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Thursday, December 3, 2009
WECAN December 2009 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
West End Clingman Avenue Neighborhood Board Meeting Thursday December 3, 2009 at Merritt Park.
Board Members present were: Byron Ballard, Jessie Coleman, Joe Fioccola and Pattiy Torno. Not present were: Bret Frk, Lisa Hadden, Yuri Koslen, Laura Loftis, Floree Lowery, Geraldine Melendez and Jose Ruiz. Also present was Marsha Stickford and Officer Evan Coward..
Pattiy called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm. --------Owens-Bell Volunteer Maintenance “contract" Marsha reported there will be a meeting next Tuesday to iron our details regarding insurance needs.--------Homeless Camps: Officer Coward reported on more homeless camps in the area the recent ones are on DOT property and some are on city property near the railroad, interstate and both sides of the river. Marsha advised the city is seeking a blanket trespass letter to cover all sides of any interstate inside the city limits, which would help the police to keep these areas camp-free. Officer Coward reported that highway-solicitation signs are planned for all ramps along Highway 25(Hendersonville Rd/ Biltmore Ave/Merrimon Ave) and 25-A (Sweeten Creek Rd/ McDowell St/Southside Ave/S Charlotte St) which will deter begging at those intersections..--------Aston Gateway Community Board Pattiy advised there was an unconfirmed report that the hired coordinator Roxy Wynn has resigned. Pattiy also reported obtaining a domain name for ASTONGATEWAYCOMMUNITY.ORG. This should cover the area from Patton Avenue to AB Tech and from Coxe Avenue to the river. It will have a page for WECAN, one for S French Broad Neighborhood, one for River Arts District, one for the APFit Grant, and room for other pages such as Aston Park, Bethel Seventh Day Adventist Church, Senior Opportunity Center, etc. Updating a community watch section weekly or biweekly could serve as a community building tool. Officer Coward reported that more people are using Aston Park with their families and reporting unruly young people (aka skateboarding punks). Pattiy announced that another Twilight Together at Aston Park would be held on Sunday December 13 from 3-6 p.m. with sparklers, food and caroling. Laura will be there from 2p.m since the facility will be closed and perhaps as a rain location we can be inside? We talked about hot food like turkey or hot dogs or marshmallows and agreed that snacking foods would be better given the time between lunch and dinner****Food contributions as follows: Byron will call Atlanta Bread; Pattiy will bring cheese, fruit, cups and napkins; Jessie something like chips and dips and plates; Marsha: crackers; Joe Spiced cider; Pattiy will also ask the CafĂ© for coffee or hot chocolate; The Aston Gateway Community Board is not set to meet in December. There has also not been a steering committee meeting since July. Marsha will talk to Laura and Frank about calling one.--------Marsha reported the city has an intern organizing the Community Garden Project and there is a meeting scheduled for next Monday. Byron has an article about a community garden recently established near Atlanta.-------- Suggestions for At Large Members: Jean Boyd and Elaine Robinson are interested if WECAN becomes a fiscal agent for any other non-profit. Marsha Stickford and Floree Lowery were also mentioned. With the current board membership at nine we can have 3 at large members. They serve a 1 year renewable term beginning in January.--------Joe read the rest of the WECAN 2010 Plan goals (See Addendum).: Future Land Use goals appear to be met. Utilities: Water improvements have been made. Sewer improvements are more complicated. Traffic Circulation: Some sidewalks have been added. Some truck traffic has been limited. There is in process a streetscape plan for Clingman Avenue from Roberts St to Hilliard Ave. Parks and Recreation: there is a group established continuing development of Aston Park. Owens-Bell Park was added in the study area. Neighborhood Enhancement: a formal neighborhood organization has been celebrating its 12th year and has been called one of the most organized neighborhoods in the city. Police have been successful in solving problems with drug dealing, prostitution, and winos in Aston Park and eliminating prostitution and other illegal activity on Jefferson. Approximately equal numbers of new single family houses and demolished ones. Three new multifamily condos built by MHO. (Merritt Park, Prospect Terrace and Clingman Lofts.) Some new and proposed housing may not be in keeping with neighborhood character. We should contact City Planner Alan Glines about new construction meeting city codes. --------Pattiy reported some frustration with Mike Lewis of Coalition of Asheville Neighborhoods calling her at night to find out who to send an invoice for dues from WECAN. Byron had attended meetings until her frustration with the petty problems of prosperous neighborhoods dominated C.A.N.’s attention. Discussion of what C.A.N. has done and should do followed covering being a voice for neighborhoods, what representation means, doing what is best for the entire city, not being a personal soap box or fiefdom. Problem with focusing on limited-interest stream buffer issues instead of more widely concerning sidewalk issues. Joe moved that WECAN refuse to pay the $50 annual dues as an unfair burden. It is not in our interest to raise funds for C.A.N. when we don’t even raise funds for WECAN. The motion passed unanimously. Byron volunteered to talk to Mike Lewis about broad concerns, speaking from communities and personal agendas.
The meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.
Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola
SUN 13 Dec 3-6 p.m Twilight Together at Aston Park caroling food and sparklers
THU 17 Dec 5-6;30 Asheville Middle School Natl Jr Honor Society Spaghetti supper (See Below)
7 Jan 2010 6:30 WECAN Board Meeting Merritt Park
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
WECAN November 2009 General Membership Meeting Minutes • Draft
West End Clingman Avenue Neighborhood General Membership Meeting Tuesday November 17, 2009 at Merritt Park. Board Members present were: Jessie Coleman, Joe Fioccola, Bret Frk and Pattiy Torno. Not present were: Lisa Hadden, Erin Jasin, Laura Loftis, Floree Lowery, Geraldine Melendez and Jose Ruiz. Also present was Mike Vance.
Following a general conversation about homelessness, practical options to middle school, community gardens, secret supper clubs, the profitability of writing speeding tickets, the future of Aston Park and setting a date for Holiday Caroling at Aston Park with the SFB Neighbors on Sunday December 13th from 3-6 p.m. featuring inclusive songs and sparklers, Pattiy called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. ----------Joe read a summary of activity since the last General Membership Meeting. The summary included participation in the formation of the Aston Gateway Community Board dating back to December of 2008, Officers elected in January: Alphie as Chair, Pattiy as Vice Chair and Joe as Secretary and Treasurer. Alphie left the WECAN Board in February and Pattiy became Chair, Floree Lowery and Laura Loftis were selected as At-Large Board members. On March 28, 2009 the newly refurbished part of Aston Park was officially dedicated. In April the board met with city planners to provide input on the future of the area surrounding Aston Park. In July the board officially appointed Joe Fioccola and Jeff Carnivale to represent WECAN on the Aston Park Community Board. A clean up date for Owens Bell Park was held on Labor Day. October 13th WECAN, SFBNA, WITO and APD came together in Aston Park to celebrate Safe Communities Month complete with hot dogs and sparklers. Changes at Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department are looking for a more formal agreement for the future maintenance of Owens-Bell Park. November the board began reviewing the goals set in the WECAN 2010 Plan.--------Election of Board Members: The Class of 2009 whose terms are about to expire are Joe, Jessie, Erin and Bret. Thanks to all for their continued service. Bret is eligible to serve another term but Joe and Jessie must rotate off the board for 1 year. Pattiy nominated and Jessie seconded the re-nomination of Bret and the nomination of Byron Ballard and Yuri Koslen. Nominations were closed and approved by acclamation.--------Ideas for involvement: what is important for present board members is the monthly gathering and keeping in touch, and sharing with people we care about. Try to get Pete Basset involved. Byron will check with Montford for what they did to get a sense of being a cohesive neighborhood.(i.e. fundraising, banners, welcoming committee.) Joe suggested that since only a fraction of the neighbors currently in the neighborhood were here before we were redeveloped that we may need to go back to square one and go door-to-door and block by block and street by street to introduce ourselves, and who we are and what we have done and what they would like to see in the neighborhood and what is their email address and the best way to contact them. Byron suggested regular events like the Saturday morning coffee gatherings that we used to do. Other ideas mentioned were movies in the park (if it gets dark enough) live music, Byron suggested getting in touch with Arts2People's Kitty Love. What can we do to build community? Things like walking downtown as a group to Jack of the Woods. (for example) Social gatherings in the neighborhood need a place and Owens-Bell Park, Aston Park and the future Community Garden are the most important ones. We need to communicate better and do things together. Ask the Wedge Brewery to create a WECAN Beer. Pattiy insisted that everything printed must have the WECAN logo on it. Tee Shirts were also suggested as was monthly singing in Aston Park.--------A draft of Future events for 2010 include Jan: elect officers, Feb update mailing list, Mar: Aston Park equipment, Apr: Aston Park reopens, May: Memorial Day Celebration OBP, Jun: ?, Jul: Pool Party?, August:?, Sept: Labor Day Celebration OBP / newsletter, Oct: Safe Communities Celebration Nov:Gen Mem Meeting? Dec: Caroling--------Other ideas: The Community Garden will be a way to build a community with common interests. There are organizations which can help: Kids Farming, Appalachian Sustainability, Urban Gardening, etc. We need to mention the Community Garden to any neighbors we may run into and ask them what they want and need and how they would use it. The board will put together a list of criteria for the CG to include: Water? Yes, Keep the Wall? Yes, Fence? No?, Lighting? Maybe?
