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Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Meet the Candidates October 9, 2012 @ Phil Mechanic
New Belgium Brewery News
New Belgium has seen fit to set up an information source for questions & comments around the new Asheville Brewery .... you have to be 21 to get on the site... but once there you can read about frequently asked questions, see site updates, even download the entire presentation from the July 25th community meeting & let them know what is on your mind.
The City of Asheville has also set up an informational source online for the Craven Street Improvement Project where you can see who to speak to about the roadway improvements... Know that WECAN has been participating in ongoing meetings with New Belgium & surrounding neighborhood organizations including East West Asheville Neighborhood Association, West Asheville Business Association, River Arts District Artists, River Arts District Business Association, Southside Neighborhood Association, Green Opportunities & more. The next meeting of this group is currently scheduled for November 1, 2012. Please let Luke Perry know if you have questions or concerns that you would like addressed.
On October 10, 2012 there will be a community meeting hosted by the East West Asheville Neighborhood Association with the City of Asheville & NCDOT Staff to discuss concerns around traffic that will result from construction as well as New Belgium Brewery once in operation... this meeting is happening from 5:30pm to 7pm @ Haw Fletcher Elementary School's small auditorium @ 60 Ridgelawn Road... For more information on the meeting, contact Marsha Stickford, Neighborhood Coordinator for the City of Asheville @ 259-5506 For the East-West Asheville Neighborhood Association contact Joshua Martin @ 242-4238.
There is also a final Penland's auction being planned for late November/early December to auction off any building materials that will not be reused from the Stockyard & Mini Storage properties... should be fun so stay tuned for more info!
The City of Asheville has also set up an informational source online for the Craven Street Improvement Project where you can see who to speak to about the roadway improvements... Know that WECAN has been participating in ongoing meetings with New Belgium & surrounding neighborhood organizations including East West Asheville Neighborhood Association, West Asheville Business Association, River Arts District Artists, River Arts District Business Association, Southside Neighborhood Association, Green Opportunities & more. The next meeting of this group is currently scheduled for November 1, 2012. Please let Luke Perry know if you have questions or concerns that you would like addressed.
On October 10, 2012 there will be a community meeting hosted by the East West Asheville Neighborhood Association with the City of Asheville & NCDOT Staff to discuss concerns around traffic that will result from construction as well as New Belgium Brewery once in operation... this meeting is happening from 5:30pm to 7pm @ Haw Fletcher Elementary School's small auditorium @ 60 Ridgelawn Road... For more information on the meeting, contact Marsha Stickford, Neighborhood Coordinator for the City of Asheville @ 259-5506 For the East-West Asheville Neighborhood Association contact Joshua Martin @ 242-4238.
There is also a final Penland's auction being planned for late November/early December to auction off any building materials that will not be reused from the Stockyard & Mini Storage properties... should be fun so stay tuned for more info!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
A Night in the Forest Benefit
Please come celebrate the 30th Birthday of the Western North Carolina Alliance @ The Lift Studios on October 11, 2012 from 6 to 9pm. Sponsored by the Asheville Affiliates , (those who party with a purpose) all proceeds from the $25 in advance/$30 at the door tickets go to help "end of clear-cutting in our national forests, the passage of the landmark Clean Smokestacks Act, the opening of the French Broad River Paddle Trail, and the recent launch of the “Asheville Beyond Coal” campaign".
Monday, September 24, 2012
Idiotarod November 2012
The next iteration of the Idiotarod (or
should we say IdiotaRAD?) takes place on Sunday, November 18, 2012 from 2 to
5pm. Terpsicorps Studios @ 339 Lyman is the starting line... The Bywater @ 796
Riverside, the finish. In between all sorts of missions & mayhem will
occur. You can chose to be a shopping cart pushing participant or you can
impart the mayhem on those who do. Your choice.
Seems like WECAN might enjoy wreaking havoc on the pushers of the shopping carts as they come thru our 'hood?... the organizers would love us to do this!! Or WECAN could push its own shopping cart? eh?
Monday, September 10, 2012
WECAN September 2012 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
WECAN Board Meeting September 6, 2012 at Merritt Park Meeting Room.
Board Members Present were: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Bret Frk, Yuri Koslen and Luke Perry. Board Members not present were Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Joanne Skinner and Suzanne Willis. Also present were: Officer Evan Coward, Sergeant Don Eberhardt, Darcel Eddins, Drew Godfrey, David Greenbaum, Hanni Muerdter, Prucilla Ndiaye, Patrick Pearson, Laura Piraino, Officer Adam Roach, Marsha Stickford and Pattiy Torno.
Luke called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. with a round of introductions.
NEIGHBOR UPDATES. Elbert Davis who lived on W Haywood St passed away last month joining Jimmy Smith who passed away in July leaving behind over 50 cats that he cared for. WECAN received a thank you card from his Jimmy’s sister Daisy for our contribution to Forever Friends who took in the cats. Bret noted several properties were under contract. Hanni reported that all Clingman Lofts were now sold. Bret announced that his son Wade was 10 weeks old and had lost a little weight but was doing fine. Also that Mike Kenton’s family was expecting a bundle of joy and may miss some WECAN Meetings.
APD CRO UPDATE: Evan had received no complaints about the River Music Concerts on Riverside Dr and that the final one was set for Friday Sept 14. Pattiy was advised of some homeless camps on the back of the Crown Plaza across the river from WECAN. Byron reported that every Friday night there is a problem with people parking unsafely in the bicycle lane at The Bywater on Riverside Dr. Luke did a ride-along with Evan and recommends it.
