Thursday, December 5, 2013

WECAN December 2013 General Membership Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN General Membership Meeting December 5, 2013 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were:  Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Rachel Larson and Luke W. Perry. Board Members not present were  Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson,  Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Marc Schieferstein, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis.  Also present were: Officer Evan Coward, Officer Sean Davis Lance Hardcastle and Marsha Stickford.
Joe called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.  
MINUTES: After introductions and refreshments the Draft November minutes were approved.
TREASURERS REPORT: AnnaBeth reported that the current balance was $302.79 with an outstanding bill for $55.20 for postage for the newsletter. Also the check from the Half Marathon has still not been received.
APD CRO Update Evan reported that regarding the open door at one of the small houses on Yarrow Place that he is attempting to contact the owner who lives out of state. Some graffiti problems happening at Ferguson Enterprises and The Odyssey Center on Clingman Avenue Extension. He has been actively dispersing campers from the lot north of Park and West Haywood and also under the Smith Bridge.(Craven at Riverside) He also alerted WECAN residents to be aware that in north Asheville some people are following UPS trucks around and stealing the packages they deliver. (Good information to put on
ACTIVITY REPORT Joe read a list of board activities for the year. They included Ice House discussion, Public Housing Authority Team, New Belgium discussion, Election of officers: Luke, Rachel, AnnaBeth and Joe, 100 Park Avenue, Club House demolition, Master Planning, ADC Bridge, Historic Assets Committee, Jefferson Baby Boom, Cotton Mill Ruins fire, Aston Park Cookout, Dave Steel Apartments, Proposal for Master Planning and a Community Garden, Clingman Forest Greenway, Misplaced Ped Heads, Riverside Drive Strategic Planning, East of the Riverway Connections, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Police to Citizen website, Half Marathon Fundraiser, Festival of Neighborhoods Showcase, Traffic Calming Policy changes, City Neighborhood E-newsletter,, Garden Club Tuesdays, RAD Lofts, Annual Newsletter, Election of Board members and Planning for 2014. (Whew!)
ELECTION: Joe reported that the current Class of 2013 consisting of Jessie Coleman, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Jeff Carnivale and Tom Gibson  were all eligible to serve a second term. He nominated them all to serve and AnnaBeth seconded. The motion passed and the Class of 2013 is now the Class of 2016. Welcome back. 
PLANNING 2014: A list was started of what we want to do in 2014: The list included: [_] Community building activities such as yard cleanup assistance for elderly residents;[_] Garden Club Tuesdays (or some other day?); possibly combined with an afterwards gathering for a beer at the Wedge; [_] A supplemental census of the East side of Clingman Avenue (which the National Census lumps in with Aston Park Towers and S French Broad Avenue.) [_] WECAN Master Planning; [_] Updating the WECAN Mailing List [_] Meet with EWANA for a social and brainstorming session to consider what is appropriate compensation for the construction disruptions from New Belgium; [_] A community Garden across from Asheville Transit; Marsha reported that some movement was occurring. An encroachment agreement with DOT was initiated for a temporary community garden focusing on public safety issues. It was also reported that a resource to contact was Diana Schmidt who started a community garden in Black Mountain using native plants, edibles and trees. Also that several of the city community gardens (I.e. Pisgah View, Burton Street, Montford, Oakley) were in a somewhat  perilous situation with their Bountiful Cities sponsors and should come together to form a coalition or have a summit meeting to network. 
BLOCK JESSIES: AnnaBeth reported that something needs to be done to restore the pedestrian path from Jefferson to Park Avenue damaged by M.S.D. Marsha reported that Parks and Rec has committed to funding and installing a chrome vapor light at the new pedestrian bridge. It is considered temporary until a lighting plan for the area is developed. Luke reported that the hole at the south side at the bottom of the Hillcrest steps was getting bigger.  He also noted that Mountain Housing Opportunities had conducted a Neighborworks survey which may have the census data we were looking for. Rachel reported one house for sale and one for rent on Park Square. AnnaBeth reported her son has moved into an apartment on Clingman Place and that Trio Construction in clear cutting trees  had damaged a vehicle. She helped identify all the residents on Jefferson Drive. Rachel asked about steep slope regulations. The city website will have answers. Luke is now a member of the East End/Valley Street Neighborhood who meet on the 3rd Thursdays.(Except in winter)
FIFTEEN YEARS OF WECAN CELEBRATION:  On WECAN's fifteenth anniversary Joe reviewed a list of accomplishments from our Festival of Neighborhoods display: Beautification: Neighborhood Clean-ups (1997-8) Buncombe County Cleanup on Club/Trade Street (1998) Community landscaping Planting (1999) Decorative Street Signs (2000) Green Grants homeowner yard plantings (2001) Public Art sculpture by Julia C. Burr and sculptural bus stop bench by John Payne (2003) Clingman Forest Clean Up (2004)  Sunny Cultural Garden at Owens-Bell Park (2006) Communication: Minutes of every meeting written and distributed and annual newsletter mailed (1997-present) Email Newsletters begin (2005) Email Newsflashes (2011) WECAN Website (2006) Facebook page (2010) Kiosk at the Circle (2012) Kiosk at Owens-Bell Park (2013) Next (2013) Community Building: United Way Day of Caring (1997), Adopt a Highway cleanups begin on Clingman Avenue (1998-present) Picnic (1999) Warren Wilson College Service Day (2001) Neighborhood Watch organized (2004) Garden Tour (2005)  Aston Park Picnic (2005) Moveable feast picnics (2005) National Night Out Luminaria (2007) Twilight Together Celebration (2009) Jefferson Drive Turnaround clean-up (2011) Clingman Circle Celebration Parade (2012) History: Neighborhood History Exhibit at Pack Place (1998) National Register Historic District Nomination filed for West End Historic District (2001) Riverside Industrial District and Clingman Avenue Historic District placed on National Register of Historic Places. (2005) Oral History Project (2005) and Documentary Video: WECAN: Finding its place through change and challenge (2006) (funded by Handmade in America/Ford Foundation grant) Levie Wilson 100th birthday Banner (2006) Naming Owens-Bell Park (2007) Identification: Logo Design (2002), Neighborhood sign (2002) Ceramic Tile (2003) Infrastructure: Walk-through with city departments (1998) Sewer lines, granite curbstone replacement, LED Streetlights, sidewalk on Hilliard, adopting Owens-Bell passive park, Clingman Enhancement: (traffic circle, streetscape, bike lanes, bike repair station, landscaping, bulb outs, ped heads) (2004-13) Pedestrian bridge at Jean Webb Park (2013) Planning: WECAN 2010 Plan (1996) Neighborhood Visioning (1999) Citizens Master Plan (2000) Open Space Planning Retreat (2005) Aston Park Playground (2005) Clingman Forest Greenway (2003) East of the Riverway (2013) Riverside Drive Strategic Plan (2013).
RIVERFRONT DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS: Joe and Pattiy attended the November meeting (Third Thursdays from 3-5 p.m. 5th Floor City Hall.) The new owner of the Burco Building next to Phil Mechanic was there as was the developer of the RAD Lofts and a representative of the Norfolk Southern Railway.
EAST OF THE RIVERWAY Report: Joe and Luke attended the final follow-up meeting of stakeholders in the Scenario Planning for EOTR. Luke said they have taken credit for things other groups were already doing. Their deliverables were: 1) A transformational Development Project: The renovation of the Reid Center and the city's acquisition of the Ice House and Progress Energy Building on Riverside Drive. 2) Construction ready drawings for the Clingman Forest Greenway and the Town Branch Greenway. 3) EOTR Connections: transportation plan for the next 5-10 years. Joe noted reports of other activities which included: Youth Build training; Free or low cost broadband; AB Tech looking for community projects; Low Cost Housing: Eagle-Market (62 units by end of 2014) and Glen Rock (22 units); Better communication about eligibility for affordable housing; Personal Development: credit workshops; Family Self Sufficiency program for public housing residents; Community Navigators; Changing Together: call-ins providing options to reduce reoffending gang members, violent and youth offenders; AB Tech College Readiness Center for Asheville High students; Green Streets--training on energy efficiency in the home; African American History--taken up by UNC-CH and Duke;  Looking at trends in the history of grants received by the city; Hillcrest developing a community based alternative to childcare vouchers-- a cooperative.  There was no clear plan to continue meeting and collaborating. The goals of EOTR Initiative were: Provide more transportation choices; Promote equitable, affordable housing; Enhance economic competitiveness; Support existing communities; Coordinate policies & leverage investment; Value communities and neighborhoods.  Marsha noted that an effort is being made to layer the various city plans and that the EOTR website has been re-launched. They are funded through the end of this year.  
HISTORIC PRESERVATION: Joe attended a Pennsylvania based consultants first meeting to develop a preservation plan. The plan will be complete by the end of August and several meetings are planned before then. 
COMPOSTING: Compost Now offers curbside compost pick-up for a fee to Asheville residents. They provide members with bins to throw their food scraps (including meat, bones, and dairy) and other compostable materials in.  Each week, they come by and swap it out for a clean bin.  From there, it's taken to their facility where they turn it into nutrient rich finished compost comprised of 15% worm castings.  They deliver the soil members earn right back to them or they have the option of giving it to one of the local community gardens they've partnered with like Oakley Community Garden, Pearson Gardens, Falconhurst, etc.  Their mission is to educate the community on the value/benefits of composting, make composting easy, and support our local community food system by keeping local nutrients in it!  Their members are reducing up to 1/3 of their waste.
DOWNTOWN MARKET FUNDRAISER BOOTH: AnnaBeth reported that the Down Town Market has a holiday booth to which several venders have donated items and the funds will go to a needy local family. She encouraged everyone to stop by and make someone's holidays special.  Rachel will put it on the Face book page.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

