WECAN Board Meeting January 2, 2014 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Rachel Larson and Luke W. Perry. Board Members not present were Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis. Also present was: Marsha Stickford.
Vice chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
MINUTES: The Draft December minutes were approved.
TREASURERS REPORT: AnnaBeth reported that a donation had been received from Gloria Howard Free in Honor of Kat Fioccola graduating from Appalachian State University. The current balance is $287.50 and the check from the Half Marathon has still not been received. Joe requested a full financial report covering the last two years.
APD/CRO UPDATE: Evan emailed a note that he has made contact with the owners of both buildings on Yarrow Place (4 and 6 Rector Pl). They intend to secure their buildings.
BLOCK JESSIES: Jessie Coleman was seen over the holidays and she is doing well. Yuri has redone his basement. A property on Park Square may be sold soon. Park Square saw a water main break over the holidays. The group doing the grading on Jefferson has been doing some damage at the end of the sidewalk when their equipment turns around. Marsha will ask Development Services to have a look. and AnnaBeth will write a letter on behalf of WECAN. Alicia has moved in to the house on Club Street. Construction is well under way on at least two buildings at 100 Park Avenue. Construction noise has begun at the New Belgium site.
AT LARGE BOARD MEMBERS: Joe nominated Luke W. Perry to serve as an at-large board member. The motion passed.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Joe noted that there are no term limits for officers. Since the 2013 slate of officers were present he suggested without objection that they be re-nominated for 2014. Luke declined to serve as chair. The final slate presented was Rachel as Chair, Byron as Vice Chair, AnnaBeth as Treasurer and Joe as Secretary. The motion passed.
PLANNING FOR 2014: The list of suggestions from the December meeting were reviewed as follows:
XX Community building activities such as elderly resident assistance-- not sure of the needs of all elderly residents, some are known but the task of identifying needs should fall to the 'Block Jessies."
XX Garden Club Tuesdays: Having a regular day or days such as Tuesdays and Saturdays was a good idea. Obviously weather can be an obstacle in the winter but we should begin compiling a list of projects for the Garden Club to take on. One item for the list is to begin clearing the vegetation across from Asheville Redefined Transit and what was proposed for a community garden. On that subject Marsha reported that a letter has been sent to D.O.T. and no response has been received and also that a 'formal letter' would be sent shortly
XX Supplemental Census: Joe suggested that a sub-committee should be formed to work with the Block Jessie for the East Side of Clingman Avenue to tease out the census data that is mixed in with South French Broad Avenue. Rachel will compile the census questions and Stephanie Greiner will be asked to help conduct the census.
XX Master Planning: Marsha will email Stephanie Monson-Dahl to try to make out February 6 meeting and bring plans for the Clingman Forest Greenway, some drawings of 14 Riverside Drive and ideas for affordability from East of the Riverway.
XX Mailing List: Joe and Byron will update the mailing list with some of the returns and make a template for the Block Jessies to confirm.
XX Meet with EWANA: There is a community meeting with neighbors within a mile of New Belgium set for Friday January 10 from 5-6:30 at the Dr Wesley Grant Center 285 Livingston Street. It was suggested that we try to meet informally with EWANA perhaps at the Wedge, or Short Street Cakes, or Anam Cara or someplace else.
OTHER BUSINESS: Rachel noted that positions are still open for City Boards and Commissions: Board of Adjustment, Community Relations, Fireman's Relief Fund, Homeless Initiative Advisory, MSD Board, Riverfront Redevelopment, Sustainability Committee on Energy and Tree Commission. The deadline to apply is January 8 go to the city website (ASHEVILLENC.GOV)
Luke reported that he has developed a design for the historic bus shelter near New Belgium at Haywood Road and Craven Street that may serve as a prototype for bus shelters in other communities.
Rachel asked if there could be a walking tour of the future Clingman Forest greenway.
Luke thanked Marsha for getting the dangerous erosion hole at the base of the Hillcrest steps at least cordoned off.
With imminent retirements and changes of personnel it was suggested that any promises or agreements with the city be put in writing for future regimes. She suggested writing a letter to Cathy Ball confirming the arrangement with the granite curbstones harvested from Jefferson Drive. Regarding the maintenance agreement for Owens-Bell Park: it may need to be renewed or extended indefinitely.
Thanks to Rachel for the refreshments.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.
January 4 Rainbow Recycling-Holiday Packaging (Styrofoam to light strands!)
January 10 New Belgium Neighbor Construction Update Meeting Dr Wesley Grant Southside Center 285 Livingston Street 5-6:30
January 11 Studio Stroll --2014!
January 11 Greenworks--Hard 2 Recycle @ Aarons RTO on Patton Avenue
January 16 Riverfront Redevelopment Commission 3-5 p.m. 5th Floor City Hall Open Office
January 10,17.24.31 Friday Night Classic World Cinema --Phil Mechanic Upstairs 8 p.m. Free!
February 6 6:30 WECAN Board Meeting 6:30 at 64 Clingman Avenue