Thursday, February 6, 2014

WECAN February 2014 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting February 6, 2014 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were:   Byron Ballard, Jessie Nell Coleman, Joe Fioccola,  Rachel Larson and  Pattiy Torno. Board Members not present were Jeff Carnivale, Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry, JoAnn Skinner, and Suzanne Willis.  Also present was: Marsha Stickford, Officer Evan Coward and Stephanie Monson-Dahl
Chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.  
MINUTES: The Draft January minutes were approved as distributed.
TREASURERS REPORT: We still don’t know where the check from the Half Marathon will be mailed but have heard that they have been delayed. 
APD/CRO UPDATE: Brett reported via email that his unlocked vehicle was gone through and that debris from a homeless camp was seen across from Park Avenue. Evan reported several camps have been popping up and arrests have been made and that graffiti has been appearing all over including tags on the locust rail of the new ADC pedestrian bridge. He emphasized reporting of any graffiti or suspicious activity. Marsha is preparing a fact sheet and contact list to respond to graffiti attacks. Evan said that Ferguson will repaint this week. He announced that he was on the Police Strategic Plan Community Quality of Life Committee and were planning a neighborhood survey. Joe will also attend their meeting with Jim Nolan from West Virginia University about approaches to neighborhood surveys, since he is on the Neighborhood Advisory Committee and also surveying the community. Evan also later reported that a car had been gone through at 430 W Haywood St and reminded people to LOCK YOUR CARS! He will also attend a training in Charleston about the 'Coffee with a Cop" program and asked for suggestions where people gather and can just talk to officers as people. Clingman Café, the tailgate markets at UNCA and Public Works, Ingles Cafe and Starbucks were all mentioned.
BLOCK JESSIES: Rachel advised that Stephanie Greiner had to move out of Clingman Lofts due to water damage from frozen pipes. She was in a hotel for a while and now is in West Asheville. Rachel also noted there is a house for sale on Park Square. Marsha asked about lights at Owens-Bell Park. Evan will check after the meeting. Joe noted the light at the SE corner of Clingman and Hilliard was out.  
CLINGMAN FOREST WALK THROUGH:  Stephanie advised a walk through soon would not be feasible since all the easements have not been acquired and for liability and safety reasons but that one may be possible by summer.
MASTER PLANNING: Stephanie reported on initiatives underway regarding our Master Planning 2.1. There was no progress on use of vacant land use or absentee property owners but regarding one issue she announced there would be a Request For Proposals issued soon reporting on Alternatives to Gentrification. One problem is that for some fixed income residents property values make living here unaffordable. Likewise River District artists are concerned they won't be able to afford studio space. The scope of the report will include legal alternatives for community groups, non-profits and governments specifically identifying what can be done and who can do it and research some tools that our state might not yet have. This will conclude with a large public forum. This will be funded by leftover funds from the East of the Riverway Sustainable Multi-Modal Neighborhood  DOT TIGER II Grant.  Byron asked what routes were available to effect change.  Stephanie replied that small area plans could be effective and expressing concerns to Planning and Zoning. She advised that on Tuesday March 18 at 3:30 the subcommittee on Planning and Economic Development meets and could dialog on recommendations from the comprehensive plan (The Asheville City Development Plan 2025). 
GREENWAYS, SIDEWALKS, ENHANCEMENTS: One goal of the East of the Riverway Connections Riverway Plan was to identify key buildable projects to make the neighborhood more livable. Soon they are set to report to Council with a "Near Term Priorities" (next 5 years) map which will include such items as a pedestrian skywalk across the railroad tracks from Roberts St to Riverside Drive and some sidewalk needed linkages on Trade Street, Knoxville Place and two sections of Roberts Street.(among others) being considered for the 2014-15 budget Capital Improvement Plan (CIP-9 Sidewalk Gap Priorities from 2008 Pedestrian Plan.) which is better advantaged since the Multi-Modal Commission which will combine the extant sidewalks, bicycle, parking, transit, transportation etc. plans will take another year to complete a comprehensive multi-modal plan. Marsha noted that the City Council Annual Retreat was taking place on Friday February 7 and Saturday February 8 and was open to the public at the US Cellular Center Banquet Room.