EAST OF THE RIVERWAY DAY: Luke passed around a copy of the survey conducted by Appalachian State students 2 years ago. As part of the nation-wide Obama-initiated Sustainable Communities Initiative the City of Asheville received a grant to work with the neighborhoods of the “East of the Riverway” area. Marsha noted that the boundaries encompass most of Census Track 9. It appears to be a cobbled together group which includes Lee-Walker Hgts, Southside, River Arts District, S French Broad, WECAN and Hillcrest but It may be that the Census tract represented a coherent community before the area was divided by interstates and schools. Luke passed out a flyer for and event: EOTR presents The Community Speaks: presentations and performances by community members that are strengthening our existing neighborhoods and communities. Presenting organizations include AB Tech Minority Student Leadership Academy, Green Opportunities, Hillcrest Resident Association, Just Folks, LEAF in Schools and Streets, Southside Community Advisory Board, Urban Arts Institute, WECAN Association. on Thursday Sept 13 from 6-8:30 at the Dr Wesley Grant Sr Southside Center at 285 Livingston St. Free Dinner Provided. The purpose is to educate, and build networking opportunities and encourage neighborhood groups and organizations to help each other out. Discussion followed about EOTR funders (DOE, DOT HUD and GroWNC), their livability principles: Provide more transportation choices; Promote equitable, affordable housing; Enhance economic competitiveness; Support existing communities; Coordinate policies& leverage investment; Value communities and neighborhoods. Discussion about the progress and results. East of the Riverway Community Calendar:
ENERGY PLAN FOCUS GROUPS: Laura from the City’s Sustainability Office reported on another survey of Community Energy Use. The City is surveying all neighborhoods to find out how people use energy and to do what they do and to think about options to save money and energy. They aim to look at programs, projects and policy influences to make a plan specific to EOTR. They will conduct focus groups as part of a series of re-visioning meetings. She passed out a flyer: Saving Energy: saves money. Increases the comfort of your home. Creates local jobs. Raises your standard of living. Improves health. Keeps housing affordable. Increases local spending. Is good for the environment. Can be done together. Can be done in community. A plan makes it easier. Help create yours. Participate in a COMMUNITY ENERGY PLAN RESIDENT OR BUSINESS FOCUS GROUP for the River Arts District, WECAN, South French Broad, Livingston, Lee-Walker Heights and Hillcrest Neighborhoods to the Wesley Grant Sr Community Center. Business Focus Group: Tuesday Sept 4 6-8 p.m. and Wednesday Sept 19 12-2 p.m. Residential Focus Group: Tuesday Sept 18 6-8 p.m. and Thursday Sept 20 6-8 p.m. Lunch /dinner provided and Gift Cards for Participation. RSVP by email to or call 828 259-5590 no walk-ins. Prucilla stressed the need for better information and honesty to introduce the project to the community. Not to come in to it sideways but from the beginning involving the community by being inclusive and accountable. There is some residual distrust of consultants and surveys of the community over the years that are ignored or channeled to justify a predetermined result. Laura defended her efforts as not a foregone conclusion but as a resource of useful information that people can use today that will save them money and energy.
WECAN MASTER PLAN: Joe gave a brief review of previous WECAN plans. In 1996 the city developed a 2010 Plan that identified and defined the West End Clingman Avenue Neighborhood. One result was the formation of a neighborhood organization. WECAN was created in 1997. It actually lumped together two neighborhoods one predominantly African American and one predominantly Caucasian. Both were mostly working class homeowners. In 2000 a week-long charette process was held that resulted in the WECAN Citizens Master Plan. It was formally adopted but the city in 2008. In the fall of 2009 WECAN reviewed the goals of the 2010 plan. (A copy follows these minutes.) Since 1996 there have been a lot of changes in WECAN. Yuri posed the question: Should the Master Plan be revised and updated? There was consensus that it was a good direction to go in. Next What are the initial steps that need to be taken to make it happen? Bret suggested to audit the previous plans and identify the changes to and effects on the neighborhood. See if there is a shift in the goals of the current residents. What goals are different from the ones of the 1996 neighborhood and which remain the same. So the first steps are 1) auditing previous plans
(WECAN Master Plan: http// 2) Contact City staff to align their plans affecting WECAN. 3)Raw Survey data to Pattiy 4) Identify other ‘players’ (independent developers) in the neighborhood and what their plans might be. There was also a question raised if the River Arts District should be separated from the residential area of WECAN. 5) We have the talent and expertise in our neighborhood to create a professional Master Plan ourselves. Luke suggested that we can use this angle to pitch for funding to pay us to do it. 6) Joe suggested a steering committee to look at and identify the process so that it is efficient, fair, inclusive and accountable. Luke asked for a committee to meet in the next month to begin the process. ( Luke identified Pattiy, Anna, Bret, Patrick, Drew, Hanni, Byron and Joe to meet.) (Luke also identified the need to meet next week to review WECAN’s progress over the last 15 years for the presentation for the EOTR Event on Sept 13. (Founding members Joe, Byron and Jessie will try to help.)
COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE BLOCK JESSIES: Committed so far: Block 1) Chicken Hill: Luke; Block 2 ) Patton: Jessie; Block 3) Rector: ?; Block 4) Merritt Park:?; Block 5) Prospect Terrace:?; Block 6) Clingman:?; Block 7) Clingman Lofts: Hanni; Block 8) Jefferson: Yuri; Block 9) Park Ave:?; Block 10) Grey Eagle:?; Block 11) Roundabout:?; Block 12) Riverside: Pattiy; [Joe suggests collapsing #10 and #11 into #12. And making #2 all north of Hilliard.)
