Monday, December 12, 2011

NC DOT doing some Clearing

Just got word this morning from Marsha Stickford, that the NC DOT will begin their underbrush removal around the pedestrian bridge across to Hillcrest, today!  The plan as it has been presented, is to remove small diameter scrub vegetation, leaving the tagged hardwoods in tact to become shade trees for the area.  The downed wood left is there for the taking by neighbors.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

WECAN December 2011 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board on Thursday December 1, 2011 at Merritt Park Meeting Room
Members present: Byron Ballard, Jessie Coleman, Joe Fioccola,  AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry and Pattiy Torno. Members not present were: Jeff Carnivale, Bret Frk, Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Geraldine Melendez,  Jose Ruiz, Joanne Skinner and Suzanne Willis.
Also present were Marsha Stickford,  Officer Evan Coward, Detective Ken Clamser, Kathleen Kingston and Greg Shuler, City of Asheville Streets and Engineering Manager.

Pattiy called the meeting to order at 6:25.
Crime Issues: Community Resource Officer Evan Coward reported on a homeless camp across from 226 Lyman St. and will check some bedding visible on the west facing bank of the river just south of the Smith Bridge (below Craven St.) He reported that this morning he had arrested a subject who has several outstanding warrants and may have been responsible for several burglaries in WECAN.  The ‘drop-dead’ date for securing the Ice House on Riverside was extended and would continue to be since condemnation of the property and removal would cost over $200,000 which has not been budgeted.
           After introductions discussion of the progress of the Clingman Avenue Streetscape began. Greg said they may finish by next week and probably before Christmas. Some concrete work was scheduled for this Friday and Saturday. Some shared driveways between 132 and 134, and 136 and 138 still have issues but they will be remedied by the City Street Department after the contract work is completed. He said the city won’t walk away but would make things right. If further problems develop contact Greg Shuler by email or call his office at (828) 271-6146. The project is not on schedule nor on budget. It was adversely affected by the bicycle lane being added in after the contract was bid and also the relocation of the utility poles. Because of the State participation engineering and financial auditing occurred together. It was a learning experience and will be a positive influence on future projects. Traffic cones have been placed on all the bump-outs to make them more visible and a few parking spaces were removed on Rector St.  It will be considered at a later date whether to make Rector Street one way only. Jessie said she was not comfortable as a driver on Clingman feeling the road is too narrow and oncoming traffic was too close. She also has problems with the crosswalk at Clingman and Hilliard of almost getting run down as a pedestrian.  Ped Head crossing lights are funded as a part of this project but will be going up after it is completed. Pattiy requested an input meeting when the Ped Head project phase begins so that the city can talk us through what is coming and hopefully about a month in advance. Marsha will follow up and get the plan drawings to Pattiy. Kathleen requested another look at the speed limit after the project is completed.  Ken Putnam will  be doing traffic studies then. At the WECAN Sunny Cultural garden, which was damaged during construction, the granite curbstones have been replaced a little higher than before and brick sidewalk has been put in there. Pattiy remembered a planning session when people were asking for brick sidewalk to return and said it was a nice touch. It was generally agreed to let the garden come back in the spring and see what didn’t make it. We will revisit and evaluate at the June 7, 2012 WECAN Board meeting. When it is finished it should be something we can all be proud of and in future projects the city has learned that when people are upset it isn’t because they are mean but because they care and are hurt.
Prostitution: Vice Detective Kenny Clamser has been working vice narcotics in the central area for over ten years. Over that time there has been a reduction of prostitution calls from 7-800 calls down to 150-200 in the last year. There was also a reduction in street crimes: drug sales, vandalism, break-ins over to the S French Broad and Aston Park areas. This reduction has been due to surveillance, arrests and then providing counseling and other help needed for mental and drug problems while they are in jail. He encouraged anyone who sees a new girl show up on the street or people parking in the usual areas to send him an email at  AnnaBeth asked what the best thing to do when she sees something without being a nuisance to dispatchers at the police department. Det Clamser said if possible get plate numbers and vehicle descriptions and email or call his office at 271-6128. They may not immediately appear but can build a case and follow through. 
Garden Club: A date was set for Kudzu removal at the end of Jefferson Drive for Saturday December 17th at 9 a.m. The gatherings will be either placed on Yuri’s mulch pile or else will call Marsha to arrange pickup. Adopt A Highway was set for Wednesday December 14th at 9 a.m.  Luke reported a pile of vines and wire dumped on Club St.
Neighborhood Communication Sub-Committee met and Luke and Yuri presented  a draft recruitment flyer, ‘Networking Communication Needs Assessment -- Re-connecting the neighborhood.’ It introduces WECAN  and lists several ways to get involved around being a “block captain.” Joe questioned to term ‘Captain’ as being too hierarchical and militaristic. He suggested something more accessible such as ‘elder’ or ‘coordinator.’ Then a lively discussion of other terms ensued: Block Hero; Block Facilitator; Block Advisor; Block Uncle/Aunt; Block Jessie; Street Steward; Block Helper; Block Auxiliary; Block Bell; were all offered up.[Later Joe thought of ‘Block Keeper.’ No doubt more will be forthcoming.]
Social: Luke reported a good turnout at the neighborhood social on Thursday November 17th from 5-7 p.m at the White Duck Taco Shop. The next one will probably be at Clingman Café in the next couple of weeks.
East of the Riverway: Luke gave an update. The objective is community development through transportation, housing, economic development, etc. and they are seeking feedback on what a neighborhood needs for sustainability. May use kiosks in neighborhoods and bus stops. He proposed a gathering on Wednesday December 7, 2011 at 6:30 his house  #11 Club St  to discuss communication capacity in the WECAN neighborhood. He will provide victuals and requests an RSVP so he can know how much to provide or else just bring something to eat and show up. The conversation will give feedback to the Asheville Design Center for sustainability ideas and issues related to WECAN. Byron posed the question about overlapping missions between the Asheville Design Center and the Transition Asheville groups. Although they cover overlapping geographic areas TA seems to be more social development oriented.
DOT Right of way along I-240 Luke reported that he had a letter from Ken Putnam and Marsha outlining the plans for the DOT right-of-way along I-240. Marsha reported  a good conversation incorporating CEPTED ideas of visibility and lighting . The plan is 1) to survey the area in December. 2) Mark which trees should be saved and which should be replaced. 3) Repair and mend the chain link fence. 4)Tree removal will begin in January (and the wood from the cut trees will be left for neighbors to use.) Undetermined: when trash will be removed or by whom.
The November General Membership meeting minutes were approved by acclamation.
Pattiy reported on new Railroad Crossing Gates going in at the Lyman Street crossing with new sidewalk on one side and additional parking on Depot Street. She will forward info from the drawings.
Ideas for 2012: Parade and mayoral ribbon-cutting when Clingman Avenue is completed. Maybe drumming, and music. (No date set.) January: Select WECAN Officers for 2012 and At-Large Board members. Trash Removal on Club Street. Welcoming a herd of goats. Adopting a stream/storm water outlet or viaduct near 12Bones. Relocation of groundhogs and marmots. Urban legend of a huge wild groundhog that would not let people pass on the trail from Park to Jefferson…to be continued
Meeting adjourned at 8:15
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