HISTORIC PRESERVATION: Stephanie reported that the Riverfront Redevelopment Commission had a Physical Conditions Committee working on some policy "Carrots and Sticks." Drawings for the building at 14 Riverside Drive have also been funded with leftover 'TIGER II' money to contain a shell building, public restrooms, a large west side deck (RFQ to go out this month.) multi-modal, bicycle parking, way finding center with maps and programming with community and commercial uses such as art shows, performances, workshops, etc. Joe noted that the Mayor recently addressed the Chamber of Commerce  promoting increasing property values in the near downtown neighborhoods. Stephanie explained that gentrification is not the goal but in mixed use developments such as the Glen Rock Depot  the commercial businesses do pay full taxes while the residential units do not. The city has no alternative to increased costs of providing services except to increase taxes or raise the tax base by increased density or building up (such as hotels.) Even when tax incentives are given to encourage developers when they expire (say in ten years) the full tax rate will be payable.
EAST OF THE RIVERWAY: Stephanie announced that the final report will have a public rollout tentatively set for Monday February 24 at the Dr Wesley Grant Southside Center. It will not be a drop in meeting but have formal presentations from Riverside Drive Development Plan, Clingman Forest Greenway, Town Branch Greenway, the Five Points Traffic Circle and the Transportation Network Plan to show what they heard from the community.  Marsha will help get the word out about that meeting.
#1 PRIORITY NEED: Stephanie asked WECAN to advise her of what our number one priority need from the city was.
HISTORIC PRESERVATION:  Joe reported that the Historic Resources Commission of Asheville and Buncombe County and the Preservation Society of Asheville and Buncombe County had received a grant to develop a Historic Preservation Master Plan. Consultants had a meeting in November at St Lawrence Basilica and met with focus groups to identify issues in January and then summarized the results at All Souls Cathedral.  Joe attended those meetings and reported that a public meeting was scheduled for March 20 to report on strategies and recommendations. He also expressed his mixed feelings about historic preservation. Last Tuesday Rich Mathews gave a talk at the Dr Wesley Grant Center called Southside: Historic Preservation when Nothing Remains--Restoring Memory.  It was an excellent presentation of photos from 'Urban Renewal' in the 1960's and the 1970's with Sanborn maps of what was there and recent photos of what remains. The area he looked at surrounded the Town Branch Greenway. In the last year we have lost the Ice House, the Club House, a remnant of the Cotton Mill, Swannanoa Cleaners, Dave Steel, the Stockyard Café, Auto repair, Johnny Penland's Auction House and the Stockyard itself. What was saved?  The smoke stack and an easement on the Lillian Exum Clement house on Hollywood Street. It's not an even exchange. Without diminishing the importance of what was saved some people ask why the only buildings preserved belonged to white people. There is no good answer to that. When you look back at what was lost it is sad, shameful and tragic but unfortunately there is no one villain responsible. Greed, racism, ignorance, poverty, politics, neglect and progress all play a role. Preservation has a limited toolbox since the 1970's when the federal preservation movement took off. Stephanie noted that the NC historic preservation tax credits have done a great deal and are a great tool but even they are being threatened by the current legislature. Designated historic districts and the National Register of Historic Places as tools for preservation ring hollow for those of us who remember the West End Historic District Nomination in 2001 which was approved locally and by the state office but was opposed by Asheville's Mayor all the way to the National Parks Service in Washington, DC. It was said to lack integrity and was even re-submitted as two districts: Chicken Hill: from the Club House to the Church and Park Square to he Mill Superintendent's House on Girdwood Street.  The Chicken Hill District even contained buildings that were noted as historic in the DOT's own I-26 survey. They were denied again saying it had already been considered. There are a few historic buildings left in WECAN but the preservation tools in place have no teeth and are reliant on property owners and developers and the city's legal department.    