EAST WEST ASHEVILLE NEIGHBORHOOD/NEW BELGIUM: Darcel represents the East West Asheville Neighborhood Association (EWANA) and shared mutual concerns about New Belgium. Projecting 60-100 truck per day on neighborhood streets (Haywood Rd or Clingman Ave.) and 300 visitors expected every day. There are no sidewalks along the already narrow roads of Westwood Rd. and Waynesville Ave. EWANA would prefer rerouting truck traffic to Hazel Mill Rd and will be talking to New Belgium. She is also miffed that New Belgium considers themselves part of the River Arts District since they are on the other side of the river in a brownfield adjacent to a residential neighborhood and that they are hearing the state, city and county voices and not the community’s voice. She wants a dialogue with the corporation to get them to do something for the neighborhoods they will be directly affecting. She said it’s not about demonizing them just wants transparency and openness. She is happy to share conversations and concerns with EWANA. New Belgium may trigger other issues and concerns for EOTR and residential impact. There is a meeting on Friday and Pattiy reviewed WECANs expressed concerns so far about New Belgium and asked if there were any more to add to :Smell; Traffic; Noise; Property Taxes; Roberts Street as an alternate route and local jobs. (New Belgium FAQ’s: http// )
ROBERTS ST TRAFFIC COUNTS CLINGMAN BULBOUT STRIPING: Marsha presented the most recent traffic counts for Roberts St (Also following these minutes) Noting that for 85% of drivers the average speed was about 22 mph and 24 % of drivers were speeding. She noted that having an updated master plan could help make the case that the neighborhood has changed over time and the uses and needs of the community have changed as well which may affect other city plans. She also advised that The bulbouts on Clingman would be made more visible and that The process has begun to do a pedestrian/bicycle count at Clingman and Roberts and that volunteers were needed to spend an hour counting pedestrians and bicyclists that pass. Most volunteers are recruited through the Reuter Center but if anyone is interested in volunteering contact Marsha or Barb Mee. (Volunteers cannot be used if they are directly affected) Clingman and Hilliard Ped Heads have been put out for bid.
Luke announced that The Clingman Forest Greenway design team has been selected: Site-works Studios. They have done extensive work for the City of Asheville and Mountain Housing Opportunities. Luke is also still talking about a bike skills park in some other location still dealing with liability and other issues.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Luke announced several items
Thursday Sept 13 6-8:30 East of the Riverway Day at Grant Southside Center (WECAN presenting) RSVP
Friday Sept 14 River Music
Tues Sept 18 Clingman Lofts Meeting at MHO conference Room.
Monday Sept 24 Bike Park Meeting 7p.m. at Battle Cat coffee house
Tuesday Sept 25 4 p.m. at FLS: River Arts District Business Association RADBA
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola
Traffic Counts for Roberts St
Combined Directions
Day Volume 85%ile Avg Speed # speeders % Speeding Avg Exceeding
Tues 2006 26.6 22.7 577 28.8 27.5
Wed 2098 25.9 21.4 435 20.7 27.4
Thu 2095 26.4 22.4 512 24.4 27.3
Fri 2418 26.2 22.1 577 23.9 27.5
Sat 1634 25.9 21.8 349 21.4 27.8
Sun 1042 25.9 21.7 234 22.5 27.5
Southbound Northbound
Day Volume 85%ile Avg Speed Volume 85%ile Avg Speed
Tues 1003 25.5 21.9 1003 28.2 23.7
Wed 1059 24.6 20.7 1039 26.8 22.4
Thurs 1106 25.3 21.6 989 27.3 23.0
Fri 1180 25.1 21.5 1238 27.3 23.0
Sat 828 24.2 20.8 806 27.5 22.8
Sun 525 24.8 21.3 517 27.1 22.6
The following is from the 2010 Asheville City Plan West/End Clingman Avenue Neighborhood Plan January 23,1996.
HOUSING (page 15)
1. Conduct building code enforcement inspections for all vacant, dilapidated
houses within the study area to determine the cost of bringing each house
up to code.
2. Develop a dialogue with the owners of all vacant, dilapidated houses to
encourage housing rehabilitation and to inform owners of the existing programs
and funding sources for housing rehabilitation.
1. Expedite the demolition of all dilapidated houses not feasible for rehabilitation.
2. Seek to acquire the properties containing condemned houses for possible future development
of in-fill housing
1. Designate West End/Clingman Avenue area as a "Target Neighborhood" for Community
Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Program funds.
2. Develop a program to promote housing rehabilitation in the neighborhood.
3. Develop a program to promote new single-family and some small-scale multi-family housing
in the neighborhood.
4. Ensure that any new programs encourage owner-occupancy and do not lead to displacement
of existing residents or reduction in number of affordable housing units within the study area.
1. Secure the stability of residential areas through housing rehabilitation, demolition of struc-
tures not feasible for rehabilitation, and new single-family and small-scale multifamily hous-
2. Provide for a more compatible transition between residential and commercial areas.
3. Plan for complementary land uses adjacent to residential areas.
4. Implement zoning for the residential portions of the study area that would preserve the pre-
dominantly single- family, high density character of development.
1. Encourage residential as a part of the mixture of uses along the riverfront.
2. Maintain and encourage a diversity of land uses such as commercial, recreational and enter-
tainment, manufacturing, and residential.
3. Ensure the compatibility of uses within the mixed use area and limit uses which would create
adverse impacts within the area.
1. Examine feasibility of utilizing vacant, publicly-owned land.
2. Promote existing businesses and encourage new types of businesses within existing commer-
cial areas.
3. Where appropriate, ensure that a wide range of industrial, commercial, and residential land
uses is permitted and encouraged.
UTILITIES (page 22)
1. Extend sanitary sewer mains and upgrade existing mains where necessary to provide improved
sewer services along Green Street, Girdwood Street, the lower portion of West Haywood
Street and Jefferson Drive.
2. Make water system improvements to water mains along Jefferson Drive, Park Avenue, Green
Street, and Girdwood Street.
3. Develop a schedule for replacing and/or upgrading existing undersized and old water lines
and sewer mains.
4. Confirm the location, size, and condition of sewer mains serving Girdwood Street, Green
Street, Park Square, and a portion of West Haywood Street.
5. Ensure that utility improvements do not encourage inappropriate growth.
1. Construct new sidewalks and crosswalks as proposed on the Pedestrian Circulation Map.
2. Encourage property owners whose lots abut sidewalks to keep sidewalks clean and unob-
structed by weeds and hedges.
3. in order to enhance pedestrian usage of streets, conduct a streetscape study which focuses on
street trees, street furniture, street lighting, directional signage and other pedestrian amenities.