  Dec 6                         4pm Blue Ridge BioFuels Tour with WNCA,  Phil Mechanic Building, downstairs
  Dec 14                       Studio Stroll: Art for the Holidays
  Jan 2, 2014                6:30 WECAN Board Meeting 6:30 at 64 Clingman Avenue

Thursday, November 7, 2013

WECAN November 2013 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting November 7, 2013 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were:   Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Yuri Koslen, Rachel Larson and Pattiy Torno . Board Members not present were Byron Ballard, Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson,  Mike Kenton,  Luke W. Perry, JoAnn Skinner, and Suzanne Willis.  Also present were: Django Quetzal Shalom Koslin, Officer Evan Coward and Marsha Stickford.
    Vice chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.  
MINUTES: The Draft October minutes were discussed. Bret added the following via email: Just as a follow up.  We were the ones that requested the stop sign on Park Ave/West Haywood Street given the speed of people going through that intersection, people cutting the corner going down the hill behind our house, and folks going the wrong way on Club Street.  Having a ‘pause’ at that location will help people understand that intersection better and approach it safely.  A few weeks ago, a person went through that intersection at about 45-50 mph and totaled our car in front of our house.  The meeting with the city resulted in them accepting our suggestion to add the stop sign and some additional striping. Stephanie had a correction also by email : that the roaming in the raw is on Depot St by Pizza Pura. With those changes the minutes were approved.
TREASURERS REPORT: The check from the Half Marathon has not been received. Was Alphie the contact? Also the IRS still doesn't have AnnaBeth's address after several corrections were sent.
BLOCK JESSIES: Rachel printed some pictures of the Festival of Neighborhoods Showcase, the YMCA 5K fun Run, the ADC Bridge being craned into position, trees being taken down on Jefferson and the RAD Lofts conceptual drawing. The trees on Jefferson are part of the 100 Park Avenue site preparations. Those also include a reestablished drainage swale from the Park Avenue level down to Clingman next to All Souls Pizza which took out park of the pedestrian trail at the end of Jefferson to Park Avenue and is dangerous and the seed blankets were not secured and are slipping away.  Joe said that the Showcase display including over 700 photos could be used for an educational event showing the history of WECAN over the last fifteen years. Pattiy reported the 5K run was a bigger success than planned and brought out over 800 runners--mostly girls. She also noted that NEXTDOOR.COM had 30-35 members so far and would be adding River Arts District for those residents.  She liked the opportunity to schedule a Halloween route and thinks it  is a growing idea that could become an annual community builder and social event. The block party on Jefferson may also expand next time and become an annual event. Pattiy reported new folks joining Facebook.
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING. The General Membership meeting will be on December 5. The main order of business is the election of board members. The Class of 2013 consists of : Jessie Coleman, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Jeff Carnivale and Tom Gibson. All are eligible for a second term. There is also a vacancy in the Class of 2014 replacing Luke W. Perry. Judy Daniels and Stephanie Monson will also attend to discuss how we can work together with planning in our area. There may also be some drawings of 14 Riverside Drive and ideas for affordability from East of the Riverway.
WECAN PROCLAMATION: Pattiy will be at the City Council meeting on Dec 10 and wants to work on a proclamation recognizing outgoing Mayor Terry Bellamy's contributions to WECAN as a native daughter who was instrumental in the formation of WECAN, Inc. and who is honored with a maple tree in the Owens-Bell Sunny Cultural Garden.
NEWSLETTER: Articles have been assigned as follows: Rachel: Ice House, Club House, Historic assets; Pattiy: ADC Pedestrian Bridge and Half Marathon; Byron: Jefferson Baby Boom;  Evan:;   Joe: Fifteen years after Terry;. 
COMMUNITY GARDEN: The best time of year for clearing the land is coming up which will also make it easier to patrol and to deter campers.
APD CRO Update: Several campers were cleared from sites along the river. Also the second small brick house on Yarrow Place may have an open door. The brick pointing has been completed and the graffiti on the IceHouse Smoke Stack will be removed soon.  The question of lighting came up and it may require landmark designation. That is an idea for next years goals. Lighting may also be needed on the new pedestrian bridge. as a public safety issue. One goal of the bridge was to expedite the completion of the greenway on the east side of the river which is planned to be complete by the time New Belgium opens. Evan reported that Next Door was doing well and rachel observed that it was doing the job of the Block Jessies and should be looked at to identify block leaders.
WHAT'S IN A NAME?: Discussion of the idea of renaming Swannanoa River Road and Meadow Road and Lyman Street and Riverside Drive as The Wilma Dykeman Riverway. This would be a huge undertaking over 500 businesses would be affected. Marsha reported that name change requests are usually initiated by property owners who will pay to make the changes. There may be some advantages such as branding and trade marking which suggests that the Chamber and other parties may need to be involved. Pattiy observed that is isn't right to name a paved road after Wilma Dykeman and instead naming the greenway would be much more appropriate. Joe suggested that if a new name was called for it would almost be better to officially rename it what it is commonly known as--'River Road'.  
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