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola.
Dec 3 6:30 WECAN Board Meeting at Merritt Park
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
WECAN September 2009 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
West End Clingman Avenue Neighborhood Board Meeting Thursday September 3, 2009 at Merritt Park.
Board Members present were: Jessie Coleman, Joe Fioccola and Pattiy Torno. Not present were: Bret Frk, Lisa Hadden, Erin Jasin, Laura Loftis, Floree Lowery, Geraldine Melendez and Jose Ruiz . Also present was APD Officer Evan Coward and Marsha Stickford.
Pattiy called the meeting to order at 6:37pm after the Garden Club weeded the planting at Owens Bell Park.-------A question about the Clingman Avenue Streetscape why was paving done recently on the Phase 2 side? Because that was DOT and Streetscape is now a city project. Marsha offered to bring larger project maps. It was recommended that they be brought to the general membership meeting set for Nov 17.--------Refreshments for the Lovin' on Owens Bell Park maintenance day set for Labor Day Monday will be secured by Pattiy: Bottled Water and Coffee; Byron: Atlanta Bread. --------Joe and Jessie met with Greenworks' Susan Roderick about the DOT and Pepsi property across from Asheville Transit. It is mostly overgrown with kudzu now and all agreed that a few goats could really take care of it. Marsha said they were successfully used at Beaverdam Run setting up a solar electric fence and even getting the permit. Susan has a contact with a goatherd and will contact them on Tuesday. Then she proposed writing a letter to Pepsi about requesting use of the land in front of the billboard. Susan had a great idea that the sunny spot would be a great location for a tree or plant nursery besides being a green and low impact use. Groundhogs are still in residence there. Marsha suggested we contact Nikki Reid with the City Real Estate Planning group. They have had success with the city using DOT rights of way at the skateboard park and parking area on Cherry St. Their goal is to promote urban gardening and establish community gardens. The idea is for the city to fence and run water and rent plots to individuals. Under consideration are locations at Weaver Park and Murray Hill behind Bartlett Arms Apts. Working with Nikki is Diane Ruggiero with the Cultural Arts section of Parks and Recreation and Cultural Arts.--------The fence gate at the Progress Energy site on Riverside across from the Curve Studios has been repaired. Thanks Marsha.--------The date for the National-Nite-Out replacement during Crime Prevention Month has been confirmed as Tuesday October 13th from 5:30-7:30 at Aston Park. APD will provide hot dogs and buns for about 60 (expected attendance from WECAN, SFBNA and WITO) There is a movable grill at the center. Beverages and pot luck to be arranged and Byron will pick up another Atlanta Bread donation. We could use an official and snappy name. National Night out is probably trademarked. Suggestions are welcome: something like Crime Prevention Night or Twilight Night? Taking Back the Night? Community Take Down Night? etc.---------A date for the next Adopt A Highway clean up was set for 9:00 a.m. on Monday September 21.--------Article ideas for the Oct 1 deadline of the WECAN Newsletter include Lovin' on Owens Bell Park workday with photos by Pattiy, and a Clingman Avenue Streetscape (5 years in the making) update.-------- Looking to fill board vacancies: Josh Winocur is interested in serving.--------New houses are now for sale on W Haywood St.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola
-------Future events for 2009: fill board vacancy, At-Large members? Oct newsletter Nov gen mem mtg? Dec?