1. Limit truck traffic on certain residential streets as shown on the Traffic Circulation Map.
2. Promote the following route as the predominant route from Interstate-240 to the riverfront:
I-240 to 19/23 North to Hill Street Exit to Riverside Drive to riverfront area.
3. Improve the five points intersection at Clingman and Roberts Streets, the T-intersection at
Riverside Drive and Lyman Street, and the intersection of Patton Avenue and Clingman
1. Implement changes to Aston Park to make it safer and more conducive to use by residents
such as the establishment of a Park Watch program.
2. Expand Jean Webb Park and create pedestrian access from the residential area to Jean Webb
3. Construct a new park within the study area.
1. Create a formal neighborhood organization
2. Plan neighborhood-wide activities such as community watch and neighborhood clean-up
1. Establish a dialogue between the neighborhood organization and the city
2. provide information to residents on the types and level of services offered throughout the city.
1. Clean up and maintain vacant lots within the area.
2. organize periodic neighborhood clean up efforts.
3. Post and enforce "no dumping" signs where appropriate.
4. Inform residents about their role in enforcing "junk car" and other nuisance ordinances.
5. Lobby the City to enforce "junk car" and other nuisance ordinances where necessary
1. Work with law enforcement officials to solve problems resulting from drug dealing, prostitu-
tion, and winos in and around Aston Park.
2. Eliminate prostitution and other illegal activity at Jefferson Street dead-end.
p.32 Housing
Goal#1 --Specific houses are listed in Appendix A
--Attempt to purchase properties from owners who choose not to rehab or are not in a financial position to rehab the house.
--Upon purchasing a house, conduct rehabilitation using CDBG/HOME funds or market to non-profit/for-profit to do the rehabilitation.
Goal #3 --Concentrate on working with existing residents on housing rehab before promoting new housing.
--Start promoting new housing on vacant lots after achieving some success with housing rehab.
-- Attempt to purchase vacant lots for future infill housing development.
--Monitor effects of housing rehab and new housing on existing residents and property values.
p.33 Land Use
Goal #2 --Amend Zoning Ordinance to allow residential in the Light Industrial and Commercial Service Zoning Districts.
--Modify zoning map according to Proposed Land Use Map.
--Amend the Zoning Ordinance to add a new zoning district oriented toward riverfront areas.
Modify zoning map to implement the Proposed Land Use Map.
Goal #3 --Evaluate all city/county tax lots and unused portions of public rights-of- way for feasibility of new housing development or other appropriate uses.
p.34 Traffic Circulation
Goal #1 --Proposed Sidewalks:
---Hilliard St. (West Haywood St. to Clingman Ave.)
---Rector St. (entire street)
---Club St./Trade St. (entire street)
---West Haywood St. (Park Ave. to Roberts St.)
---Girdwood St. (entire street)
---Green St. (entire street)
---Riverside Dr. (entire street within study area)
---Roberts St. (West Haywood St to Haywood Rd.)
---Lyman St. (Clingman Ave to Riverside Dr.)
---West Haywood St. (Roberts St. to Smith Bridge)
Repair Sidewalks:
---Park Ave.
---Jefferson Ave.
New Crosswalks at Intersections:
---Clingman Ave. and Hilliard St.
p.35 Goal #2 --Post no truck traffic signs as proposed on Traffic Circulation Map.
--Post appropriate directional signs on the expressway.
--Conduct a detailed traffic analysis to improve safety and traffic flow at the above intersections.
--Modify intersection of Patton Ave. and Clingman Ave. to allow more direct and conventional left turn westbound from Patton Ave. onto southbound Clingman Ave.
Goal #3 --Conduct an urban design study to determine appropriate streetscape elements.
p.36 Neighborhood Enhancement:
Goal #1 --Utilize services of Quality Forward in organizing clean-up efforts.
p.37 Goal #3 --Neighborhood Organization should work with Public Works Department in determining sign locations.
--------Reviewing 2010 Plan goals: Reviewed Housing first: (WECAN 2010 Plan page 15)
Goal #1. REHABILITATION OF VACANT, DILAPIDATED HOUSES WHERE POSSIBLE. 1. Conduct building code enforcement inspections for all vacant, dilapidated houses within the study area to determine the cost of bringing each house up to code. 2. Develop a dialogue with the owners of all vacant, dilapidated houses to encourage housing rehabilitation and to inform owners of the existing programs and funding sources for housing rehabilitation.
Goal #2 DEMOLITION OF VACANT DILAPIDATED HOUSES NOT FEASIBLE FOR REHABILITATION 1. Expedite the demolition of all dilapidated houses not feasible for rehabilitation. 2. Seek to acquire the properties containing condemned houses for possible future development of in-fill housing
Goal #3 PRESERVE EXISTING HOUSING STOCK THROUGH REHABILITATION OF OCCUPIED HOUSES, WHERE NECESSARY, AND ENCOURAGE NEW SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING AND SOME SMALL-SCALE MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING 1. Designate West End/Clingman Avenue area as a "Target Neighborhood" for Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Program funds. 2. Develop a program to promote housing rehabilitation in the neighborhood. 3. Develop a program to promote new single-family and some small-scale multi-family housing in the neighborhood.
4. Ensure that any new programs encourage owner-occupancy and do not lead to displacement of existing residents or reduction in number of affordable housing units within the study area. The list of Vacant, dilapidated houses (Appendix A) includes: 26, 65, 72, 73, 116, 134 & 146 Clingman Ave, 6 Merritt St, 32 Clingman Pl, 4 Yarrow Pl, 15 ,21 & 29 Rector St, 12 & 42 Jefferson Ave, 453 W Haywood St, 41 & 56 Roberts St. There are fewer vacant or dilapidated houses now. They include Yarrow Place, Park Place, the Club House on Trade St and the house above Grey Eagle on Park Ave. Other structures that are vacant include the Ice Storage building, the remnants of the Cotton Mill and the Hatchery. Six of the 18 houses identified in the plan have been removed and not replaced; these are in addition to houses on Cope St and Clingman Ave north of Hilliard. The rest have been rehabbed or improved. New buildings include:1 on Merritt St, 10 on Jefferson, 2 on W Haywood, 1 on Park, 1 on Roberts, 2 on Clingman in addition to Merritt Park Condos, Prospect Terrace Condos and Clingman Lofts.