ADOPT A HIGHWAY: Joe will set a date in March for the next cleanup and try to get a big turnout and photo at our 15-year decal.
GARDEN CLUB: Joe has become a member of the Buncombe Fruit and Nut Club--a grassroots leaderless ninja group who maintain the edible gardens around town. Garden Club Tuesdays will begin in March. If there are any good days before then some ninjas may begin garden clearing near the head of Park Avenue.
AT LARGE BOARD MEMBERS:  There are openings for two at-large Board members. Stephanie Greiner was suggested. Rachel will see if she is interested.. 
SUPPLEMENTAL CENSUS: A committee or work group should meet to finalize survey questions and list the houses on Clingman Avenue we need to complete the WECAN Census Data. ( Block group data from the 2010 Census lumps east Clingman Avenue with west South French Broad Avenue and Aston Towers.) It can start with a Survey Monkey and  March or April should be a good time to follow up. 
FACEBOOK/NEXTDOOR: Pattiy raised the issue of whether to keep our social media just for WECAN residents or allow outside residents in. Unless it becomes a problem the consensus was to let them in. Just ask where they live. Rachel asked who is doing the blog and will check with Zac who set it up.
CENTRAL AREA MEETING: Joe announced that the Neighborhood Advisory Committee has scheduled a meeting for March 24 at Public Works from 7-9. The committee is meeting with all areas of the city and reporting back to council on the state of neighborhoods in Asheville. East and South have met last year and North and West will meet later this year. There will be presentations from city departments about safety and major projects going on and a space for neighborhood groups to report on their activities and concerns.  
RIPARIAN CLEANUP: Rachel asked about a cleanup on the west bank of the river south of the Riverlink Bridge for the new bus stop. Possibly Riverlink is organizing it. There are also plans to  renew the West Asheville Sign on the north side.
MSD/JEFFERSON: The trail is now walk able. (Thanks MSD!) However there is a drainage problem from the Jefferson turn around side. Joe will send photos to Marsha.
HILLCREST STEPS: Pattiy saw a long staircase like the one to the Hillcrest walkover where each step was painted in rainbow colors. Something like that would brighten up the area.
ATM ON NEW SIDEWALK: Riverlink has installed an ATM and a Jonas Gerard Sculpture blocking the new sidewalk next to their building without city permission.  
NCDOT Public Hearing at ABTech Enka on Feb 11. The public is invited to NCDOT Division 13's Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) public meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to gather feedback about transportation issues that are important to you.
AFFORDABLE CARE ACT SUBSIDIES:  Joe received a post card from Buncombe County Health & Human Services about eligibility for Federal Subsidies to pay for Health Insurance. A family of two with income between $15,000 and $62,000 are eligible for subsidies. Contact BCH&HS 40 Coxe Ave (828)250-5011 or The Asheville Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NC Store 1854 Hendersonville Rd. (828) 348-BLUE or (828) 348-2583  Get answers and a $10 Wal-Mart Voucher.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

Feb 10                        Food Policy Council 4:30-6:30 UNC-Asheville Sherrill Center
Feb 11                        NCDOT Public Hearing on Regional Transportation Priorities 4-7 pm in the Haynes Building AB Tech Enka Campus
Feb 12                        Historic Resources Commission
Feb 13                        Riverfront Redevelopment Commission
Feb 16                        Buncombe Fruit and Nut Club at Vermont Park
Feb 20                       Stephanie Monson All Things River Open House 3-5 pm 5th floor City Hall
Every Sunday             Crafternoons at the Downtown Market
Every Friday Night     Classic World Cinema 8 pm upstairs at Phil Mechanic Studios Free!                               
March 6                     WECAN Board Meeting 6:30 at 64 Clingman Avenue

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024