Monday, November 14, 2011

WECAN Social Hour at White Duck Taco-this Saturday!

Interested in meeting some other people in the neigborhood over good food and drink?  Then, come out to the White Duck Taco Shop this Saturday, November 19th from 5-7.  Stop by for a taco, a drink, to meet some new folks, catch up with old (and young) folks, or all of the above. 

Luke W. Perry, an architect living on Club St, will be 'hosting' this event.  Just look for the red hair...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

WECAN November 2011 General Membership Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN General Membership Meeting on Thursday November 3, 2011 at Merritt Park Meeting Room
Members present: Byron Ballard, Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Coleman, Joe Fioccola,  Bret Frk,  AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Luke W. Perry, and Pattiy Torno. Members not present were:, Yuri Koslen, Tom Gibson, Geraldine Melendez,  Jose Ruiz.
Also present were Marsha Stickford, Joanne Skinner, Suzanne Willis, Bobby Carr, Evan Coward, Floree Lowery.
Pattiy called the meeting to order at 6:39 after a minute of silence in remembrance of the late Mr. James Green.
After introductions Joe read a summary of the WECAN activity since last year. [The summary is attached at the end of the minutes]
By-Laws Revision:
AnnaBeth and Joe met to review the WECAN By-Laws and update them to reflect what we actually do. She read and explained and proposed the adoption of the following changes:
[if !supportLists]1)      [endif]Change: II.WECAN shall include the geographic area South of I240, East of the French Broad River, North of Lyman St and West of Clingman Ave. defined in The Asheville City Plan 2010-West End/Clingman Avenue Neighborhood Plan.   
To: WECAN is bordered by Patton Avenue and I-240 expressway to the north, Lyman Street to the south, Clingman Avenue to the east and the French Broad River to the west.
[if !supportLists]2)      [endif]Add:* ‘or electronic’ to IV.D.  Written *notice of regular and special meetings of the Members of the Corporation shall be mailed or delivered at least seven days in advance of the meetings.
[if !supportLists]3)      [endif]Add:* ‘or electronically’ to V.C.5.  Notices of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be mailed or *delivered at least seven days in advance of the meetings.
[if !supportLists]4)      [endif]Add ‘or providing for a proxy’ to to VI.B.1.b. Presiding at all regular and special meetings.*
[if !supportLists]5)      [endif]Delete underlined part from VI.C Officers serve for one year and may serve up to two consecutive terms.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously
Election of Board members:
Since Luke W. Perry and Mike Kenton were appointed after the last general membership meeting they are both eligible to serve a full term on the WECAN Board. Joe nominated them both along with Joanne Skinner and Suzanne Willis to serve a three year term.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
{ Thanks go to outgoing board members who have completed two three year terms: Pattiy Torno, Geraldine Melendez and Jose Ruiz.}
Crime Issues:
            Community Resource Officer Evan Coward discussed some crime issues such as a suspect in several  break-ins,  a bicycle stolen off a porch etc. And explained that when a suspicious or unusual person is seen in the neighborhood a police officer can respond and talk to them ask them who they are and what they are doing since have been issues in the area and complete a ‘Field Interview’ and retain the information for investigative purposes. An issue of feral cats on Yarrow Place was also mentioned and vehicles going the wrong way on Club/Trade St.
After a Pot Luck Food Break with Chicken Sausage from The Asheville Public informal discussion ensued covering:
--The lack of communications between the Clingman Streetscape Contractors and the Residents of Clingman Avenue including changes to the plans made by the city without notification.
--Marsha will update us on the next activity of the East of the Riverway Group.
--Luke and AnnaBeth talked about the Reid Center Charette that was two weeks ago.
--Dissappointment with the damage to the OwensBell Park Sunny Cultural Garden  by the Streetscape crew.  But also frustration with being told on more than one occasion and on more than one project that there would be communication and input and there being none. No disrespect to Marsha but the process feels broken. Marsha will try to organize a walk through before the Clingman Streetscape is completed in the next two weeks to identify issues and see about addressing them.
--Happy Birthday to Joanne!
--Luke reported for the Block Captain Committee that they have prepared a recruitment flyer, divided the neighborhood into blocks and want to have more neighborhood socials away from board meetings. The first is set for Thursday November 17th from 5-7 p.m at the White Duck Taco Shop.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

