Monday, November 14, 2011

WECAN Social Hour at White Duck Taco-this Saturday!

Interested in meeting some other people in the neigborhood over good food and drink?  Then, come out to the White Duck Taco Shop this Saturday, November 19th from 5-7.  Stop by for a taco, a drink, to meet some new folks, catch up with old (and young) folks, or all of the above. 

Luke W. Perry, an architect living on Club St, will be 'hosting' this event.  Just look for the red hair...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

WECAN November 2011 General Membership Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN General Membership Meeting on Thursday November 3, 2011 at Merritt Park Meeting Room
Members present: Byron Ballard, Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Coleman, Joe Fioccola,  Bret Frk,  AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Luke W. Perry, and Pattiy Torno. Members not present were:, Yuri Koslen, Tom Gibson, Geraldine Melendez,  Jose Ruiz.
Also present were Marsha Stickford, Joanne Skinner, Suzanne Willis, Bobby Carr, Evan Coward, Floree Lowery.
Pattiy called the meeting to order at 6:39 after a minute of silence in remembrance of the late Mr. James Green.
After introductions Joe read a summary of the WECAN activity since last year. [The summary is attached at the end of the minutes]
By-Laws Revision:
AnnaBeth and Joe met to review the WECAN By-Laws and update them to reflect what we actually do. She read and explained and proposed the adoption of the following changes:
[if !supportLists]1)      [endif]Change: II.WECAN shall include the geographic area South of I240, East of the French Broad River, North of Lyman St and West of Clingman Ave. defined in The Asheville City Plan 2010-West End/Clingman Avenue Neighborhood Plan.   
To: WECAN is bordered by Patton Avenue and I-240 expressway to the north, Lyman Street to the south, Clingman Avenue to the east and the French Broad River to the west.
[if !supportLists]2)      [endif]Add:* ‘or electronic’ to IV.D.  Written *notice of regular and special meetings of the Members of the Corporation shall be mailed or delivered at least seven days in advance of the meetings.
[if !supportLists]3)      [endif]Add:* ‘or electronically’ to V.C.5.  Notices of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be mailed or *delivered at least seven days in advance of the meetings.
[if !supportLists]4)      [endif]Add ‘or providing for a proxy’ to to VI.B.1.b. Presiding at all regular and special meetings.*
[if !supportLists]5)      [endif]Delete underlined part from VI.C Officers serve for one year and may serve up to two consecutive terms.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously
Election of Board members:
Since Luke W. Perry and Mike Kenton were appointed after the last general membership meeting they are both eligible to serve a full term on the WECAN Board. Joe nominated them both along with Joanne Skinner and Suzanne Willis to serve a three year term.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
{ Thanks go to outgoing board members who have completed two three year terms: Pattiy Torno, Geraldine Melendez and Jose Ruiz.}
Crime Issues:
            Community Resource Officer Evan Coward discussed some crime issues such as a suspect in several  break-ins,  a bicycle stolen off a porch etc. And explained that when a suspicious or unusual person is seen in the neighborhood a police officer can respond and talk to them ask them who they are and what they are doing since have been issues in the area and complete a ‘Field Interview’ and retain the information for investigative purposes. An issue of feral cats on Yarrow Place was also mentioned and vehicles going the wrong way on Club/Trade St.
After a Pot Luck Food Break with Chicken Sausage from The Asheville Public informal discussion ensued covering:
--The lack of communications between the Clingman Streetscape Contractors and the Residents of Clingman Avenue including changes to the plans made by the city without notification.
--Marsha will update us on the next activity of the East of the Riverway Group.
--Luke and AnnaBeth talked about the Reid Center Charette that was two weeks ago.
--Dissappointment with the damage to the OwensBell Park Sunny Cultural Garden  by the Streetscape crew.  But also frustration with being told on more than one occasion and on more than one project that there would be communication and input and there being none. No disrespect to Marsha but the process feels broken. Marsha will try to organize a walk through before the Clingman Streetscape is completed in the next two weeks to identify issues and see about addressing them.
--Happy Birthday to Joanne!
--Luke reported for the Block Captain Committee that they have prepared a recruitment flyer, divided the neighborhood into blocks and want to have more neighborhood socials away from board meetings. The first is set for Thursday November 17th from 5-7 p.m at the White Duck Taco Shop.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

Remember to VOTE in City Council Election and Sale Tax Issue.
Early Voting runs through Saturday Nov 5
Election Day is on Tue Nov 8

Summary of The Year in Review:
Jan      Hillcrest Walkover Bridge opened with no problems reported
            Luke Perry nominated to replace Whit Rylee on the Board
            Pattiy Chair, Yuri Vice Chair, Joe Sec and Bret Treas
            Bike Skills Park Proposal        Grafitti Wall Issue     Ice House Status
Feb      Begin organizing Community Watch              WWC work day at Owens Bell Park
Adopt a Highway 2/7      Networking with Hillcrest Community       
Mar     DOT decision on Bike Park   100 Park Ave    OBP Garden 3/12
            East of the Riverway Survey
Apr      Mike Kenton appointed as At-Large Board Member
            Dave Steel Building removed 
May     Process for clearing Homeless camps
            Jessie Coleman honored as Living Treasure 5/21
OBP-Garden 5/21       LED Streetlights being installed
Open house at Aston Park 5/21
Jun      Neighborhood Watch Block Captain Sub Committee formed
            Results of East of the Riverway Survey.
            Adopt a Highway 6/15      OBP-Garden 6/18
AGCB will only meet quarterly                      
Jul       Updates
Aug      Zoning Change request on Club St     Downtown Market Presentation         OBP-Garden 8/21      
Sep      Encroachment agreement with DOT and PECI clears way to clean up around Hillcrest Bridge     
            By-Laws Revision Sub-Committee met           Sustainable Communities Initiative presentation
            Clingman Streetscape construction begins      Adopt a Highway 9/20
            The Asheville Public will open at The Silver Dollar
Oct      Night to Unite at MLK 10/1    Downtown Market reopens10/15
            96 S French Broad Drainage fixed     East of the Riverway kick-off at the Reid Center 10/7
Dr Wesley Grant Sr Southside Community Center Grand Opening 10/13
            Dannys’ Dumpster on Roberts St        “Pick up the Poop!”  
Nov      General Membership meeting 11/3     Revise By-laws
Dec      Adopt a Highway 12/14

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024