November 9-10                          River Arts District Studio Stroll  
November 14                             ADC Bridge Ribbon Cutting 3 pm next to Jean Webb Park.
November 14                             Deadline for submission to Newsletter to Pattiy
November 21                             Newsletter mailed
November 23                             Holiday Parade?               
November 28                             Thanksgiving
December 5                                6:30 WECAN General Membership Meeting 6:30 at 64 Clingman Avenue

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

WECAN joins

Thanks to the efforts of our wonderful APD Community Resource Officer, Evan Coward, WECAN is one of several guinea pigs, in Asheville, for a private social media resource called  The hope is that will be an easy way for WECAN neighbors to stay in contact with each other, with our surrounding neighborhoods as well as a way for us to talk with the City of Asheville & the City of Asheville to let us know about events, road closures, planning initiatives, etc that may effect WECAN folks... please sign up if you want to.... not sure if you need to get invited to join... if you do, please send an email and you will get an invite! Thanks

Smokestack Repairs

Harold Whitley, of Western Waterproofing will be up high in the air over WECAN for the next several weeks, re-pointing the brick tile @ the top of the Ice House Smokestack.  Harold says we will be seeing a new copper cap to keep the snow out & a water seal that should help keep the Stack standing a good while longer.  If anyone has a few extra of the brick tile that was used to build this tower, Harold could use a few to fill in several "missing teeth" on the facade of the stack.

ADC Ped Bridge Almost Done

pictures say most of it... forms should come off today... the bridge is scheduled to be craned into place early next week... party next friday happy hour? will keep you posted!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

WECAN October 2013 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting October 3, 2013 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were:  Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Rachel Larson and Pattiy Torno . Board Members not present were Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry, JoAnn Skinner, and Suzanne Willis.  Also present were: Officer Evan Coward, Stephanie Greiner and Marsha Stickford.
    Vice chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.  The Draft September minutes were approved as distributed.
    APD CRO Update: Evan pitched everyone to register in a new social network: NEXTDOOR.COM. The only info required is an address in the WECAN area and/or a landline or a phone number. The next 21 days are a trial period for the site. (If at least 10 people sign in  the site goes live.) Evan has put in the WECAN boundaries and assures us that it is totally free: no advertising, pop-ups or banners. The only people who have access are the residents and smaller groups can be created such as WECAN Board, garden club, neighborhood watch, etc. When you sign up you can send invites to your neighbors-- up to 50 e-post cards a month. You can also specify how you receive messages: mobile, email, face book, etc.         Reports of several vehicle 'break-ins' from Park Square to Girdwood and to Park Avenue. Residents should continue to lock their vehicles and take care with personal items and valuables left in plain sight. Also if you see transients hopping trains call the Asheville Police since the railroad police are severely understaffed.  Also the small brick house on Yarrow Place close to Hilliard Ave. was covered in graffiti has windows uncovered and a mattress outside. 
    HALF-MARATHON; 15 very enthusiastic volunteers had a lot of fun cheering on runners on Saturday September 28 from 6:30 am-9:45. Thanks to Alphie, Jeff, Sawyer, Joe, Byron, AnnaBeth, Lance, Recie and children for helping earn WECAN over $300.
    TUESDAY GARDEN CLUB:  Joe reported that the September dates went well. Rebecca and Charlie from Jefferson Drive joined him and Rachel. Work will continue on Saturday after Adopt A Highway and also on Tuesdays October 15 and 22nd from 5-7. Goals are reclaiming the sidewalk on Clingman, Jefferson Drive and weeding Owens-Bell Park.
    ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY cleanup date set for the fall litter pickup on Saturday October 5 at 10 a.m.
    RAD LOFTS: Joe Pattiy and Rachel attended a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Weds. Oct. 2 hearing a Conditional Zoning Request f0r RAD Lofts to change the zoning of the Dave Steel site from Commercial Industrial to Urban Place. The change would allow 209 residential units, over 40,000 sq ft  of retail space, over 13,000 of office space, 338 parking spaces in a two level parking structure, 24 off street parking spaces and 16 new on-street spaces. The new zoning calls for 10 foot sidewalks (except in 3 places.) and over 200,000 sq ft of gross flooring area. Some concerns were elimination of on street parking (which is currently informal), increased traffic, and affordability--none of which are restricted by Urban Place which encourages high density. All of the 209 apartments will be designated workforce housing. Building height for the five buildings should be no more than seven stories some of which will be below grade.
It was also reported that the RAD Lofts developer had hired someone to promote a QUIET ZONE for the railroad crossing between Lyman and Depot St.  
    DISASTER:Pattiy reported that several landslides in the area had been declared a federal disaster and federal repair funds had been aproved.
    FESTIVAL OF NEIGHBORHOODS: We need to confirm 6 attendees for the event on October 27 from 3-5 p.m. at the Sherrill Center at UNCA.  Set up is at 2:30, then at 3 Remarks from Chancellor Ponder, Mayor Bellamy, Dr John Wood and Councilman Chris Pelly. At 4 is time to view other neighborhood tables and staff ours and network to see what others are doing. Then there will be light refreshments. The representatives confirmed so far are Byron, Rachel, Stephanie (maybe), We need 3-4 more by October 5.  Please email Joe if you can attend.
    ADC PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE: Pattiy reported that after settling some right of way problems with MSD that next Monday morning ground breaking work on the bridge footings should begin.
    NEW STOP SIGN: Marsha reported that a stop sign was requested on the westbound side of W. Haywood St just before  you turn left onto Park Avenue. Possibly improved lane striping would suffice.
    NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: Luke has found a place in the East End neighborhood off MLK Drive.   New houses are going up on Club St off Roberts St. and behind the Club House site. also on Park Avenue behind Asheville Redefines Transit. Stephanie reported that 'Roaming in the Raw" was serving salads and juices in the clear area below the Clingman Lofts on Thursday and Friday from 10-3. Pattiy reported a Gloria Howard Free sighting. She also reported that the Community Arts Council was having the Emerald Ball on Depot St which would be closed from five points to Bartlett St from 4 p.m. to Midnight on Saturday October 5. Also a new restaurant and Sake Brewery called Blue Kudzu should open soon on Depot where the Magnetic Field was.
Regarding feedback for the Clingman Forest Greenway Rachel will contact the Multi-Modal Commission.
    EOTR RADTIP: Pattiy reported it had gone out to bid.
    MASTER PLANNING DISCUSSION Extended discussion of the Master Planning process. Some feel we are not ready. We are already behind schedule. That we haven't got a vision for what the process is and what we want and are not prepared to conduct it at this time. The energy we had last year to do it ourselves with resources living in our community has dissipated. The issue of cost was raised for paid staff? how much and for whom? The Chicken and Egg dilemma how much money is needed to do the job and how do we raise it versus what needs to be done and can we do it ourselves?. Pattiy thought we needed more specifics on the process. The goal was to see what is in the 2000 Citizens Master Plan what has been done, what still needs to be done, what can't be done and what shouldn't be done. Joe felt the population has grown and changed in the last 12 years and our plan should reflect the current residents. Byron noted that the biggest success of the last plan was making a community out of a black neighborhood and a white neighborhood. There was also the issue of consultants in general and their professional efforts to please their funders and massage community input to reflect and validate the funders desires. This depressing discussion raised some important issues that the board needs to consider. Maybe WECAN has fulfilled its purpose and isn't necessary any more. Maybe the life cycle of our neighborhood group is nearing its end. Maybe we need some new blood. Maybe some of us are just getting old and tired. Maybe the bulk of our neighbors are too busy or just don't care.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