Remember to VOTE in City Council Election and Sale Tax Issue.
Early Voting runs through Saturday Nov 5
Election Day is on Tue Nov 8

Summary of The Year in Review:
Jan      Hillcrest Walkover Bridge opened with no problems reported
            Luke Perry nominated to replace Whit Rylee on the Board
            Pattiy Chair, Yuri Vice Chair, Joe Sec and Bret Treas
            Bike Skills Park Proposal        Grafitti Wall Issue     Ice House Status
Feb      Begin organizing Community Watch              WWC work day at Owens Bell Park
Adopt a Highway 2/7      Networking with Hillcrest Community       
Mar     DOT decision on Bike Park   100 Park Ave    OBP Garden 3/12
            East of the Riverway Survey
Apr      Mike Kenton appointed as At-Large Board Member
            Dave Steel Building removed 
May     Process for clearing Homeless camps
            Jessie Coleman honored as Living Treasure 5/21
OBP-Garden 5/21       LED Streetlights being installed
Open house at Aston Park 5/21
Jun      Neighborhood Watch Block Captain Sub Committee formed
            Results of East of the Riverway Survey.
            Adopt a Highway 6/15      OBP-Garden 6/18
AGCB will only meet quarterly                      
Jul       Updates
Aug      Zoning Change request on Club St     Downtown Market Presentation         OBP-Garden 8/21      
Sep      Encroachment agreement with DOT and PECI clears way to clean up around Hillcrest Bridge     
            By-Laws Revision Sub-Committee met           Sustainable Communities Initiative presentation
            Clingman Streetscape construction begins      Adopt a Highway 9/20
            The Asheville Public will open at The Silver Dollar
Oct      Night to Unite at MLK 10/1    Downtown Market reopens10/15
            96 S French Broad Drainage fixed     East of the Riverway kick-off at the Reid Center 10/7
Dr Wesley Grant Sr Southside Community Center Grand Opening 10/13
            Dannys’ Dumpster on Roberts St        “Pick up the Poop!”  
Nov      General Membership meeting 11/3     Revise By-laws
Dec      Adopt a Highway 12/14

Saturday, October 15, 2011

First Light Solar moves into WECAN

As confirmed by Brownie Newman friday afternoon, First Light Solar has signed a lease for 130 Roberts Street, the old AVL Technologies building that has been vacant for over a year. FLS is expected to begin to move in December 2011. This puts new meaning to the thought of the Haywood Road & Roberts Street roundabout being the intersection of Art & Science.  WECAN welcomes a great community partner.

LEAF S&S TRACKS @ Green's Mini Mart Oct. 15, 2011

LEAF in Schools & Street, in cooperation with COA Cultural Arts & Mr. Green of Green's Mini Mart invites everybody! to share their song...beat...words to mash up into a song to be played on local radio. The Mobile Art Lab Easel Rider, with all its digital music re-mixing tools, will be in Mr. Green's parking lot @ 414 Depot Street from 1 to 4pm. Please join Cleaster Cotton, Stephens-Lee students and David Hamilton & bring whatcha' got!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