Board Members Present were: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Bret Frk, Yuri Koslen and Luke Perry. Board Members not present were Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Nell Coleman, Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Joanne Skinner and Suzanne Willis. Also present were: Officer Evan Coward, Sergeant Don Eberhardt, Darcel Eddins, Drew Godfrey, David Greenbaum, Hanni Muerdter, Prucilla Ndiaye, Patrick Pearson, Laura Piraino, Officer Adam Roach, Marsha Stickford and Pattiy Torno.
Luke called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. with a round of introductions.
NEIGHBOR UPDATES. Elbert Davis who lived on W Haywood St passed away last month joining Jimmy Smith who passed away in July leaving behind over 50 cats that he cared for. WECAN received a thank you card from his Jimmy’s sister Daisy for our contribution to Forever Friends who took in the cats. Bret noted several properties were under contract. Hanni reported that all Clingman Lofts were now sold. Bret announced that his son Wade was 10 weeks old and had lost a little weight but was doing fine. Also that Mike Kenton’s family was expecting a bundle of joy and may miss some WECAN Meetings.
APD CRO UPDATE: Evan had received no complaints about the River Music Concerts on Riverside Dr and that the final one was set for Friday Sept 14. Pattiy was advised of some homeless camps on the back of the Crown Plaza across the river from WECAN. Byron reported that every Friday night there is a problem with people parking unsafely in the bicycle lane at The Bywater on Riverside Dr. Luke did a ride-along with Evan and recommends it.
EAST OF THE RIVERWAY DAY: Luke passed around a copy of the survey conducted by Appalachian State students 2 years ago. As part of the nation-wide Obama-initiated Sustainable Communities Initiative the City of Asheville received a grant to work with the neighborhoods of the “East of the Riverway” area. Marsha noted that the boundaries encompass most of Census Track 9. It appears to be a cobbled together group which includes Lee-Walker Hgts, Southside, River Arts District, S French Broad, WECAN and Hillcrest but It may be that the Census tract represented a coherent community before the area was divided by interstates and schools. Luke passed out a flyer for and event: EOTR presents The Community Speaks: presentations and performances by community members that are strengthening our existing neighborhoods and communities. Presenting organizations include AB Tech Minority Student Leadership Academy, Green Opportunities, Hillcrest Resident Association, Just Folks, LEAF in Schools and Streets, Southside Community Advisory Board, Urban Arts Institute, WECAN Association. on Thursday Sept 13 from 6-8:30 at the Dr Wesley Grant Sr Southside Center at 285 Livingston St. Free Dinner Provided. The purpose is to educate, and build networking opportunities and encourage neighborhood groups and organizations to help each other out. Discussion followed about EOTR funders (DOE, DOT HUD and GroWNC), their livability principles: Provide more transportation choices; Promote equitable, affordable housing; Enhance economic competitiveness; Support existing communities; Coordinate policies& leverage investment; Value communities and neighborhoods. Discussion about the progress and results. East of the Riverway Community Calendar:
ENERGY PLAN FOCUS GROUPS: Laura from the City’s Sustainability Office reported on another survey of Community Energy Use. The City is surveying all neighborhoods to find out how people use energy and to do what they do and to think about options to save money and energy. They aim to look at programs, projects and policy influences to make a plan specific to EOTR. They will conduct focus groups as part of a series of re-visioning meetings. She passed out a flyer: Saving Energy: saves money. Increases the comfort of your home. Creates local jobs. Raises your standard of living. Improves health. Keeps housing affordable. Increases local spending. Is good for the environment. Can be done together. Can be done in community. A plan makes it easier. Help create yours. Participate in a COMMUNITY ENERGY PLAN RESIDENT OR BUSINESS FOCUS GROUP for the River Arts District, WECAN, South French Broad, Livingston, Lee-Walker Heights and Hillcrest Neighborhoods to the Wesley Grant Sr Community Center. Business Focus Group: Tuesday Sept 4 6-8 p.m. and Wednesday Sept 19 12-2 p.m. Residential Focus Group: Tuesday Sept 18 6-8 p.m. and Thursday Sept 20 6-8 p.m. Lunch /dinner provided and Gift Cards for Participation. RSVP by email to or call 828 259-5590 no walk-ins. Prucilla stressed the need for better information and honesty to introduce the project to the community. Not to come in to it sideways but from the beginning involving the community by being inclusive and accountable. There is some residual distrust of consultants and surveys of the community over the years that are ignored or channeled to justify a predetermined result. Laura defended her efforts as not a foregone conclusion but as a resource of useful information that people can use today that will save them money and energy.
WECAN MASTER PLAN: Joe gave a brief review of previous WECAN plans. In 1996 the city developed a 2010 Plan that identified and defined the West End Clingman Avenue Neighborhood. One result was the formation of a neighborhood organization. WECAN was created in 1997. It actually lumped together two neighborhoods one predominantly African American and one predominantly Caucasian. Both were mostly working class homeowners. In 2000 a week-long charette process was held that resulted in the WECAN Citizens Master Plan. It was formally adopted but the city in 2008. In the fall of 2009 WECAN reviewed the goals of the 2010 plan. (A copy follows these minutes.) Since 1996 there have been a lot of changes in WECAN. Yuri posed the question: Should the Master Plan be revised and updated? There was consensus that it was a good direction to go in. Next What are the initial steps that need to be taken to make it happen? Bret suggested to audit the previous plans and identify the changes to and effects on the neighborhood. See if there is a shift in the goals of the current residents. What goals are different from the ones of the 1996 neighborhood and which remain the same. So the first steps are 1) auditing previous plans
(WECAN Master Plan: http// 2) Contact City staff to align their plans affecting WECAN. 3)Raw Survey data to Pattiy 4) Identify other ‘players’ (independent developers) in the neighborhood and what their plans might be. There was also a question raised if the River Arts District should be separated from the residential area of WECAN. 5) We have the talent and expertise in our neighborhood to create a professional Master Plan ourselves. Luke suggested that we can use this angle to pitch for funding to pay us to do it. 6) Joe suggested a steering committee to look at and identify the process so that it is efficient, fair, inclusive and accountable. Luke asked for a committee to meet in the next month to begin the process. ( Luke identified Pattiy, Anna, Bret, Patrick, Drew, Hanni, Byron and Joe to meet.) (Luke also identified the need to meet next week to review WECAN’s progress over the last 15 years for the presentation for the EOTR Event on Sept 13. (Founding members Joe, Byron and Jessie will try to help.)
COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE BLOCK JESSIES: Committed so far: Block 1) Chicken Hill: Luke; Block 2 ) Patton: Jessie; Block 3) Rector: ?; Block 4) Merritt Park:?; Block 5) Prospect Terrace:?; Block 6) Clingman:?; Block 7) Clingman Lofts: Hanni; Block 8) Jefferson: Yuri; Block 9) Park Ave:?; Block 10) Grey Eagle:?; Block 11) Roundabout:?; Block 12) Riverside: Pattiy; [Joe suggests collapsing #10 and #11 into #12. And making #2 all north of Hilliard.)
EAST WEST ASHEVILLE NEIGHBORHOOD/NEW BELGIUM: Darcel represents the East West Asheville Neighborhood Association (EWANA) and shared mutual concerns about New Belgium. Projecting 60-100 truck per day on neighborhood streets (Haywood Rd or Clingman Ave.) and 300 visitors expected every day. There are no sidewalks along the already narrow roads of Westwood Rd. and Waynesville Ave. EWANA would prefer rerouting truck traffic to Hazel Mill Rd and will be talking to New Belgium. She is also miffed that New Belgium considers themselves part of the River Arts District since they are on the other side of the river in a brownfield adjacent to a residential neighborhood and that they are hearing the state, city and county voices and not the community’s voice. She wants a dialogue with the corporation to get them to do something for the neighborhoods they will be directly affecting. She said it’s not about demonizing them just wants transparency and openness. She is happy to share conversations and concerns with EWANA. New Belgium may trigger other issues and concerns for EOTR and residential impact. There is a meeting on Friday and Pattiy reviewed WECANs expressed concerns so far about New Belgium and asked if there were any more to add to :Smell; Traffic; Noise; Property Taxes; Roberts Street as an alternate route and local jobs. (New Belgium FAQ’s: http// )
ROBERTS ST TRAFFIC COUNTS CLINGMAN BULBOUT STRIPING: Marsha presented the most recent traffic counts for Roberts St (Also following these minutes) Noting that for 85% of drivers the average speed was about 22 mph and 24 % of drivers were speeding. She noted that having an updated master plan could help make the case that the neighborhood has changed over time and the uses and needs of the community have changed as well which may affect other city plans. She also advised that The bulbouts on Clingman would be made more visible and that The process has begun to do a pedestrian/bicycle count at Clingman and Roberts and that volunteers were needed to spend an hour counting pedestrians and bicyclists that pass. Most volunteers are recruited through the Reuter Center but if anyone is interested in volunteering contact Marsha or Barb Mee. (Volunteers cannot be used if they are directly affected) Clingman and Hilliard Ped Heads have been put out for bid.
Luke announced that The Clingman Forest Greenway design team has been selected: Site-works Studios. They have done extensive work for the City of Asheville and Mountain Housing Opportunities. Luke is also still talking about a bike skills park in some other location still dealing with liability and other issues.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Luke announced several items
Thursday Sept 13 6-8:30 East of the Riverway Day at Grant Southside Center (WECAN presenting) RSVP
Friday Sept 14 River Music
Tues Sept 18 Clingman Lofts Meeting at MHO conference Room.
Monday Sept 24 Bike Park Meeting 7p.m. at Battle Cat coffee house
Tuesday Sept 25 4 p.m. at FLS: River Arts District Business Association RADBA
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola
Traffic Counts for Roberts St
Combined Directions
Day Volume 85%ile Avg Speed # speeders % Speeding Avg Exceeding
Tues 2006 26.6 22.7 577 28.8 27.5
Wed 2098 25.9 21.4 435 20.7 27.4
Thu 2095 26.4 22.4 512 24.4 27.3
Fri 2418 26.2 22.1 577 23.9 27.5
Sat 1634 25.9 21.8 349 21.4 27.8
Sun 1042 25.9 21.7 234 22.5 27.5
Southbound Northbound
Day Volume 85%ile Avg Speed Volume 85%ile Avg Speed
Tues 1003 25.5 21.9 1003 28.2 23.7
Wed 1059 24.6 20.7 1039 26.8 22.4
Thurs 1106 25.3 21.6 989 27.3 23.0
Fri 1180 25.1 21.5 1238 27.3 23.0
Sat 828 24.2 20.8 806 27.5 22.8
Sun 525 24.8 21.3 517 27.1 22.6
The following is from the 2010 Asheville City Plan West/End Clingman Avenue Neighborhood Plan January 23,1996.
HOUSING (page 15)
1. Conduct building code enforcement inspections for all vacant, dilapidated
houses within the study area to determine the cost of bringing each house
up to code.
2. Develop a dialogue with the owners of all vacant, dilapidated houses to
encourage housing rehabilitation and to inform owners of the existing programs
and funding sources for housing rehabilitation.
1. Expedite the demolition of all dilapidated houses not feasible for rehabilitation.
2. Seek to acquire the properties containing condemned houses for possible future development
of in-fill housing
1. Designate West End/Clingman Avenue area as a "Target Neighborhood" for Community
Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Program funds.
2. Develop a program to promote housing rehabilitation in the neighborhood.
3. Develop a program to promote new single-family and some small-scale multi-family housing
in the neighborhood.