Oct  5  Sat 10 a.m.                  Adopt A Highway Cleanup
                                                Also Yard Sale at Joanne Skinners  
Oct  8  Tue                               Primary Election Vote for Mayor.    
Oct 15 Tue 5-7                        Garden Club Weeding Party Clingman and Hilliard
Oct 22 Tue 5-7                        Garden Club Weeding Party Clingman and Hilliard
Nov 7 Thu  6:30                       WECAN Board Meeting 6:30 at 64 Clingman Avenue

Thursday, September 5, 2013

WECAN September 2013 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting September 5, 2013 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were:  Joe Fioccola, Rachel Larson and AnnaBeth Hardcastle. Board Members not present were Byron Ballard, Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry, JoAnn Skinner, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis.  Also present were: Officer Evan Coward, Rafael Rettig and Sealey Chipley.
    Vice chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.  and introduced her room mate Sealey. The Draft August minutes were approved as distributed.
APD CRO Update: Evan demonstrated the new Police-to-Citizen reporting on the city website. then Living tab then Police then Police-to-Citizen website. Public narratives on approved police reports can be accessed on line. They can be searched by case number, address radius, neighborhood, date range, and have information about case status, and investigator assignment. The tabs are for Event Search, Missing Persons, Daily Bulletin, Arrests, Crash Reports, Officer Commendation, Closed Calls, Contact Us, and Quick Links. Rafael asked about crime trends. There have been an increase in property crimes in the area such as residential and vehicle break ins, and a growth in the younger homeless population. Residents should take care with personal items and valuables left in plain sight in their vehicles. (Don't feed the bears!)  A School Resource Officer has been assigned to the William Randolph Elementary School's temporary quarters on Livingston Street. Several lights are still out on Clingman Avenue
HALF-MARATHON; 15 volunteers needed on Saturday September 28 from 6:30 am-9:45 So far confirmed are Joe, Byron, Pattiy, Alphie, Jeff, Lance and AnnaBeth. Eight more and a representative to attend one more meeting (on Sept 18 or 19 )are needed and may be recruited on Saturday at the Block Party.
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES:  Luke has moved out of Club Street and is still looking for a new place. He has assigned some of his Chair-duties to Rachel and Joe. AnnaBeth reported some sad news that Alphie's sister passed away. She also invited friends to a Jefferson Drive Block Party This Saturday September 7, 2013 starting at 6:30 at 26 Jefferson Drive. Bring a pot luck dish for grilling and babies. She also announced to look for press releases for a fundraiser at The Downtown Market on September 12  for NC State Senator Ellie Kinnaird's voter registration drive fund raiser. Looking to sponsor id cards for those who may not have access to a DMV ID card that cost $10.  Rafael announced that he passes his real estate License test and that the foxes in the greenway are alive and well. Rachel advised that more feedback was requested for the Clingman Forest Greenway entrance treatments. She will send out a request for more information
AT-LARGE BOARD MEMBER Rachel nominated Luke W. Perry for At Large Board Membership since he is not a WECAN resident. Nomination was seconded and passed.
    FESTIVAL OF NEIGHBORHOODS: Joe was appointed to the City's NAC representing 28801 zip code. they are planning an event on October 27 from 3-5 p.m. at the Sherrill Center at UNCA. The event is a "Festival of Neighborhoods" showcasing and sharing the activities, successes and challenges of Asheville's organized neighborhoods. Six representatives are invited to attend and share pictures for a slide show and a tri-fold display (like the ones used for science fairs.) There will be light refreshments, speakers and fun. Joe has confirmed WECAN's participation. The representatives should be confirmed by the next WECAN Board meeting October 3.
    TRAFFIC CALMING POLICY: The city has a Traffic Calming Policy which has not been funded for several years but some funding is expected beginning in 2015. In preparation for that some revisions were proposed. The six changes are: 1-The only traffic calming devices that will be considered in future include speed humps and/or speed cushions(asphalt and/or "bolt-down") 2-Change the minimum threshold to include a speed condition and a traffic volume condition. 3- Eliminate the 40% petition and substitute a structured neighborhood awareness campaign and education process that would last for a minimum of six months. 4-Allow projects to be constructed with partial private funding that would be matched with public funding. 5- Traffic calming devices will not be installed on city-maintained streets that are in areas of the city that the Asheville Fire Department Standard Cover Performance is less than 90%. 6-Allocate a maximum of 2% of the annual construction funds on neighborhood awareness campaigns and education processes. These were reviewed and discussed, concluding that they are reasonable. The current policy can be located on line at the City Website. Go to then Departments then Transportation then Traffic Engineering then Traffic Calming then follow the link to the Traffic Calming Policy.  AnnaBeth wanted to find out where Roberts Street was on the list.
    NEIGHBORHOOD E-NEWSLETTER: Marsha is launching a new e-newsletter in September to keep the community up to date on what’s happening in the city, where to find useful information, and to encourage community engagement. Each month, they will ask six questions of a different neighborhood. Those answers will be published in the e-newsletter and will help people get a better idea of the role each neighborhood plays in making Asheville the wonderful city it is. She asked WECAN to be the first featured neighborhood and Joe drafted answers to the six questions as follows and they were approved: Name of group: West End/ Clingman Avenue Neighborhood, Inc. Formed when: November 1998 Questions:

