car residents. Joe noted that the exodus of high school graduates was anecdotal but should be looked into since jobs and housing keep them from making a life here.
SHORT TERM RENTALS: The planning department is working on changes to the short term rental policy. It is estimated that there are currently around 450 but only a handful are problems such making noise, parking, trash, affecting property values, not enough insurance, not paying room taxes, etc. The discussion raised mixed feelings.' For some it represents needed income.' 'It may increase property values.' 'It should be taxed at a higher rate as a business.' 'It is good to keep owners on premises.'
COFFEE AND CONVERSATION Joe reviewed the questions to be discussed at the Friday May 2 meeting.
Officer Lovelace gave Rachel 2 Ride-Along applications.
The meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.
May 2 Coffee and Conversation: Public Works 830-1030 am
May 6 Primary Election Day: VOTE!
May 7 Garden Club Wednesdays 10-2 Owens-Bell Park
May 7 3-5 PM Free Admission day at Asheville Art Museum (First Wednesdays)
May 12 Coalition of Asheville Neighborhoods Storm water Meeting 7 PM 715 Fairview Rd
May 14 Garden Club Wednesdays 4-7 West Haywood Stone Wall
May 15 Planning and Zoning meeting discussing Short Term Rentals
May 17 Stream Clean up with Greenworks 318 Riverside Drive 10AM-4PM
May 20 Master Planning Meeting 7 PM (place TBA)
May 21 Garden Club Wednesdays 12-4 Hilliard East from Rector
May 24 Mtn Sports Fest @ Greenworks FBR Cleanup @ Carrier Park 10-3PM
Every Friday Night Classic World Cinema 8 pm upstairs at Phil Mechanic Studios Free!
May 28 Garden Club Wednesdays 12-2 Sign Garden
May 30 Rivernusic with Riverlink @ 125 Riverside Dr
June 5 WECAN Board Meeting 6:30 at 64 Clingman Avenue