4. Ensure that any new programs encourage owner-occupancy and do not lead to displacement
of existing residents or reduction in number of affordable housing units within the study area.
1. Secure the stability of residential areas through housing rehabilitation, demolition of struc-
tures not feasible for rehabilitation, and new single-family and small-scale multifamily hous-
2. Provide for a more compatible transition between residential and commercial areas.
3. Plan for complementary land uses adjacent to residential areas.
4. Implement zoning for the residential portions of the study area that would preserve the pre-
dominantly single- family, high density character of development.
1. Encourage residential as a part of the mixture of uses along the riverfront.
2. Maintain and encourage a diversity of land uses such as commercial, recreational and enter-
tainment, manufacturing, and residential.
3. Ensure the compatibility of uses within the mixed use area and limit uses which would create
adverse impacts within the area.
1. Examine feasibility of utilizing vacant, publicly-owned land.
2. Promote existing businesses and encourage new types of businesses within existing commer-
cial areas.
3. Where appropriate, ensure that a wide range of industrial, commercial, and residential land
uses is permitted and encouraged.
UTILITIES (page 22)
1. Extend sanitary sewer mains and upgrade existing mains where necessary to provide improved
sewer services along Green Street, Girdwood Street, the lower portion of West Haywood
Street and Jefferson Drive.
2. Make water system improvements to water mains along Jefferson Drive, Park Avenue, Green
Street, and Girdwood Street.
3. Develop a schedule for replacing and/or upgrading existing undersized and old water lines
and sewer mains.
4. Confirm the location, size, and condition of sewer mains serving Girdwood Street, Green
Street, Park Square, and a portion of West Haywood Street.
5. Ensure that utility improvements do not encourage inappropriate growth.
1. Construct new sidewalks and crosswalks as proposed on the Pedestrian Circulation Map.
2. Encourage property owners whose lots abut sidewalks to keep sidewalks clean and unob-
structed by weeds and hedges.
3. in order to enhance pedestrian usage of streets, conduct a streetscape study which focuses on
street trees, street furniture, street lighting, directional signage and other pedestrian amenities.
1. Limit truck traffic on certain residential streets as shown on the Traffic Circulation Map.
2. Promote the following route as the predominant route from Interstate-240 to the riverfront:
I-240 to 19/23 North to Hill Street Exit to Riverside Drive to riverfront area.
3. Improve the five points intersection at Clingman and Roberts Streets, the T-intersection at
Riverside Drive and Lyman Street, and the intersection of Patton Avenue and Clingman
1. Implement changes to Aston Park to make it safer and more conducive to use by residents
such as the establishment of a Park Watch program.
2. Expand Jean Webb Park and create pedestrian access from the residential area to Jean Webb
3. Construct a new park within the study area.
1. Create a formal neighborhood organization
2. Plan neighborhood-wide activities such as community watch and neighborhood clean-up
1. Establish a dialogue between the neighborhood organization and the city
2. provide information to residents on the types and level of services offered throughout the city.
1. Clean up and maintain vacant lots within the area.
2. organize periodic neighborhood clean up efforts.
3. Post and enforce "no dumping" signs where appropriate.
4. Inform residents about their role in enforcing "junk car" and other nuisance ordinances.
5. Lobby the City to enforce "junk car" and other nuisance ordinances where necessary
1. Work with law enforcement officials to solve problems resulting from drug dealing, prostitu-
tion, and winos in and around Aston Park.
2. Eliminate prostitution and other illegal activity at Jefferson Street dead-end.
p.32 Housing
Goal#1 --Specific houses are listed in Appendix A
--Attempt to purchase properties from owners who choose not to rehab or are not in a financial position to rehab the house.
--Upon purchasing a house, conduct rehabilitation using CDBG/HOME funds or market to non-profit/for-profit to do the rehabilitation.
Goal #3 --Concentrate on working with existing residents on housing rehab before promoting new housing.
--Start promoting new housing on vacant lots after achieving some success with housing rehab.
-- Attempt to purchase vacant lots for future infill housing development.
--Monitor effects of housing rehab and new housing on existing residents and property values.
p.33 Land Use
Goal #2 --Amend Zoning Ordinance to allow residential in the Light Industrial and Commercial Service Zoning Districts.
--Modify zoning map according to Proposed Land Use Map.
--Amend the Zoning Ordinance to add a new zoning district oriented toward riverfront areas.
Modify zoning map to implement the Proposed Land Use Map.
Goal #3 --Evaluate all city/county tax lots and unused portions of public rights-of- way for feasibility of new housing development or other appropriate uses.
p.34 Traffic Circulation
Goal #1 --Proposed Sidewalks:
---Hilliard St. (West Haywood St. to Clingman Ave.)
---Rector St. (entire street)
---Club St./Trade St. (entire street)
---West Haywood St. (Park Ave. to Roberts St.)
---Girdwood St. (entire street)
---Green St. (entire street)
---Riverside Dr. (entire street within study area)
---Roberts St. (West Haywood St to Haywood Rd.)
---Lyman St. (Clingman Ave to Riverside Dr.)
---West Haywood St. (Roberts St. to Smith Bridge)
Repair Sidewalks:
---Park Ave.
---Jefferson Ave.
New Crosswalks at Intersections:
---Clingman Ave. and Hilliard St.
p.35 Goal #2 --Post no truck traffic signs as proposed on Traffic Circulation Map.
--Post appropriate directional signs on the expressway.
--Conduct a detailed traffic analysis to improve safety and traffic flow at the above intersections.
--Modify intersection of Patton Ave. and Clingman Ave. to allow more direct and conventional left turn westbound from Patton Ave. onto southbound Clingman Ave.
Goal #3 --Conduct an urban design study to determine appropriate streetscape elements.
p.36 Neighborhood Enhancement:
Goal #1 --Utilize services of Quality Forward in organizing clean-up efforts.
p.37 Goal #3 --Neighborhood Organization should work with Public Works Department in determining sign locations.