  1. What qualities make your neighborhood unique? :  WECAN is one of Asheville's oldest neighborhoods. Located at the West end of downtown it overlooks the French Broad River. It is accessed by Interstate, state and city roads and is intersected by the railroad. It is a short walk from Aston Park, Jean Webb Park and Owens-Bell Park, Isaac Dickson Elementary School, Asheville Middle School and the YWCA; It contains a significant portion of vacant and unused DOT right of way land. There are National Register Historic buildings and no less than three historic districts were nominated. One of these was vigorously opposed by city leaders. WECAN has  a logo, a neighborhood sign, and is incorporated as a tax-exempt non-profit organization. We maintain two gardens and have done Adopt-A-Highway cleanups for 15 years.  
  2. Who are the people that make up your neighborhood? WECAN is a collection of races, ages, and incomes. We are retirees, singles, families and children. We are artists, bicyclists, urban farmers, bee keepers, pet lovers, new-comers and long time residents. We are people who care about our neighbors and where we live.
  3. What is some of your neighborhood’s history?  WECAN began to be settled in the 1890's with the coming of the railroad and cotton mills. The first half of the twentieth century saw  a boom in housing as the city grew. The 1916 flood, the end of rail and trolley service, the closing of the mills and major highway projects all took their toll on the neighborhood. The second half was a period of benign neglect until the dramatic 1995 Cotton Mill fire shone a spotlight on the area. Soon the city produced the West End/ Clingman Avenue Asheville 2010 plan. One thing it called for was the formation of a neighborhood organization which has met monthly since 1998. Since then residents have been involved in in many planning projects including a Citizens Master Plan. We have seen new infill development, a new park, neighborhood cleanups, some new sidewalks, new LED lighting. We produced a history exhibit, a video, an annual newsletter, public art and in the last year WECAN welcomed four babies.
  4. What role does your neighborhood play as part of Asheville’s community? We are like a hologram or microcosm of the greater city. We share issues with other neighborhoods such as gentrification, traffic, taxes, crime, encroaching commercial development, affordability, communication, preservation, prostitution, density, development,  homelessness, drug abuse, and infrastructure issues.
  5. What are some of the things you look forward to in the future of your neighborhood? The neighborhood will feel the impact of several projects in the coming years such as the New Belgium Brewery, traffic realignment on Riverside Drive, new residential development at 100 Park Avenue, mixed use development at the old Dave Steel site, a new greenway in the forest behind the east side of Clingman Avenue, the I-26 Connector and new development in the River Arts District. 
  6. Name some things that you would like to see to make your neighborhood better. A respect for the history of the neighborhood; More affordable housing; A community garden on unused DOT land; A grocery store; Sidewalks on Roberts street between the traffic circle and the White Duck; and more neighborhood participation.  
MASTER PLANNING The timeline should begin in mid September. To be ready for Phase one Rachel will draft the survey questions by this weekend and block out a time table. The Block Jessies will also need to be activated and feedback events planned.
TUESDAY GARDEN CLUB:  September will be Gardening Month in WECAN. Tuesday September 10  will be 'weed pulling time' at the WECAN Sign Garden (5-7 p.m.) Tuesday September 17 will be 'sidewalk trim back time' on Hilliard and Clingman also 5-7.  Tuesday September 24 will be 'sidewalk reclamation' on Clingman below All Souls Pizza. If you have time and energy bring your own tools and have a good time.
ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY  Joe wants to have a celebration and photo of as many or our litter picker uppers as can be assembled for a photo at one of our signs when the 15-year sticker is installed. Maybe next month.
Also a date was set for the fall litter pickup on Saturday October 5 at 10 a.m.
    Jean Webb Park Pedestrian Bridge: Luke announced that the DOT Encroachment Agreement has been finalized and that a ribbon cutting and ground breaking for the footings would take place inn the next few weeks.
    100 Park Avenue: about half of the lots are reported to be sold.
TREASURER'S REPORT: no activity since last report. She noted that she has submitted a change of address form to the IRS (twice) who still keep sending correspondence to Luella's address. Perhaps the third time will be the charm.
The meeting adjourned at 802 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

Sept 7  630-?                     26 Jefferson Drive Block Party/Pot luck
Sept 10 5-7                        Garden Club Weeding Party Clingman and Hilliard
Sept 14                              River Arts District Second Saturdays Ceramics and Sculpture Demonstrations
Sept 17 5-7                        Garden Club Weeding Party Clingman and Hilliard
Sept 18 or 19                     Marathon Meeting YWCA
Sept 24 5-7                        Garden Club Weeding Party Clingman and Hilliard
Sept 28 6:30-9:45              Half Marathon Broadway/Magnolia
Sep 30  7 p.m.                    MHO Benefit Concert at Crown Plaza                              
Oct 3 Thu                           WECAN Board Meeting 6:30 at 64 Clingman Avenue
Oct 5  Sat 1000                 Adopt A Highway Cleanup      

Monday, August 19, 2013

Riverside Drive- Draft Sketches- This Tuesday from 4-7 pm

Hi Neighbors.  “Riverside Drive--Draft Sketches” will be on display from 4pm until 7pm on Tuesday, August 20th at Pink Dog Studios, 344 Depot Street. Please feel free to drop in and share your thoughts on the acres the city of Asheville owns along the French Broad and in our neighborhood!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