WECAN October 2011 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting on Thursday October 6, 2011 at Merritt Park Meeting Room
Members present: Byron Ballard, Jeff Carnivale, Jessie Coleman, Joe FioccolaMike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry, and Pattiy Torno. Members not present were: Bret Frk, Tom Gibson, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Geraldine Melendez,  Jose Ruiz.
Also present were Marsha Stickford, Mary and Rusty Bryant.
Pattiy called the meeting to order at 6:32. The Bryants are planning to build a house for them to live in on the lot they cleared between the end of Club St and I 240. After introductions the September meeting minutes were approved as distributed. Pattiy read some notes from AnnaBeth:
1) Downtown Market Grand Re-opening is next weekend, Oct 15 & 16. More vendors have come this month, and there is a general sense of hope and growth. They got a lease from the bank, and are now renting office suites for a healing center (massage, etc.) Things are picking up! (Ads for the Downtown Market will air on The River radio station starting next week.)   2) Streetlight and fire hydrant are still overgrown with kudzu on Jefferson. Public Safety Hazard! (not just maintenance complaint)   3) Mark (sorry I don't know his last name) who is building a new house on Jefferson said his concrete guys dumped a load of dirt at the end of Jefferson which he will have them remove before he issues his final payment to them. He was apologetic and wanted neighbors to know it would be handled.
Joe read the proposed revisions to the By-laws distributed by email. The revisions included a more detailed description of the neighborhood boundaries, allowing electronic notice for meetings, allowing the chair to appoint a proxy in their absence and fixing term limits on officers to reflect actual practice and fairness. He moved that the board recommend the new language to be voted on at the November General Membership meeting and the motion passed.
            Luke reported on the East of the Riverway Kickoff scheduled for Friday October 8 from 6-8p.m at the Reid center. The Sustainable Communities Initiative is funded by a federal grant for planning and to encourage the EPA, HUD and the DOT to work together in areas of housing, transportation and job creation.
Luke can act as a conduit for information in and out of the group and Jeff wants to assure that neighborhood feedback is heard. They are still working on a polished paragraph or two stating and explaining their purpose. Luke read their 6 sustainability principles. Marsha pointed out that one of their goals is developing a good messaging system. Luke said they are interested in having smaller group meetings to get more information like the survey conducted by Appalachian State students earlier this year.  Smaller group meetings could also be a way to recruit block captains.
            Yuri reported on the Neighborhood Communication Sub-Committee. He passed around maps to identify natural or logical “blocks.” One goal is to identify is a network of neighborhood resources such as long term residents or those with experience in planning and design that can help in supporting roles. He will summarize the description of the desired role of a block captain and bullet point specific responsibilities. He will edit it down to a recruiting pamphlet size. Pattiy called for the sub-committee to meet in the next two weeks to suggest block boundaries and develop a draft for inclusion in the WECAN newsletter. There followed discussion of whether membership in WECAN should be limited to residents (including renters) or if it should include businesses. There was a general consensus that we should interface with other groups but not duplicate what others are doing. RADBO(River Arts District Business Owners) already represent the  businesses from the river to Roberts St including the Grey Eagle and old Silver Dollar. All the other businesses in WECAN are north of Hilliard Avenue and some are in the Central Business District. Pattiy promoted the idea that WECAN should do what is needed and do it well.
            Crime: Mike reported on a series of break ins in the Park square area.  58(?) Roberts St had a laptop stolen, 65 Park Sq had been broken into twice and lost electronics and the White Duck at 1 Roberts St had been broken into twice. Pattiy reported a laptop stolen from 12 Riverside Dr in July. She will follow up on leads with Community Resource Officer Evan Coward. An issue also came up about “weekend“ vacation rentals is against the zoning for WECAN.
            Pattiy initiated planning for the General Membership Meeting Thursday November 3rd. For the traditional pot-luck: Joe and Byron will provide paper products, Pattiy will provide hot cider, Jessie will bring crackers and cheese, Luke will bring dessert which includes wheat germ, sugar and butter. Yuri will bring salsa Pattiy will get someone to bring chips and will ask 12Bones to contribute as well. Others can bring what they would like.
Blurb or Article assignments for the WECAN Newsletter are as follows: Pattiy: Proposed By-law revisions; Warren Wilson College stream cleanup at Owens Bell Park; swamp reengineering at 95 S French Broad Ave; new restaurants opening in WECAN; and Asheville’s Living Treasure Honor to Jessie Coleman. Joe wrote a brief history of Aston Park; Luke a blurb about the reduction of noise on I240 since it has been resurfaced; Yuri about the Clingman Avenue Streetscape; and Jeff about free Tai Chi Classes at Aston Park and that equipment can be checked out for free. Deadline for inclusion is Thursday October 20. (to allow time for printing and mailing.)
            Brief discussion of Finances: Treasury is slowly being depleted with annual mailings. A suggestion was made to arrange a WECAN Night at local restaurants where neighbors come and have dinner and the restaurant gives WECAN a cash contribution.
            Marsha reported that the city has approved a contract to clean up around the steps from the Hillcrest Walkover bridge. Encroachment agreements have been secured and waiting for Progress Energy. Work will begin in the winter and selected trees will be removed.
            Pattiy reported that the Clingman Avenue Streetscape has begun and she was told that work will progress up the West side and Down the East side.
            Mary Bryant reported that ‘Danny’s Dumpster” located at the Hatchery by the silo is a private recycling and compost center that can be used by neighbors. Mary will advise Pattiy about what they will recycle.
            Brief discussion of the need for a ‘Pick up the poop” campaign to control dog waste.
            Agenda for the General Membership meeting shall include 1) Vote on By-Laws Revision. 2) Election of Board members. 3) Block captain maps 4) The Year in review 5) Community Issues.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

Fri   Oct. 7 ----East of the Riverway Kickoff @ The  WC Reid Center
Tue Oct 11----VOTE!!! In City Council Primary Election
Thu Oct. 13----Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Community Center Grand Opening
                 285 Livingston St at the corner of Depot St from 5:30-7:30
Thu Oct 27 ----Step To It Candidates forum @ The Clingman CafĂ©?          
(please see for a complete list of events of interest.)

Monday, October 3, 2011

BooFest @ UNCA October 23, 2011

For all kids 11 & under for a fun afternoon & games with goodies bags for everyone! 3 to 5pm! FREE!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

East of the Riverway Kickoff Friday, October 7, 2011

The City of Asheville has received a planning grant for what is being called The East of the Riverway (pretty much all of Buncombe County Census Tract #9) which includes all of the River Arts District. Please join us on Friday, to learn what this grant is all about and how you can help, how it might effect you, etc.
Community partners including Green Opportunities, the Asheville Design Center, the Asheville Housing Authority and the City of Asheville invite all community members to join in the kick-off to the East of the Riverway Sustainable Communities Initiative, on Friday, October 7 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Reid Center, located at 133 Livingston Street. The celebration will consist of food, fellowship, entertainment, and information about the East of the Riverway and what it could mean for the community.
The East of the Riverway area is 1,100 acres connecting the French Broad and Swannanoa riverfronts to downtown. The riverfronts and the adjacent neighborhoods to the east (including South French Broad, WECAN, Hillcrest, Southside, and the River Arts District) are home to over 1,500 households and many businesses. This area is emerging as Asheville's next community success story, and this sustainable communities initiative will provide resources to help that happen.
The East of the Riverway Sustainable Communities Initiative will be assessing, planning, and acting through partnerships and creative collaboration for the primary benefits of existing residents, businesses and property owners. The city and its partners will ensure that residents, property owners and business stakeholders from the area are informed and directly engaged in meaningful discussion about its future. Community members will be involved in learning about and setting goals and priorities for development in the area.
For more information, contact Tara Irby, Outreach Coordinator,, 828-259-5733 or Marilyn Bass, GO Outreach Coordinator, , 828-398.4158

