WECAN Board on Thursday January 5, 2012 at Merritt Park Meeting Room
Members present: Byron Ballard, Jeff Carnivale, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry, Pattiy Torno and Suzanne Willis.. Members not present were: Jessie Coleman, Bret Frk, Tom Gibson, Joanne Skinner.
Also present were Marsha Stickford, Officer Evan Coward and Lance Hardcastle.
Pattiy called the meeting to order for the last time as chair at 6:34. Mike presented her with fifty dollar gift certificates to The Asheville Public and The Junction from her fellow board members for her outstanding service to WECAN.
Crime issues: After introductions Community Resource Officer Evan Coward reported that the owners of 4 and 6 Yarrow Pl were notified that their vacant buildings were unsecured and they are now secured and posted no trespassing. He also received a complaint about prostitution at 19 Girdwood St. There is no such address as #19 and residents have not reported that kind of activity in the area since lighting was installed there several years ago. The Olympic Torch stolen from a residence on Park Square had been recovered at a pawn shop. Detective Kenny Clamser has received many calls about prostitution. He encourages anyone who sees a new girl in the area to send him an email at kclamser@ashevillenc.gov or call his office at 271-6128. Luke asked about a head on collision on Club St. Mike related the excellent Fire Department response to a chimney fire from his wood stove on Park Square.
DOT issues: The pot holes have returned across the river to the access road to Westgate across from 70 Hazel Mill Rd. The DOT clearing of the area around the Pedestrian Bridge although a bit heavy handed was almost too good making the access road under the bridge look inviting. Luke requested a check on the repair of the fences on top. Marsha noted that it is an area of continuing interest ref lighting and safety issues. Evan requested to be told of any problems that arise there and he is available to check them out and to notify Jackie and Marsha. Discussion moved to debris clean up toward Club St. Greenworks wanted to organize something but met with resistance from DOT. They will provide trash bags for an organized cleanup and DOT may have access to community service “volunteers” on weekends. Luke will get in touch with Hillcrest and set a date on a Saturday in February. With advance notice Marsha will arrange for before and after pictures.
The December minutes were approved as published by acclamation.
The following slate of officers was nominated: Chair: Luke W.Perry; Vice Chair: Yuri Koslen; Treasurer: AnnaBeth Hardcastle and Secretary: Joe Fioccola. The slate was approved unanimously. At- Large nominees Floree Lowery and Laura Loftis were also approved. Discussion of other potential At- Large members or representatives included businesses inside WECAN such as Mail Management, Downtown Market or RADBO. Alternatively a joint board meeting or quarterly report may suffice.
Marsha reported that newly elected Council Member Chris Pelly promised a Neighborhood Advisory Committee. As this takes shape she encouraged us to continue the discussion of commonalities with other neighborhood organizations: Hillcrest, Southside, South French Broad, Montford, Reid Center to help set funding priorities and identify issues important to neighborhoods. Regarding expanding the WECAN area our tradition has been to represent an area within a quarter mile of the WECAN boundaries. Other areas may be considered for inclusion or representation as the need arises or as requested.
Communication Sub-Committee: Luke digitized the WECAN Logo and drafted a flyer. Yuri brought a map with area blocks outlined. Discussion of reducing the number to minimize the need for volunteers and adjusting them to include like residential areas and like commercial areas. Jeff asked for suggestions for the next social night. He is leaning towards a Thursday at the Asheville Tap or the Clingman Café.
DOT Interface sub sommittee has stalled but will proceed when AnnaBeth gets a map of DOT areas inside WECAN from Yuri. Marsha can organize a meeting if issues have been identified.
East Of The Riverway: A kiosk or bulletin board has appeared on Roberts Street near the traffic circle. We need to identify where in the neighborhood other kiosks are needed and then add or move it. We need to discuss what should be allowed and assign someone to maintain them. An additional location was identified in the middle of the block of Clingman Avenue between Rector Street and Owens-Ball Lane at the top of the ramp. Five kiosks are funded as a part of the community involvement goal of EOTR. Other locations include Pritchard Park and possibly at the Edible Gardens on South Charlotte St.
Pattiy thanked Luke for the spinach lasagna at a gathering on December 7 at his house. Luke, Pattiy, Joe, Jefferson Drive residents Zac Altheimer and Lyn Player met with Chris Joyell from Green Opportunities and Laura Clemmons from the Asheville Design Center. They discussed increasing and defining participation and getting the mobile van out in the community in February, March or April. They also talked about identifying a ‘transformative project’ and thinking outside the box of something not built but needed and useful such as a micro lending organization or a affordable neighborhood daycare. A link was sent out that documents six pages of comments received by EOTR. Joe questioned the use of them since they represent raw data of what some individuals said and some may be in conflict with others. Marsha noted that it is just the first step.
Garden Club: The Kudzu removal at the end of Jefferson Drive on December 17th was a rousing success. Dramatic before and after photos were taken of the vegetative overgrowth and drainage repair. Several needles and condoms and other litter were removed. Thanks to Marsha for arranging the brush pick up. Now the missing guard rail looks bad and should be replaced. Marsha will report it. [Not sure if it is DOT or City] The hydrant at the turn-around is uncovered and shows damage and should be checked. Also check the hydrant at Pete Bassett’s house at 69 Jefferson Drive. Yuri requested a kind of Neighborhood Watch sign placed around there to discourage bad behavior.
Grants: Jefferson Pedestrian Path: Jeff reported that MHO was open to building a pedestrian path from Jefferson between 32 and 34 down to Owens-Bell Lane and WECAN should think about writing a grant. There is some resistance to grant-writing since the Fit Communities Grant was so drawn out, but other smaller grants may be available and we have other community resources that can be called on.
Marsha noted that Barb Mee is set to come to our February meeting with drawings.
Announcements: Pattiy gave a shout out to Luke who had built her some cat residences and designed the renovation of the Marketplace restaurant. Jeff may appear in the paper for Chi-Walking at the Biltmore Square Mall. And Byron wants to coordinate with other backyard gardeners for seedling swaps and urban wildcrafting like the nutritious nettles and kudzu at the end of Jefferson
Meeting adjourned at 8:08
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.
Next Meeting 6:30p.m. on Thursday February 2. (Ironically on Ground Hog Day!)