WECAN August 2013 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting August 1, 2013 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were: Jessie Nell Coleman, Joe Fioccola, Rachel Larson and Pattiy Torno . Board Members not present were Byron Ballard, Jeff Carnivale,Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry, JoAnn Skinner and Suzanne Willis.  Also present were: Officer Evan Coward, Chip Howe, Tom Gallegher, Hanni Muerdter, David Pearson, Officer Tyler Radford, Rafael Rettig and Marsha Stickford,
    Vice chair Rachel called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m. with a round of introductions. Marsha distributed a handout about a Remapping the Community event Saturday August 3, 2013 from 1-4 p.m. at the Dr Wesley Grant Sr Southside Community Center to create a community-driven & community-centered, shared map to preserve Asheville's African-American history. (Questions to Priscilla Ndiaye at . The Draft July Board minutes were approved as distributed.
APD CRO Update: Evan talked briefly about a hit and run DWI incident at the Jean Webb Park on Saturday Afternoon. Tyler advised that APD downtown units were working with ALE and ABC units to resolve alcohol violation issues with the Hot Spot at 79 Asheland Ave. He also reported that pedestrian operations in the area had been canceled. He reminded residents to keep reporting issues to Marsha or to CRO's and there would be a response. The question of speeding vehicles on Roberts Street was mentioned again. There was a shooting at Green's Mini mart on Depot Street involving teenagers but witnesses have identified the shooter. Pattiy noted that a rock had been thrown through the window of the Clingman Café.
NEIGHBOR/BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES:  Luke's house on Club Street has been foreclosed and he will need to vacate in the next few weeks. Hanni reported that the single unit at Clingman Lofts had been sold. Jessie said things had been quiet on Knoxville Place.
RIVERSIDE DRIVE STRATEGIC PLANNING: Tom discussed the two main options for development of city-owned parcels along Riverside Drive.  They amount to 10 acres of lane but due to floodplain, railroad right of way only 50,000 square feet is buildable. (minus the Ice House smokestack.) He showed several options and cross sections showing the transitions from the river to park to RADTIP to pedestrian transition zone to development (ground floor on stilts above the flood line) to parking deck (possibly above the railroad tracks) with one option having an enclosed pedestrian connection to Roberts St. One obstacle besides railroad easements is consideration of  height limitation issues (seven to eight stories are being requested.)  He showed some examples of mixed use development from around the country and world and some ideas for use of the PSNC building at 14 Riverside Drive which include rest rooms, multi-purpose space and alternate proposals for a large deck on the East side that could be a performance space. He announced that a second public meeting would be on the 20th of August then an economic study would be undertaken.  
****(The secretary conducted the balance of the meeting)****
CLINGMAN FOREST GREENWAY: Get any feedback for gateways and motifs to Rachel.
EAST OF THE RIVERWAY CONNECTIONS: Joe attended the Community Design Workshop at the Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Community Center on Monday July 29. Pattiy, Rachel and Rafael were also there. There was a comprehensive survey for the participants who were there. Joe counted about 50 altogether about half of which stayed to generate ideas for transportation needs after the RADTIP and Riverside plans were built. Their goal is to have a plan drafted by November covering land use and transportation using trend line development or strategic changes along with the usual buzzwords: multi-modal, complete streets, context-centered solutions, and level of service considering proximity  to jobs, healthcare and food. Then in breakout groups ideas were put onto maps. One idea was connecting Vernell Street with Lyman Street Extension  to provide an alternative for east/west traffic as an alternative to already crowded Hilliard or Patton.(which looks easy on a map but has vertical connectivity problems.) Other ideas mentioned were the need for a closer grocery store. (The closest now are FBR Food Coop on Biltmore, Downtown Market on South French Broad and Earthfare at Westgate.) also additional bus routes requested (bypassing downtown to get from UNCA to Biltmore Village via Riverside and Meadow Road) as was a pedestrian bridge connecting Riverside Drive to the west side of the river--possible on the old trolley car bridge footings just south of the Riverlink Bridge. However, besides the meager turnout it was disappointing to have the discussion monopolized by bicycling zealots. One unfeasible idea was to make Riverside Drive one way and route traffic onto Roberts Street. Admittedly the consultants do have to listen to every idea presented but they should be able to focus the discussion. Pattiy reported on a reception for the funders of East of the Riverway. and the part of their purpose they have yet to achieve: building community capacity.
NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Joe has been appointed to this committee and they are planning a 'Festival of Neighborhoods' celebration on Sunday October 27 3-5 p.m. at the Sherrill Center at UNCA. They are requesting Asheville neighborhood organizations to showcase their achievements in a tri-fold display card and share ideas with other neighborhoods. There will be a speaker and  maybe door prizes and light refreshments will be served. More info to come in the next month
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP: Joe reviewed  WECAN activity since the last General Membership meeting last December. He expressed his disappointment that so many meetings were dominated by outside groups: Ice House(x2); 100 Park Ave; Cotton Mill; CF Greenway(x2); leaving WECAN limited time to maintain our organizational health. Admittedly these were all issues that have a direct impact on WECAN and because we meet regularly were easily scheduled but they tend push our organizational development to the back burner. Things like nominating At-Large Board members or organizing social gatherings, or a pool party have fallen b y the wayside this year. Pattiy noted that with all the development in the near future the pressure on WECAN will only increase. 
CLINGMAN AVENUE LIGHTING: Marsha reported that all the lights were replaced by D.O.T and if any issues remain to let her know.
COMMUNITY GARDEN:  This is not an urgent priority due to the kudzu's growing season. It would be better to clear the land after frost slows the kudzu growth. Marsha said it is now with Stephanie Monson Dahl and David Foster to work it and other issues out with D.O.T.
OTHER GARDENING ISSUES: Pattiy asked if any landscaping was planned for the new ADC Bridge as she has a source.
GARDEN CLUB: Joe set the next date at the overgrown sign garden at Clingman and Hilliard for Sunday August 4 at 5 p.m. for anyone interested.     
The meeting adjourned at 7:43 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

August 2  Fri 6 p.m.                     Pedestrian bridge Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Jean Webb Park   
August 4 Sun 5 p.m.                    Garden Club Weeding Party Clingman and Hilliard
August 6 Tue 5:30 p.m.                National Night Out  Carrier Park: refreshments, displays, prizes.
August 10 Sat                              River Arts District Second Saturdays Ceramics and Sculpture Demonstrations
August 15 Thu  6:30                    Greenworks Root Fest Fundraiser 6:30-9:30 318 Riverside Dr(new location)  

August 23  Fri                              River Music Roots/Bluegrass/Old time @ Craven & Riverside                             
September 5 Thu                         WECAN Board Meeting 6:30 at 64 Clingman Avenue