New Southside Community Center Opens Oct. 13, 2011

What started as a cleared ball field several years back, The Dr. Wesley Grant, Sr. Southside Center will be dedicated on Thursday, October 13, 2011 @ 5:30pm.  This newest of community centers, built by the City of Asheville, stands on the corner of Livingston & Depot Streets.  Contact Debbie Ivester with questions.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Clean up on Riverside Drive

There will be two of different kinds... Progress Energy has contracted to do the final remediation of the manufactured gas plant across from CURVE studios & garden, so look for the guys in the white hazmat suits.  Tim Silar, project manager says it will take a couple of weeks to remove and replace 500 tons in 30 truck loads of soil.  Then it will be done, the COA will take possession of the land and hopefully sometime in the next several months, take down the chain link fence so we can access the river.
Then there is "Big Sweep"... an opportunity to volunteer to help clean up the river itself and its roadways thru the efforts of Asheville Greenworks & Riverlink which takes place Saturday, October 1, 2011 meeting @ Asheville Outdoor Center @ 9am until 1pm.

Thursday, September 15, 2011





I.  These are the duly adopted Bylaws of West End/Clingman Avenue Neighborhood Inc. hereinafter called "the Corporation", a neighborhood association for the West End/Clingman Avenue neighborhood, hereinafter called, "WECAN".

II.  WECAN shall include the geographic area South of I240, East of the French Broad River, North of Lyman St and West of Clingman Ave.

III.  MEMBERS of the Corporation shall be residents of  WECAN who are of the age of 18 or more years.


    A.  There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Members of the Corporation which shall take place in the Fall of each year.

    B.  The Members of the Corporation will have regular meetings on a semi-annual basis.

    C.  Special meetings of the Members of the Corporation may be called by the Executive Committee or by the Board of Directors.

    D.  Written or electronic notice of regular and special meetings of the Members of the Corporation shall be mailed or delivered at least seven days in advance of the meetings.

    E.  At any meeting of the Members of the Corporation, members present shall constitute a quorum.

    F.  All decision making of the Members of the Corporation shall be by majority of the members present and voting.


    A.  The property, affairs and activities of the Corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors.

    B.  Directors:

        1.  There may be up to 15 Directors of the Corporation

        2.  There shall be two classes of Directors:

            a. Resident Directors who must be members of the Corporation and shall be elected by the membership at its Annual Meeting.  This class must constitute at least 60% of the Board of Directors.

            b. At-Large Directors who shall be elected by the Resident Directors and shall constitute up to, but nor more than 40% of the total number of Directors.  The Resident Directors may from time to time decide on criteria for selecting At Large Directors, but must provide for representation of WECAN non-resident property owners.

        3.  TERMS

           a. Resident Directors shall be elected for three year terms and shall be organized in annual classes with each class serving a different three year term.  No Resident Director shall serve more than two consecutive, three year terms.  Terms shall begin on January 1, following the Annual Meeting.

            b. At Large Directors shall be elected to one year terms at the January meeting of the Board of Directors.

        4.  VACANCIES   

            a. For the purposes of filling Resident Director vacancies only, the Board of Directors may elect temporary Directors at any duly called meeting of the Board of Directors.  Resident Directors elected to fill vacancies shall serve only until the next Annual Meeting at which time the membership of the Corporation shall elect Directors as needed to fill the unexpired terms.

            b. Vacancies in the At Large Directors may be filled by the Resident Directors at any duly called meeting of the Board of Directors.  At Large Directors so elected shall serve until the next regular election of At Large Directors.

        5.  Directors may be removed by the unanimous vote of the remaining Directors at any legally called meeting at which removal has been announced as an agenda item.   

        6.  Directors may resign at any time by giving a written notice to the Chair or to the Recorder.  

        7.  Resident Directors who no longer reside in the neighborhood are deemed no longer to be members of the Corporation as defined in Article II of these by-laws.  Any Director so disqualified shall be required to forfeit their positions as Director of the Corporation.   

    C. Meetings of the Board of Directors

        1.  Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least quarterly, at times and places from time to time, determined by the Directors.

        2.  Special meetings may be called by the Chair or any other Director provided that the requirements for notice as provided in Article V, Section C, 5 are fully observed.

        3.  At any meeting of the Directors, a majority of the total number of Resident Directors shall constitute a quorum.

        4.  All decision making of the Board of Directors shall be by majority vote.

        5.  Notices of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be mailed or delivered at lest seven days in advance of the meetings.


    A.  Officers of the Corporation shall be duly elected by the Board of Directors from its number provided that the Chair and the Vice Chair must be Resident Directors.

    B.  the Officers of the Corporation shall be:

        1.  Chair who shall serve as President and whose duties shall be:

            a.  Preparing and distributing the agenda and notices of the meetings.

            b.  Presiding at all regular and special meetings. The chair may designate an alternate to conduct meetings when the chair and vice chair are both unable to preside.

        2.  Vice Chair who shall serve as Vice President and whose duties shall be to substitute for and perform the duties of the Chair in the Chair's absence.