--------Reviewing 2010 Plan goals: Reviewed Housing first: (WECAN 2010 Plan page 15)
Goal #1. REHABILITATION OF VACANT, DILAPIDATED HOUSES WHERE POSSIBLE. 1. Conduct building code enforcement inspections for all vacant, dilapidated houses within the study area to determine the cost of bringing each house up to code. 2. Develop a dialogue with the owners of all vacant, dilapidated houses to encourage housing rehabilitation and to inform owners of the existing programs and funding sources for housing rehabilitation.
Goal #2 DEMOLITION OF VACANT DILAPIDATED HOUSES NOT FEASIBLE FOR REHABILITATION 1. Expedite the demolition of all dilapidated houses not feasible for rehabilitation. 2. Seek to acquire the properties containing condemned houses for possible future development of in-fill housing
Goal #3 PRESERVE EXISTING HOUSING STOCK THROUGH REHABILITATION OF OCCUPIED HOUSES, WHERE NECESSARY, AND ENCOURAGE NEW SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING AND SOME SMALL-SCALE MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING 1. Designate West End/Clingman Avenue area as a "Target Neighborhood" for Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Program funds. 2. Develop a program to promote housing rehabilitation in the neighborhood. 3. Develop a program to promote new single-family and some small-scale multi-family housing in the neighborhood.
4. Ensure that any new programs encourage owner-occupancy and do not lead to displacement of existing residents or reduction in number of affordable housing units within the study area. The list of Vacant, dilapidated houses (Appendix A) includes: 26, 65, 72, 73, 116, 134 & 146 Clingman Ave, 6 Merritt St, 32 Clingman Pl, 4 Yarrow Pl, 15 ,21 & 29 Rector St, 12 & 42 Jefferson Ave, 453 W Haywood St, 41 & 56 Roberts St. There are fewer vacant or dilapidated houses now. They include Yarrow Place, Park Place, the Club House on Trade St and the house above Grey Eagle on Park Ave. Other structures that are vacant include the Ice Storage building, the remnants of the Cotton Mill and the Hatchery. Six of the 18 houses identified in the plan have been removed and not replaced; these are in addition to houses on Cope St and Clingman Ave north of Hilliard. The rest have been rehabbed or improved. New buildings include:1 on Merritt St, 10 on Jefferson, 2 on W Haywood, 1 on Park, 1 on Roberts, 2 on Clingman in addition to Merritt Park Condos, Prospect Terrace Condos and Clingman Lofts.
Community Energy Plan
The City of Asheville is engaging the East of the Riverway neighborhoods to conduct a Community Energy Plan, and is looking for feedback from residents in these neighborhoods. Please see the flyer below for more info on how to participate.
Laura Piraino, with the City of Asheville's Sustainability office breaks it down a bit further:
A community energy plan identifies different ways to reduce energy use
and creates green jobs. Instead of just listing ways individuals can
save energy, like on most internet sites, it also has ideas for
businesses, groups of people, community organizations and entire
neighborhoods. A team weatherization program, a discount green products
purchasing program or community solar project are examples. Many of the
ideas cost little or nothing, just involve changing the way you do
things. The ideas are turned into recommendations after research and
engagement is done for that specific neighborhood or city.
Why does that matter?
* When you reduce energy use, you save money. You can also make your
home more comfortable, even if you don't pay your own utilities.
* It creates local green jobs
* When energy costs rise, it allows people without extra income to stay
in their homes.
* Money spent on fossil fuels leaves the community, while at the same
time it costs the community a lot of money to deal with the problems
that burning fossil fuels cause.
* If the community wants to implement any of the project or program
ideas, there are examples, choices, and much of the research has been
done to see if they make sense.
* It reduces greenhouse gases.
Laura Piraino, with the City of Asheville's Sustainability office breaks it down a bit further:
A community energy plan identifies different ways to reduce energy use
and creates green jobs. Instead of just listing ways individuals can
save energy, like on most internet sites, it also has ideas for
businesses, groups of people, community organizations and entire
neighborhoods. A team weatherization program, a discount green products
purchasing program or community solar project are examples. Many of the
ideas cost little or nothing, just involve changing the way you do
things. The ideas are turned into recommendations after research and
engagement is done for that specific neighborhood or city.
Why does that matter?
* When you reduce energy use, you save money. You can also make your
home more comfortable, even if you don't pay your own utilities.
* It creates local green jobs
* When energy costs rise, it allows people without extra income to stay
in their homes.
* Money spent on fossil fuels leaves the community, while at the same
time it costs the community a lot of money to deal with the problems
that burning fossil fuels cause.
* If the community wants to implement any of the project or program
ideas, there are examples, choices, and much of the research has been
done to see if they make sense.
* It reduces greenhouse gases.
East of the Riverway Day- Thurs, Sept 13
Hello Neighbors.
As part of the City of Asheville's planning initiative related to the East of the Riverway, there will be a neighborhood day to share information and updates about what is going on in each community that is part of this effort. These neighborhoods include Hillcrest, WECAN, River Arts District, Lee Walker Heights, South French Broad, and Southside. See below for information about the event. WECAN will be making a presentation about our neighborhood, and what we would like to see happen. Please email Luke W. Perry ( if you would like to help or have any input.
As part of the City of Asheville's planning initiative related to the East of the Riverway, there will be a neighborhood day to share information and updates about what is going on in each community that is part of this effort. These neighborhoods include Hillcrest, WECAN, River Arts District, Lee Walker Heights, South French Broad, and Southside. See below for information about the event. WECAN will be making a presentation about our neighborhood, and what we would like to see happen. Please email Luke W. Perry ( if you would like to help or have any input.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
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WECAN Board Meeting Minutes April 1, 2021 meeting on Zoom @ 6:30 pm Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Mike Kenton, R eb...
WECAN Board Meeting Minutes February 4, 2021 meeting on Zoom @ 6:30 pm Board Members present: Byron Ballard, Katherine DeVos Devine, Joe ...