Thursday, July 11, 2013

WECAN July 2013 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting July 11, 2013 at 64 Clingman Ave.
Board Members Present were:  Byron Ballard,  Joe Fioccola, Rachel Larson, Luke W. Perry and Pattiy Torno . Board Members not present were Jeff Carnivale,  Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, JoAnn Skinner and Suzanne Willis.  Also present were: Stephanie Greiner, Alicia Kaiser, Jane Mathews, Linda Rettig, Rafael Rettig and Officer Tyler Radford, 
    Luke called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. with a round of introductions, after which the June Meeting minutes were approved as distributed. There was no Treasurer's report.
APD CRO Update: Tyler reported that Evan Coward is reassigned as our CRO for South/Central District. He also reported that National Night Out would be observed locally at Carrier Park on Tuesday August 6 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. He encouraged WECAN members to attend.  It is also with some regret that his personal career path and training opportunities may prevent him from serving as Community Resource Officer in the near future but he will let us know if and when he is reassigned and who his replacement will be. He complemented WECAN as we are held up as an example of a model community.  He also reported that The Traffic Safety Unit also had a new supervisor but he would check with Officer John Derrick about the planned operations for Clingman Avenue and on South French Broad Avenue. 
BLOCK JESSIE UPDATES: Alicia reported that her house under construction on the site of the Old Club House on Club St was supposed to be finished by the end of August but may actually be closer to September or October. Joanne is back in town. Bret is out of town. Yuri is fathering. Street lights are still out on Clingman Ave.All Souls Pizza is about to open where the Silver Dollar and The Asheville Tap were. 12Bones ownership is changing hands but nothing else should change. The Bull and Beggar will open soon on Riverside Drive near the Railroad trestle.
CLINGMAN FOREST GREENWAY: Steven Lee Johnson and Jane Matthews were on hand to lead a second round of discussions regarding the greenway. Siteworks Studios and Matthews Architects areworking on The Clingman Forest Greenway and the Town Branch Greenway which are two of the 6 to 8 projects in the works in the East of the Riverway area. Their priority tasks are to identify alignments, constraints and opportunities.The prime constraints are large old growth trees, steep slopes and private property ownership. There is also an opportunity to increase parking for the Tennis Center west of the tennis courts with a turnaround at the south end at one trailhead. There is an opportunity for WECAN when the trails are constructed  to rescue some desirable vegetation such as wild azaleas, etc. Tonight they were looking for input on connectivity between WECAN and the greenway. We looked at examples of signage including: identifying signs atop existing street signs, trail connector signs showing walking or hiking. Jane advised that the Greenways commission was looking for some uniform thread, graphic or color for all greenways in the city and that the chamber may fund way finding maps for the city-wide trail system. There were several examples of signage at the trail head entryways.  They also looked at design elements currently in the neighborhood such as the neighborhood logo sign, the John Payne Bus stop bench, the metal Kiosks at the Owens Bell bus stop shelter, etc. and raised the question of materials or designs for amenities such as trash cans, overlooks, benches and rails. Materials under consideration include locust wood, metal and stone. Lighting was also mentioned as important. In contrast to the greenway along WT Weaver Blvd the CF-Greenway is not visible from any street and without directions hikers can get lost. The idea for trailheads ( three were suggested) include a framework to which art can be applied or text labels to a base, stand, framework, archway or pillars. The style that appears to be emerging for WECAN is metal and local, and not fancy or out of a catalog but something that gives a more timeless appearance--using what is on hand. The trailhead designs at Merritt Street should reflect the residential neighborhood and the one on Clingman Extension should reflect more the River Arts District. An idea was raised to make the trailhead gateway do double duty as a rain shelter. Consideration of the vocabulary of signage design will be given focusing on way finding, orientation and style. There will be another round of meetings and the construction documents will be completed in 2 months. Then construction funding will be sought. There is also an idea to make the Aston Park Trail head at the corner of South French Broad Avenue and Hilliard Avenue. Next steps: Still seeking comments and suggestions from residents and request all comments come from one source. Luke volunteered to relay them. Consideration giver to safety, vistas and overlooks  then a closer look at overlooks, bench placement, hand railings, signage by late August or early September.   Rafael brought up the issue of erosion after he removed hundreds of tires also the sighting of a family of foxes. Pattiy identified a runoff area behind Clingman Café.  The next public input meeting will be at the Dr Wesley Grant Southside Center on August 15 or 20.
ADC DESIGN/BUILD PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE AT JEAN WEBB PARK PROJECT: Luke reported that it is moving along even thought no ground has been broken yet. The metal work is almost done off site.  He showed a model of the bridge. and reported that more input is still needed. They are still shooting for an August 2 completion date. He listed a host of contributors but funds are still needed for completion. Tax exempt contributions may be made to the Asheville Design Center. Progress is being recorded in a blog:  AVLDESIGNBUILD.WORDPRESS.COM.      
YOUTH EMPOWERED SOLUTIONS/ASHEVILLE REAL FOOD requested a letter of support to the Hot Spot at 79 Asheland Ave to stock more healthy food items. Pattiy recalled that WECAN had made contact with the head office who even engaged a consultant but since Selena Sullivan stopped working there they have been less responsive. Tyler advised that he and Evan work secondary there and may be able to acquire a contact name or number. 
MASTER PLANNING: The committee will meet again on July 25 at 6:30 at 62 Park Square to review and finalize the goal statement and some recent movement by the city :
DEVELOPMENT UPDATES: The Dave Steel property developers have pulled the original plan from the TRC (Technical Review Committee) due to the city's inability to fund a parking deck and are reconsidering the development without a public parking component.  Pattiy noted that parking is a constant problem in the area and at a recent RADBA meeting the number one issue was parking.
ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY: Joe reported that a replacement sign was ordered and may take up to four weeks. He also showed the 15 year sticker to go on both signs.
CLINGMAN/HILLIARD PED-HEAD MIS-PLACEMENT: The pole closest to the metal vane sculpture is totally wrong. the placement on that corner is placed as if it was a 90 degree corner when in fact the entire intersection is skewed in a parallelogram.  From the December 2/2011 minutes: Ped Head crossing lights are funded as a part of this project but will be going up after it is completed. Pattiy requested an input meeting when the Ped Head project phase begins so that the city can talk us through what is coming and hopefully about a month in advance. In Feb 2012 Barb Mee showed plans for pedestrian crossing signs but in the next 18 months no other activity or notifications were made. On June 6,2013 Joe expressed concerns because he noticed that spikes were placed in our area and one week later construction had begun. Pattiy expressed the obvious that they look awful. Joe will talk to Marsha when he sees her at the next Neighborhood Advisory Committee meeting--to which, by the way, he has been appointed. 
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: after some discussion the general membership meeting was set to be concurrent with the next WECAN board meeting on August 1 at 164 Clingman Avenue with pot luck food. At that meeting discussion of a non-business social party possibly out of doors sometime thereafter.
GARDEN CLUB: Joe set the next date at Owens Bell Park for Tuesday July 23rd at 5 p.m. for any one interested in helping.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
DRAFT Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

Friday July 12                                 River Music funk bands galore
Saturday July 13                              River Arts District Second Saturdays Ceramics and Sculpture Demonstrations
Tuesday July 23                              5pm-dark   Owens Bell Park Garden Club
Fri-Sun July 26-28                          Final City Sponsored Bele Chere (volunteer with GO)
Thursday July 25                             6:30 Master Planning Sub Committee Meeting at 62 Park Square (Not a museum) 
Monday July 29                              5 p.m. French Broad River Greenways Coalition @ Sims and Steele on Merrimon Ave
Thursday August 1                          WECAN semi annual General Membership Meeting 6:30 at 64 Clingman Avenue
Tuesday August 6                           National Night Out at Carrier Park 5:30-7:30
Thursday August 15                        Greenworks Root Fest Fundraiser5 6:30-9:30 318 Riverside Dr(new location)  