        3.  Recorder who shall serve as Secretary and whose duties shall include:

            a.  Recording actions taken at meetings of the (membership and ) Directors

            b.  Preparing minutes of the meetings and causing them to be kept in a corporate record book.

            c.  Executing legal documents on behalf of the Corporation as directed by the Corporation.

        4.  Treasurer whose duties shall include:

            a.  Managing the financial accounts of the Corporation.

            b.  Keeping timely financial records and reporting regularly to the Corporation and to tax agencies and other government units as required.

            c.  Being a signatory on the Corporate checking and savings accounts.

    C. Officers serve for one year.

    D.  Officers may resign at any time with written notice given to one of the other officers.

    E.  Officers may be removed at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors provided that consideration of removal has been announced with the notice of the meeting.

    F.  Vacancies in the offices may be filled by the Directors at any regular or special meeting.  Officers so appointed will serve until the next Annual Meeting of the Corporation.


    A.  There shall be an Executive Committee composed of the Officers and the Chairs of Committees.  The Executive Committee may meet between meetings of the Board of Directors and is empowered to make decisions on behalf of the Directors provided that all such decisions are subject to review and ratification of the Board of Directors at its next regular meeting.

    B.  The Directors may from time to time cause Ad Hoc and Standing Committees to be formed.

VIII.  FUNDS of the Corporation shall be kept in such depositories as directed by the Board of Directors.

IX.  CONTRACTS, deeds and other instruments to which the seal of the Corporation is affixed shall be approved by the Directors and signed by the Recorder and any other persons as shall be designated by the membership.

X.  These By-Laws may be amended, altered or repealed by the membership of the Corporation at any duly called regular or special meeting provided that the membership shall receive proposed alterations with the regular notice of meeting.

Approved September 2011.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Clingman Streetscape Construction

Greg Shuler is happy to say that work is scheduled to commence on the second phase of Clingman Ave. beginning Monday morning. Looks like Monday-Wednesday will be saw/cutting the pavement.  Thursday will be demo of asphalt and concrete starting at the lower end moving up the street involving Jack hammer, flat bed dump truck and mini hoe.  Friday will possibly be spent forming and pouring from Thursday’s demo.  Will depend on how much we get cut and if weather forecast.  Please contact Greg Shuler or  Linda Kaye, our project inspector, at 777-4833 for project specifics.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Downtown Market Continues

The Downtown Market is still going on, thanks to Lance Hardcastle (Jefferons Drive resident) & Susie Watson... please support their efforts to keep a market within walking distance of WECAN and read more here.