Monday Sep 7 8-11 Labor Day at Owens Bell Park
Monday Sep 21 900 am Adopt A Highway Clean Up
Thursday Sep 24 5:00 Aston Park Community Board at Covington Center
Thursday Oct 1 6:30 WECAN Board Meeting at Merritt Park
Oct 1 Newsletter deadline
Tuesday Oct 13 5:30-7:30 Crime Prevention Month Celebration at Aston Park
Tuesday Nov 17 5-7 WECAN Annual General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
WECAN June 2009 Board Meeting Minutes • Draft
West End Clingman Avenue Neighborhood Board Meeting Thursday June 4, 2009 at Merritt Park. Board Members present were: Jessie Coleman, Joe Fioccola, . Not present were: Bret Frk, Lisa Hadden, Erin Jasin, Laura Loftis, Floree Lowery, Geraldine Melendez, Jose Ruiz and Pattiy Torno . Also present APD Officer Evan Coward and Ellen Bailey.
Jessie called the meeting to order at 6:35pm------- Minutes were approved as distributed. No treasurers report. Garden Club needs to schedule a workday to trim the abelia hedge in front of our sign. Joe will do this on Friday or Saturday. Adopt a Highway was scheduled for July 14, 2009 at 5pm. No obvious good time for a semi annual general membership meeting. Joe will call Luella about scheduling a pool party in July. Perhaps the 18th of July or the 1st of August will work? --------Fit Communities Grant Ellen Bailey is employed ay UNCA and lives in West Asheville within walking distance of Aston Park and as part of her Masters project in Public Health through UNC-CH will be conducting the community perception survey for the Fit Communities Grant. The confirmation on whether the grant is approved will come on June 10th. (Conditional on whether the Governor reduces the funding available.) The Aston Park Organizing Board has met once and will meet again on June 25th to approve the questionnaire to aide in selecting playground equipment before the end of August. Ellen is seeking the best way or ways to get community input and involvement in the selection process. The mailing list is about 100 as is the email list. Door-to-door and phone survey are also on the table. There are not any scheduled WECAN events before August, with the potential exception of the pool party. She requested input on the types of questions to survey: some examples include: Do you go to the park? What do you use there ? Why or why not? Do you use it more often recently? Why? Do you live near the park? Do you walk? drive? take the bus? How long have you lived here? Have you seen the new equipment/ facilities? How do you like them? Do you use them? What kind of equipment would you use if it was available to borrow( basketballs, badminton, frisbees)? What would be the best way to check out equipment? What kind of classes would you be interested in?(Tai Chi, aerobics, gardening, etc?) What interests, skills or strengths do you have that you would like to share with others?(knitting, history, walking ) What is the best way to get information about programming? (email, phone tree, kiosk announcements, newsletter?) What comes to mind when you think about Aston Park? Does it feel safe and welcoming? Why or why not? There is an Aston Park Board. What should they know about how the park should be used? Who else should we talk to? Ellen can be contacted by phone 273-8913 or email . Evan asked about the need for police presence during the day or nights and if resources were budgeted for any.--------Joe received an email from Yuri Koslan about the Bus Stop: I did follow-up regarding the brick pavers at the bus stop on Clingman at Hilliard. The brick pavers would not meet the intent of the ADA laws associated with the bus stops, they could be used to outline an acceptable concrete pad.--------The Clingman Avenue Street Scape Pattiy emailed Joe: I have heard that the city is thinking about staging the Clingman Streetscape project doing the roundabout and the bottom half first and rethinking the top half to include a bike lane on the uphill side of Clingman it sounds like what that will do is cause the neighbors on the west side of Clingman (Hilliard to Rector) to lose some of their front yards... to be able to have a bike lane and the on street parking on that same west side....I think everyone should know about that but nothing has been decided as far as I know at this time. Concerns should be directed to Cathy Ball. The discussion was that there was only a need for a climbing lane uphill on the east side of Clingman where there is no parking now. The west side (downhill) doesn't need a bike lane since gravity will assist cyclists in the travel lane
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Minutes submitted by Joe Fioccola
-------Future events for 2009: fill board vacancy, At-Large members? Jul Pool Party? August National Night Out? Sept Review 2010 Plan? Oct newsletter Nov gen mem mtg? Dec?
Sat/Sun June 13-14 River District Artists Studio Stroll
Thursday Jun 25 5:30 Covington Center: Aston Park Community Board Organizing meeting
Thursday Jul 2 6:30 WECAN Board Meeting at Merritt Park
Tuesday July 14 5p.m. Adopt A Highway Cleanup
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
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WECAN General Membership Meeting December 6, 2012 at 64 Clingman Ave. Board Members Present were : Byron Ballard, Joe Fioccola, Bret Frk, Y...