Thursday, June 6, 2013

WECAN June 2013 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

 WECAN Board Meeting  June 6, 2013 
Members present were: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Anna Beth Hardcastle, Rachel Larson, Luke W. Perry, Pattiy Torno. Members not present were: Jeff
 Carnivale, Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton,  Yuri Koslen, JoAnn Skinner and Suzanne Willis. Also Present were: APD Officer Evan
 Coward, Steven Lee Johnson(Siteworks), Chris Strout(Pisgah Area SORBA),Jacob Stachler, Serena Huang, Lauren Taylor, Thachston Crandall,
 Amy Marion (All from Asheville Design Center Summer Design/Build Program) Marsha Stickford, Hanni Muerdter and Sean Illgin.
 The meeting was called to order at 6:37 p.m. with a round of introductions. The first order of business was to change the next
 scheduled meeting on the first Thursday in July since it falls on July 4. It was agreed to move it to the second Thursday July 11. (Joe will confirm
 with MHO on the room availability.) The minutes were approved as distributed and the Treasurer reported that the balance in the WECAN
 account was still $302.79 with no activity last month.
 APD-CRO UPDATE: Evan advised he was reassigned back as the South-Central Community Resource Officer. He reminded us that the non-emergency Police
 number was 252-1110 and his cell number was 777-4505. Joe brought up an anecdotal report of a baby bear on Tuesday near Clingman and Hilliard.
 Pattiy reported that a vehicle was broken into at 12Bones a week and a half ago with only cash items stolen. Evan and Marsha are working on a
 neighbor networking site and ‘app’ called They advised to check the ‘Neighborhood Services” page on the city website
 ( as a portal for neighborhood information such as trash pickup, recycling, etc.   Pattiy asked how the first River Music Concert
 went.  It was reported that there were noise complaints about it being loud but no parking problems. Pattiy requested any attendance data when it
 becomes available.
 BLOCK JESSIES: Rachel reported that the house on Park Avenue was now for sale and on Park Square three changes. Luke reported new construction
 continues on Club Street and may begin soon on a lot behind the old clubhouse. AnnaBeth reported a new baby was born on May 29 to be adopted
 on Jefferson by Steve and Brittany Wager. Hanni reported that Clingman Lofts had one 2-bedroom unit for sale and one 1-bedroom unit just sold.
 Also they were trying to amend the association’s covenants and restrictions to only allow 4 rentals at a time and to cap them at 3 years
 and it has almost passed.
 CLINGMAN FOREST AND TOWN BRANCH GREENWAY: Steven Johnson showed slides of some conditions and problems involved with developing the two greenways.
 The task is to prepare 100% construction drawings after intense and fully documented community input funded by a US DOT TIGER II Grant which is one
 of 33 funded in 40 states. Another project is the EASTOFTHERIVERWAY.COM. Some features include stormwater wetlands, using art to tell stories from
 the community about businesses, trades, people and its history—similar to the recent downtown exhibit about the historic family stores. MHO did a
 study in 2004. That plan for the Clingman Forest Greenway was not fully ADA compliant and accessible as this federally funded plan must be and did
 not appreciate that there is undisturbed old growth forest and flora in addition to invasive vegetation. He advised he would be sharing detailed
 site analysis documents before the next WECAN meeting covering visibility, safety, eyes on the greenway and CPTED guidelines(Crime Prevention Through
 Environmental Design.) He reminded us that the funding was in place for construction documents and not for construction and should be completed by
 mid December. Sitework Studios is taking the lead but are associating with Baker Engineering and Matthews Architects. They have 16 on staff and will
 be putting in 3600 hours of work to complete the project. They will return in July to get input on preferences on trail head designs and ideas to
 represent the neighborhood. The features under consideration include asphalted paths, railings, overlooks in varieties of materials as well as
 stories, history and the look and feel desired by the neighborhood. In addition the Public Art Board may be involved with potential commissions
 at community specified locations. The trailheads will be located to connect with existing transportation. He asked everyone to talk to your
 neighbors about this and encourage them to come to the meeting on July 11. Contact Info: Steven Lee Johnson, ASLA 352 Depot St Suite 120 Asheville NC
 28801 828 225-4945
 PEDESTRIAN FOOTBRIDGE DESIGN-BUILD PROJECT AT JEAN WEBB PARK: Luke is leading the project with the Asheville Design Center. The designers
 brought the design boards from the event on the 31st. and some small conceptual models they have been working on. The design constraints for
 the bridge are that it must be 14 feet wide and have a gathering and resting area with benches and an overhang. They are still working on
 permits, engineering, acquiring materials, site preparation and must be complete by the end of August. They will have more presentations between
 June 14 and 17 and will show models on the site on June 14 at 12:45.
 MASTER PLANNING PROPOSAL: The Master Planning group met and refined and revised the draft proposal. A copy of the draft proposal will be
 distributed separately.
   Dave Steel Site: Pattiy reported 200 apartments of questionable affordability (1 bedroom going for $900 and 2 bedrooms for
 $1250)apparently both affordable and market rate are needed plus a 400 space parking garage put in by the city. Conditional use hearings are
 being pushed before November with three years expected until completion.
   New Belgium:  Luke reported that deconstruction was completed and due to increased capacity at Fort Collins they could delay the construction
 here for 8 months. The delay will also help the city to finish construction of the greenway, realign Craven Street and let the 8 feet
 of fill on the site settle before construction.
   100 PARK AVENUE: AnnaBeth reported talking to Jefferson Drive resident Pete Bassett and he is excited about getting some new neighbors.
 CLINGMAN HILLIARD PED HEAD ISSUES:  Joe is concerned about the spikes near the neighborhood sign which may indicate where the ped-head poles will be
 going.  They appear to be encroaching on the planting and blocking the sign. Marsha will get the locations confirmed before they go in.
 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE FENCING AND RAILING: Pattiy reported that it is overgrown with vegetation especially on the Hillcrest side.
 ADOPT-A HIGHWAY:  Renewal contract was sent around for signatures to extend to July 1 2017.
 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: The by-laws call for two per year one in the fall to elect new board members and the second will be called for sometime
 in August.
 COMMUNITY GARDEN: a proposal was sent with the last minutes and will be resent to Marsha.
 Meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m.
 Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

 Upcoming events:
 Community Celebration Saturday June 15 1-4 p.m. at the Dr Wesley Grant Senior  Southside Center
 Green Opportunities 5 year Anniversary: Thursday June 20 5:30-8p.m. The Mill Room (66 Asheland Ave.)
 Juneteenth Celebration at Hillcrest Apartments on Saturday June 22 from 11-3 p.m.
 Midsummer Daydreams Solstice Celebration June 22 3 p.m. at French Broad River Park
ABCRC(ASHEVILLE-BUNCOMBE COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNCIL) Dance Party June 28  8p.m-12 at Asheville Area Arts Council Depot St

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024