Monday, September 5, 2011

WECAN September 2011 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting on Thursday September 1, 2011 at Merritt Park Meeting Room
Members present: Byron Ballard, Jeff Carnivale, Joe Fioccola, Bret Frk, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Yuri Koslen, Luke W. Perry, and Pattiy TornoMembers not present were: Jessie Coleman, Tom Gibson, Mike Kenton, Geraldine Melendez,  Jose Ruiz.
Also present were APD Officer Evan Coward, Marsha Stickford, Tara Irby, Dwayne Burton, Olufemi Lewis and  Torin Kexel.
Pattiy called the meeting to order at 6:30. After introductions the August meeting minutes were approved as distributed. Rah! to APD Officer Evan Coward who finished first in his age group(under 30) in the Police Mountain Bike Association Congress. Officer Leslie Torgow finished second in her age group (30-39)
Hillcrest Walkover Bridge: Marsha reported that an encroachment agreement between the City, Progress Energy and DOT has been signed opening the way for further clearing out of brush and under growth along the steps to the Hillcrest Walkover bridge. and along the fences. Some trees will be removed on recommendation from the city arborist. Patiy suggested all that merely limbing trees up to six feet was very effective at Aston Park. Should be completed by the end of October. Lighting should be sooner. Luke asked about picking up trash there. Marsha suggested talking to Susan Roderick with Asheville Greenworks  to coordinate volunteers and supplies. Marsha can help with Liability waivers and sanitation pick ups. Luke suggested having a cook out afterwards. A date for the cleanup will be set in October. Discussion of how Hillcrest can be more involved in cleaning up the area. Luke wants to push for Hillcrest to be more involved. Olufemi advised they are dealing with issues on their side about the presence of cameras and outreach to new residents. She observed that everyone has their own bubble of what they consider their safety zone –whether an apartment in Hillcrest or a house in WECAN.  The gate appears to be closing between 8 and 9 p.m. She also announced upcoming classes at Hillcrest. An 8 week workshop conducted by ‘Just Economics’ would begin on September 27. Residents of all neighborhoods are welcome to attend.
The City version of National Night Out  called “Night to Unite” will be on Saturday October 1st at MLK Park from 4-7 p.m. All Community Resource Officers will attend and have tables set up with information about services available, food and fun and games for the kids.
Marsha reported on the Depot Street Parking Plan an outcome of the ‘Between the Bridges” meetings was a need for more parking on Depot St. Two alternate plans have been suggested. Plan A has 28 parking spaces and Plan B has 41 with new sidewalk on the east side and a crosswalk about halfway down. She passed around a copy of the plans which were hard to read. Once the plans are fully fleshed out there will be a community meeting with enlarged drawings.
The D.O.T Contact Committee has not met yet
Marsha is on the Kudzu on Jefferson Dr  growing over a hydrant, street light, no parking sign and guard rail. Bret suggested posting points on GoogleMaps to show DOT or city crews exact locations of homeless camps and overgrown kudzu.   
Block Captain Sub-Committee. Yuri passed around a map and anticipates  about 5 block captains will be needed to cover 15 to 25 addresses each. Still some flexibility in arranging the ‘blocks.’ The goal is improving communications and community watch.  Pattiy will attach maps of the different blocks to the next WECAN News Flash. Yuri will bring markers and maps to the next meeting.
By-Laws Sub Committee- Joe and Anna Beth met to review the WECAN By-Laws and update them to reflect what we actually do. 1) Where ‘written notice’ of meetings was satisfactory in 1997, most neighbors now have email so ‘electronic’ notices should be as good as written. 2) Officers do serve for more than 2 one year terms so if they are willing they should be re-newable each year. 3) Proposed alterations must go out with notice of the meeting to consider their adoption.4) Yuri suggested that the geographic description of the WECAN boundaries be described verbally rather that by reference to the (expired) ‘2010 City Plan.” Also that the chair may designate al alternate to conduct meetings when the chair and vice chair are both unable to preside. AnnaBeth will email final draft to Pattiy by Sept 30 to be published in the WECAN News notice of the General Membership meeting on November 3.
Tara Irby from the Sustainable Communities Initiative explained what that groups goals are. Project Manager is Jeff Stoddinger and the city has received a Federal planning grant of $850,000 to collaborate with DOT, EPA, HUD to promote live-ability and efficiency and find out what the needs of residents and business owners are in areas of affordable housing, transportation choices, building on infrastructure, connectivity, leveraging resources, valuing communities. To build on communities rather than wipe out communities (unlike the results of urban renewal initiatives in the 1960’s and 1970’s) Citizen participation: hearing what is important and needed in communities from Southside, S French Broad, Livingston, Walton to WECAN and Hillcrest.  The ‘Between the Bridges’ meetings of stakeholders were the first steps. It is a federal requirement to make a good faith effort and take it seriously. They are not revisiting ‘Urban Renewal.” Talking about “messaging,”’ interviewing stakeholders and getting “buy in.” The TENTATIVE kick-off was proposed for Thursday October 6  from 4:30-9 p.m. at either the Reid center or Livingston Center.  Lively discussion about this conflicting with our regular Board meeting date ensued. The main point being that since WECAN is reputed to be among the most organized neighborhoods in the city it is insulting, irresponsible and disrespectful to set that date for the kick-off that is supposed to be about community participation. A secondary point was to add to the planning process the skills and talents of community members such as urban planners, designers, architects and artists who actually live in the community. For avoiding conflicts in future it was noted that Kendra Turner in the Office of the City Manager has a comprehensive calendar of all public community meetings.  Tara advised she would take our concerns to her group’s next planning meeting.
Pattiy asked if there were any concerns about the Silver Dollar closing and a new restaurant opening soon that will be open for breakfast lunch and dinner. Except for more expensive food it was generally considered a plus rather than a minus. She will invite the new owners to our next meeting and ask for a menu.
AnnaBeth gave a follow up report on  the Downtown Market that a collective was formed; They have downsized(only the CafĂ© and Grocery are still open.) and they had a good write up in the Citizen times. Ready for the next step after some good discussions with the bank. Once there is an agreement there will be a grand opening.  
Clingman Streetscape schedule was published in the meeting notice and is copied at the end of these minutes.:
Pattiy reported that Clingman Lofts requested money to plant a garden. She advised them that our treasury was almost bare. She will ask them to come to a future meeting and make a proposal of where and what they want to plant and what their plan is. They may be able to use our 501©3 status to write a grant.  
Pattiy began discussion of the use of our email lists which was posed on g-mail She volunteered to draft criteria for ethical use of email, face0book, web-pages, Blogs, etc.
Adopt a Highway date set for Tuesday September 19 at 5 p.m meet at the Sign Corner..
Yuri announced  that ‘Get There Asheville’ was having a City Council Candidates’ Transportation Forum at the Clingman CafĂ© on Thursday September 22 from 6-7 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.

From Mason Sexton, project manager for Moore & Sons :
Here is the tentative schedule for Clingman Avenue.  This is hard to schedule what gets done when because a lot of this is done simultaneously or immediately following removal.  There is also the unknown of the gas line and the proposed storm drainage.

Saw Cut Asphalt & Concrete                                                       09/19/11                              2 Days
Install Storm Drainage                                                                    09/21/11                              3 Days  
Remove Concrete & Asphalt                                                       09/26/11                              On Going Estimate 4 Weeks
Replace Concrete Curbing, Aprons & Walks                         09/26/11                              On Going Estimate 4 Weeks
Relocate Meters                                                                              09/26/11                              4 Days
Relocate Cleanouts                                                                         09/26/11                              2 Days  
Paving                                                                                                   11/07/11                              2 Days  
Striping                                                                                                 11/10/11                              2 Days  
Landscaping                                                                                       11/14/11                              3 Days

Estimate completion date of November 17, 2011 weather permitting with a September 19, 2011 start.  We were ready to start back on August 8, 2011, but based upon the WECAN meetings and complaints about starting we moved another project up so we wouldn’t have to start and stop on Clingman.  We may be back and ready to start on September 12, 2011 but I am not sure due to the rain events and additional work on the other project.
Mason Sexton Project Manager Moore & Son Site Contractors, Inc. 103 McDowell Road Mills River, NC 28759

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Silver Dollar to The Asheville Public

The Silver Dollar is closing after 70 years serving food in the neighborhood.  The Asheville Public is slated to come to life in its old location.  This bringing up many issues that may be on interest and concern to WECAN so please know this will be a topic of discussion at our next meeting, September 1, 2011 @ 6:30pm @ 64 Clingman Avenue in MHO's Jessie Nell Coleman Community Room.

WECAN August 2011 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft

WECAN Board Meeting on Thursday August 4, 2011 at Merritt Park Meeting Room
Members present: Byron Ballard, Jeff Carnivale, Joe Fioccola, AnnaBeth Hardcastle, Mike Kenton, Yuri Koslen, Members not present were: Jessie Coleman, Bret Frk, Tom Gibson, Geraldine Melendez, Luke W. Perry, Jose Ruiz and Pattiy Torno.
Also present were:  Lance Hardcastle, Brad Smith, APD Officers Coward, Shelton, Loveless, and Stepp.
Yuri called the meeting to order at 6:36. After introductions the July meeting minutes were approved as distributed.
APD CRO update and questions:
            Homeless on DOT property: regarding the homeless camp between Park Ave and I240  while trash remains the camp is gone. Regarding a campsite behind the Phil mechanic Building it has been cleared and arrests were made.
Pedestrian Bridge:  Jackie reported that City sidewalks at the Hillcrest Walkover are overgrown. DOT will get  that done by November. Jackie relayed from Marsha that there are new LED lights on the Roberts St side and DOT will keep clear a ten foot strip on either side of the stairs leading to Roberts St. Also coming look for new markings for parking and possibly a new stop sign at Roberts and W Haywood by White Duck Taco.
Jackie announced that The City version of National Night Out will be on Saturday October 1st at MLK Park from 4-7 pm (Rain Date Oct 8.) Hoping for improved attendance which has lately been poor at the “Official” date (First Tuesday in August.) Brad reported that “No Trespassing Signs which are posted on the Tennis Court side of the Ravine on the East of Clingman Ave. are not deterring people entering the area from the Merritt St. side.  Jackie assured us that posting every entrance is not necessary to enforce trespassing violations.
Jeff reported increased traffic on Jefferson Dr and that the dead end is overgrown with Kudzu it is hard to see suspicious activity or people sleeping in the road at the turnaround. Anna reported signs of activity such as condoms and litter and also reported that the fire hydrant at the dead end is completely hidden. The responsibility for maintaining the overgrowth may lie between the city and DOT.  
            The D.O.T Contact Committee has not met yet Anna Beth requested maps and more info of what are the issues and what areas are involved. Yuri suggested a brief brainstorming session to generate issues to start the conversation (such as maintenance of plantings/ground cover weeds; homeless camps, etc.) Mike advised that DOT can’t approve a community garden or any use involving people on their property due to liability issues. 
Garden Club July date was canceled next date set for Sunday August 21 at Owens Bell Park from 8 am to noon.
Clingman Streetscape has been adopted by Asheville Greenworks with support from Sitework Studios, Mail Management & CURVE studios & garden so far, with more RAD business chipping in thru a possible fundraiser in September 2011.
Neighborhood Watch Block CaptainsBlock Captain Sub-Committee has not met. Yuri passed around a map and requested suggestions for areas and prospective block captains.  Byron noted that West Asheville, a much larger neighborhood, was quickly and efficiently organized on line through face book to respond to their crime wave. He will send a request with a digital map attached before the next meeting.
Clingman Avenue StreetscapeConstruction resumes this Monday August 8 on the upper half of Clingman Ave. starting on the lower end. The saw cut lines have already been set. Both lanes will not be closed at the same time. There should be communication between the construction Co and the residents. Brad requested an email schedule of the timeline. (Especially outages such as electric, gas, water and cable.) and residents want their shrubs undisturbed. A flyer of the timeline was suggested with a contact number for the project manager. Lance had heard some questions about the difficulty of cutting concrete and leaving sharp edges and the probability of having to re-pour.
Depot Street Parking Plan: working on a base map with marked parking along the railroad side and sidewalks and crosswalks to the five way.
Zoning Change for vacant lot north of Park Avenue on Club St.  It appears that it was inadvertently left off the latest zoning map. The proposal is to match it with adjacent zoning RM8.  The 0.27 acre parcel was sold by Urvana LLC to District Development LLC on 6/13/2011. It is unknown if there are any immediate plans to develop the site.
Downtown Market: First Bank was the sole bidder for the foreclosed property. They say they will honor existing leases for Amazing Savings and the two restaurants but may only offer 30 day leases.  Lance reported that there is 20,000 sq ft of unused air-conditioned  and heated safe walking distance space. He requested Ideas for potential uses. One idea mentioned was to provide a place for the itinerant food vendors like a food court. Other ideas are local retiree training in practical craft skills such as caning chairs, or making apple pies, or free school (Cabin Fever University) where the rent would be modest to zero. The central part of the building is where the majority of the space and energy are. He suggested a letter of support and ideas for usage showing community ties and support from WECAN, SFBN; DARN, ADA, Downtown Commission, AGCB and TWCA. to persuade the bank to sell. Also to use face book and blogs to promote support and ideas. An idea to get people into the space was an open house event like a cookout. Organizations to contact for small business incubator ideas include Mountain Bizworks, Advantage West, AB Tech, Handmade in America. Lance will send out a one paragraph write up about what is needed.
Flea Market Parking on Lyman St behind Paneling World cars may not park in the bicycle lane. Call in violations. They need to start getting the word out or vehicles will get ticketed and possibly towed. Byron will notify Jody with Short Street Cakes.
By-Laws- Joe and Anna Beth will meet to draft proposed changes to WECAN By-Laws.
Annual Meeting: November 3,2011 with potluck.
Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.

WECAN Board Meeting Minutes 4 April 2024